God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1301: fight back

These demons rushing at the forefront did not even have a king realm. They just swept all the way by relying on the huge number and the corrosive nature of the black mist.

If they were all kings, they would not have been suppressed by Xuanzhou warriors' counterattacks!

"A group of mood demons!"

Ling Zhi sneered, Xuanyuan Jian Jian Mang chopped through the air, and a sword mang fell down, and it directly split a channel out.

Under this sword, I don't know how many demons were wiped out.

Just as they were happy to kill the elderly, women and children, it was equally easy for Ling Zhi to kill them! In this long evil spirit, an empty road suddenly appeared, and Ling Zhi once again swung his sword away. The empty road suddenly became three points bigger.

At this point, the old man's figure finally appeared in Ling Zhi's eyes. Zheng Lingzhi's expression moved, and he dared not hesitate, and quickly rushed forward.

These demons, the sword light emitted by Xuanyuan Sword spontaneously, couldn't resist, and disappeared in smoke.

Countless magic cores were dropped.

It's just that these magic cores have no effect on Lexus now, so they are allowed to be thrown on the open space.

"So it was you, brother."

The old man killed a group of demons with his backhand, saw Lexus from a distance, and smiled.

Although his body was stained with blood, the old man’s expression was very indifferent. Every movement of his body would kill a group of demons. It was quite a blessing to walk in the garden. Those demons seemed to be scared by him. They were a distance from him. Confronted.

It seems that if Lexus does not come, the old man can be safe and sound.

But... there was a sudden pain in Ling Zhi's heart. He opened his mouth and looked at the old man, but didn't know what to do.

The old man's vitality was too weak, he had already reached the limit, even if he entered the king realm, he could not continue his life.

Now, relying on the breath and perseverance in my heart, I insisted on standing here, for the capital of Qin, for Xuanzhou, resisting at the forefront, and killing demons.

Ling Zhi stroked the ring, took out some high-level spirit pills in the ring, and threw them to the old man.

The old man was startled, looking at the medicine bottle in his hand, he was not polite, and poured all the spirit pills into his mouth.

"Happy, you can kill the demons for a while!"

The old man laughed, very bold.

Ling Zhi trembled in his heart.

The life and death of such an old man, for him, is the life and death of the entire Qin Capital.

Some are forgiving to death, like the old man in front of him.

Some were spared to death, as light as a feather, such as the group of people who refused to open the battle before Qin Capital and were killed by Lin Canghen.

"Kill the enemy with me?"

The old man looked at Lexus and asked,

"Life and death are no more than a moment. Why not bloom the most beautiful brilliance in this last moment? Why are you low."

Ling Zhi trembled again. His understanding of life and death was naturally inferior to the old man in front of him. He was too far away from life and death.

At least in terms of life span.


Ling Zhi restrained his thoughts and yelled.

"Kill, kill him!"


The old man smiled and smiled very happily, the wrinkles on his face were all crowded together.

The white and dry beard trembled.

For a moment, in the black mist, the light was everywhere, and the two Lingzhi and the old man madly killed the demons.

"Let's compare, who kills more!"


"Haha, old, old, your realm is so high, this sword is really good.

Back then, the sword in my hand also had a peerless style. "

"Qing is better than blue from being blue. Next, Xuanzhou, and the next, are you young men."

The old man smiled.

"What if Xuanzhou can't stop the evil demon's attack?"

Ling Zhi swung his sword to kill the evil demon who wanted to attack the old man, and asked in a deep voice.

During this period of time, the demons killed by the two of them could not be counted.

And the magic cores all over the ground witnessed the black mist being pulled by the two of them, and the concession forced by them was here, just a hundred miles away from Qindu, and stopped here.

In these hours, enough people from Qin Capital rushed out, killed for a while, and then went back! However, there was no one else except Ye Qingchengling and others who rushed out to save some human beings within their ability.

From time to time, you could see Lin Canghen's dragon spear rushing up, and a ghost of the dragon rushing straight into the ground for several miles, and all the demons on a line were washed into pieces.

Among them, Ouyang Hao's Water Breaking Sword is the most ferocious. It is like a long sword of water, reaching the level of a high-grade king's soldier. These evil spirits of artistic conception are as powerful as a warrior in the same realm, but they are as fragile as paper and cannot be resisted.

Every time Ouyang Hao made a move, a large swath of demons would disappear. The speed of killing the enemy was even faster than that of Lexus.

After all, this Broken Water Sword, but Shui Wuhen's saber.

A warrior's life, truly enamoured, is the only weapon.

According to the rumors, after the warrior reaches the late king stage, he will find some materials passed down and temper it into his own weapons, day and night with his soul power, spiritual power, and even the warmth of blood.

This weapon will finally break through the level of king soldiers and enter a new level.

Weapons of this level have complete intelligence and power, and can absorb the power of the earth autonomously and attack and kill the enemy.

Weapons of this level are called Dao soldiers.

To a certain extent, even a warrior in that realm, under the impact of Taoist soldiers, may not be able to get a good deal.

Rather than being a weapon, the Taoist soldier is an alternative existence, just like the magic medicine in the elixir, it is of another level.

The only difference is that both the soul of the Taoist soldier and the spiritual sense of the magical medicine have an infinite lifespan, but in the same way, they cannot be transformed into a human form like those wild beasts. They can only be in the form of the magical medicine of the Taoism. exist.

This Broken Water Sword is obviously a weapon that is nourished by Shui Wuhen's essence and blood. If there is one, Shui Wuhen can step into that level, and the Broken Water Sword will possibly become a Taoist soldier.

At least, the Xuanyuan Sword, which has not been fully awakened at present, is slightly inferior to the Broken Water Sword.

Once again smashed the group of demons with one sword, Ling Zhi's expression finally became serious again.

He could perceive that in the distance, the black fog had begun to shrink, and there were no more endless demons, rushing over without fear of death.

This is not a good thing! Ming, the strong among the demons, have noticed them, are shrinking the front, rushing here.

"Senior, retreat first and recover."

Lexus whispered.

The old man was startled, raised his head and glanced, then slowly nodded, following Lexus, retreated to the back.

Sure enough, as they retreated, the black mist shrank more quickly, and the demons didn't stop them.

The people gathered together, their expressions were unprecedented serious and solemn.

They know that the real battle, from this moment, has just begun!

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