God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1347: Build a teleportation array

According to Ruyi Tower, in the era of the rise of the Four Holy Spirits, there was a physique that turned out to be.

In a short period of time, sweeping across the universe is to face the four holy spirits without falling into the wind.

Break through the six realms, enter the world of reincarnation, and go away unrestrainedly.

And this physique is also the body of the starry sky.

"It's no wonder that the rise of the strong man back then was very abrupt. Everyone didn't understand it. Now it seems that it is so."

Ruyi Tower stared at Niu Yuanhang for a few moments, and suddenly said.

"Back then, this demonic clan liked to invade the planet of another clan, and it must have provoke that person. In the end, the power of energy and blood made that person."

Ruyi Pagoda is like an ancient book with a lot of knowledge,

"It's no wonder that the demons hate the body of the starry sky so much."

This unique and powerful physique, like a sacred animal, will naturally have its unique induction, so as to carry forward the inheritance.

"Late King Realm?"

Under all Jao's gaze, Niu Yuanhang stepped into the center on the second day.

It was only a few meters away from where Lexus could set foot.

His body is like endless, under the huge supply of qi and blood, it is endlessly absorbing the power of qi and blood, and it is absorbed by refining.

Driven by the powerful physical strength, his realm also passively began to rapidly improve.

Among them, Niu Yuanhang broke through to the king's realm, the most exaggerated.

He didn't even look at the robbery that came down, and continued to concentrate on cultivating. Allowing the thunder and lightning to knock it down would not cause him any harm at all.

However, when his cultivation reached the third level of the King Realm, he also began to slow down, and it was almost impossible to make further progress.

Obviously, no matter how strong the chances are, there are limits, and it is impossible for anyone to rush.

"Such a realm matches his physical body,"

Ling Zhi frowned slightly.

"If you encounter a strong enemy, with his soul power, you can't resist the enemy's attack at all."

He had a deep understanding of this. In the battle with evil, he suffered a great loss in spirit.

If he hadn't gotten the milk of the earth later and repaired the Taoist monument, he had been under the abyss of the burial of the gods before, and he wanted to leave without damage.

Ruyi Tower made a humanized smacking sound,

"It depends on whether he can communicate with the strong man's ideas and pass it on. If he can get it, this problem will naturally be solved."

When the entire Fallen Leaf Sect fell into a breakthrough and hard cultivation, Ling Zhi quietly found Tantaijing.

And Ye Qingcheng was also pulled over by him.

"You discuss things, why do you pull me up?"

Ye Qingcheng looked at Lexus curiously.

"Hmph, he did it for me."

Ruyi Tower hummed dissatisfiedly from the side, it was going to follow Ye Qingcheng, isn't Ling Zhi just trying to borrow its power in disguise.

Ling Zhi smiled.

"I checked, the space stones in the clan have a lot of inventory, although not many, they should be enough."

Ling Zhi looked at Tantaijing and said,

"If I strip out the principle of the teleportation formation and tell you, can you arrange the teleportation formation?"

"Do you know how to arrange the teleportation array?"

Tan Taijing was originally studying the formation in her hands intently. At this moment, her eyes brightened and she said excitedly.

Ling Zhi touched his nose.

"Uh, I'm not good either, I just probably saw some lines."

Facts have proved that in terms of the formations, Tantaijing is much more powerful than Yita.

The tower spirit of the Ruyi Pagoda is only better than rich experience and a long life. In the face of such a teleportation array that has lost its layout method, it can provide not much.

However, its strong knowledge reserve complements Tantaijing.

Time flies quickly, and everyone sighs in their hearts because of the evil spirits.

And hundreds of thousands of magic nuclei, which were also consumed, were very few, but there were still many spirit veins. The spiritual power content of the top-grade spirit stones was quite rich.

Ling Zhi, sitting on the main peak, suddenly frowned and looked into the distance.

Where, he felt some strange power.

This kind of power is flooded with powerful water power, beside him, Ouyang Hao and Bu Shuang looked over at the same time.

What they are comprehending is the rules of water, and they are very good at this power.

"Is the demons coming here?"

Feeling the strength of this force, Ouyang Hao clanged his sword and rushed towards the night.

Ling Zhi shook his head, he already had some guesses in his heart, and he murmured with the two of them, moved his feet, out of the formation, several teleports, and swiftly moved towards the place where this force gathered.


Not yet approaching, there were bursts of roar, resounding.

I saw a group of demons fighting with a group of people.

This group of people are mostly old men, all with gray beards and heavy hydraulic power around their bodies. Between their shots, streams of water appear out of thin air, flying around in the air.

It looks soft, but its lethality is great.

This group of people is quite large, more or less, as many as hundreds.

At the moment he saw the other party, Ling Zhi already had a little care in his heart, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

Nine Poseidon! The breath of these people comes from the boundless sea!

"Zhen Bing, I am not mistaken, the aura on that young man's body is that of the true bones of the sea god?"

A man looked back at Ling Zhi, frowned and asked.

Zhen Bing raised his hand, repelled an evil demon, and glared at the man.

"Zong Feng, it's not your turn to give me instructions. If you have any questions, ask yourself."

This Zhen Bing is slender, with an ice blue robe draped over her body, and various ice crystals emerge in her hands. Under the dazzling appearance, there are sharp blades.

The most noticeable thing is its appearance.

In fact, if it's just the appearance, it is naturally not as good as Ye Qingcheng, and it is not as cold as Ye Qingcheng, but its unique breath is full of other things.

Compared with Qin Binglan's chest, that Aurao's chest was not much more convincing, and that one, under the robe, outlined a perfect curve.

The magnitude of the ups and downs, in addition to exaggeration, brings great strength to people.

Any normal man, seeing such a face, will have his lips when he crawls, and he is blessed in every way. The charm of every move, every word and smile, is completely integrated. This is another girl like Ye Qingcheng, incomparable. Of it.

Compared with the green fruit like Leng Yan, this woman named Zhen Bing is like a ripe red apple.

After blocking the man's sentence, Zhen Bing greeted Ling Zhi unintentionally, and inadvertently picked up her ears, dazzling people.

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