God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1321: Retreat to the Fallen Leaf Sect

Some are forgiving to death, as heavy as Mount Tai.

At the last moment, the old man chose to blew himself up.

No matter how old he is, the spiritual power in his body is at the level of the king realm.

A self-destruct on the first level of the king state is the third level of the king state, and it cannot be taken calmly.

On that day, Sheng Xinghe's forced and unprepared self-detonation exploded the tower and exploded numerous formations, which can be imagined.

This is all the essence of the martial artist.

The city wall east of Qin Capital all fell to the ground under tremendous power.

The huge gap that appeared all of a sudden finally gave everyone in Qindu a glimmer of hope. The crowd pulled a long line for dozens of miles and rushed out from here.

For a time, it was densely packed and could not be counted.


In the high altitude, Xie Shen was in the clouds and let out a cry of dissatisfaction. He slammed another city wall with his hand.

He has never used his own power, but with this arrogant, desperately powerful body power and power, let everyone resist.

It seems that the entire Qin is not even qualified to let him use the power of the body to waste the power of the body.

Nowadays, the crowd is densely populated here, and if it is hit, the casualties will never be less than 100,000.

Ling Zhi exhaled and moved.

"Senior, let me help you expand the results to commemorate your mind."

He didn't care about these life and death, doing this is purely for the old man.

Perhaps, those old people and children are some of the softness and kindness in Ling Zhi's heart.

Xuanyuan Jianwen expanded with a sound, and the sword light of nearly one hundred zhang lifted upward.

The wall was broken into two with a snap.

Ling Zhi shot again, and dozens of broken walls fell.

Under the effect of all the formations lost, some warriors below took action and shattered the remaining city walls.


A huge shock came from high in the sky.

For the first time, Xie cast his gaze on Qin Capital, where Ling Zhi was.

In terms of his huge body, even Xuanyuanjian's sword beam was only one tenth of the size.

And Lexus is even bigger as an ant.

Only Qin Du, as far as he was concerned, was quite a big city.

It can be seen from his reaction that he recognized Xuanyuanjian!

"Damn it, if it wasn't for this sword to appear out of nowhere, my clan could at least come out a few months earlier, so why bother to suffer in that nothingness!"

The evil spirit roared, his palm raised, and the evil spirit army behind him finally dispatched.

In Qin Capital, he did not feel that there was a strong threat to him, so he did not have the slightest scruples.

For a time, dozens of demons in the king realm, in coordination with the huge demons army, rushed towards Qin Capital in a mighty force.

Ling Zhi glanced at this city wall. In a short period of time, one-third of the people had already gone out. Each of them chose a direction and ran around the plain desperately to escape for their lives.

Without stupid persistence, Ling Zhi leaned over and rushed towards where Lin Canghen was.

"Brother Lin, the general situation is irreversible, first retreat to the Fallen Leaf Sect!"

Lin Canghen knew about the existence of the tower.

At this moment, only relying on the formation method of the Fallen Leaf Sect and the power of the tower to resist first, and then think of other methods.

"it is good."

Lin Canghen was not a pedantic person, and the flag in his hand swayed again and again, and the remaining tens of thousands of iron knights rushed towards Qindu's teleportation formation instantly.

From here, you can teleport to a place about ten thousand miles away from the Fallen Leaf Zong, and leave Qin Capital quickly.

With the charge power of Da Qin Iron Cavalry, these scattered warriors naturally couldn't resist, they could only let them disappear quickly here.

Lin Canghen turned around and rushed towards the palace, apparently looking for Emperor Qin.

After all, in the end, he is different from Lexus, he is the prime minister of Da Qin.

Looking at the past, you can see that Ling and the others are teleporting in an orderly manner, and the light of the teleportation flashes.

This formation can directly reach the main peak of Fallen Leaves, but there are some, only two or three people can be teleported at a time.

It was also some restrictions specially added for the safety of the fallen leaves and the palace.

In this era, even Tantai Jing can only repair the teleportation array, but is unable to build such a super long-distance teleportation array.

It's not that there is not enough ability, but that there is no formation blueprint, and it is difficult for clever women to cook without rice.


Ling Zhi gave a violent shout, glanced at the crowd behind him, raised his hands, and the fire of devouring spirits flew out.

The previous demons were killed 90% by Lexus with the fire of devouring spirits, and the rest were also destroyed one by one, and no news was returned at all.

So far, these demons don't know how Qin killed those demons.

As soon as the Spirit Devouring Fire appeared, the demons thought it was some kind of ordinary flame, and their blood-red eyes flickered, and they rushed towards Ling Zhi without fear.

The same was true of the demons of the king realm, their eyes falling on the Xuanyuan sword in Ling Zhi's hands, undisguised greed.

Even Xie can be alarmed, one can imagine the preciousness of Xuanyuan Sword.

"Huh, looking for death."

Ling Zhi sneered, so rashly coming into contact with Nine Changes Spirit Devouring, even his physical body couldn't hold it! Spirit Devouring was before, but it has evolved once! Sure enough, the evil demons on the sixth floor of the King Realm are okay, their bodies are shaking, and they can still maintain their forward momentum. Their bodies are no longer weaker than ordinary high-grade king soldiers, and they can resist the fire of spirit-devouring for a short time. of.

But the remaining demons are like dry grass, the same kind of dry grass that has been exposed to countless sunlight in the sun. There is no trace of water. The moment it touches the fire of the soul, it turns into fly ash, without even a little hesitation. How fast does cherry blossom burn dry grass? A flame burst out at a distance of several tens of feet. Hundreds of demons died because of Zheng Lingzhi's grasp. It was the demons' ignorance of the fire of devouring spirits! When several demons from the sixth floor of the King Realm rushed to within a hundred feet of Ling Zhi, the demons behind them were already shackled by Zheng. Those who were weak in strength were directly wiped out, and those who were stronger were wailing and thumping. He rushed around and ignited more companions! The fire spread out, and it was more than a few miles long. Several demons on the sixth floor of the King Realm shook their bodies and could no longer maintain their forward momentum. Looking back, their bodies were trembling.

The fire also attracted Xie's attention. Ling Zhi's body shook, only to feel the tremendous pressure, and he was crushed down.

His body turned sharply and rushed towards the palace.

"Quick, evacuate at speed!"

He shouted anxiously.

He knew that when the evil was completely ready to do it, they now had only one way to survive!

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