God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1288: Heads-up or group fight

"Comparation, who is afraid of whom!"

Naturally, it was Niu Yuanhang who said something like this.

Zhou Xuanqing frowned slightly, and Ling also cast an inquiring look at Ling Zhi.

In terms of seniority, Ling's age is actually between those young people. Although these three middle-aged men seem to be under 40 or 50 years old, the actual age is probably already calculated in a thousand years.

The life span of seven or eight thousand years is not too much.

After all, in the continent of Reincarnation, there have always been new powerful kings appearing.

But if the other party spoke like this, if Ling played again, he would have pulled himself down for a generation. In this case, everyone would be one generation behind the three middle-aged men headed by Sheng Xinghe.

When speaking later, it will naturally be even less prevailing.

Sheng Xinghe's move is not vicious.

He knows that Xuanzhou has only undergone some wonderful changes recently, and some strong people have emerged, but they have just broken through, and will not be able to become a climate.

Behind him are Sun Cang and eight kings. On Lexus' side, except for Zhou Xuanqing, Taishang elders, and Ling, there are only Bu Shuang, Ouyang Hao, and Ling Zhi.

Bushuang looks like but is in her twenties. Since the other person looks at her appearance, she is naturally nothing good.

But Bushuang followed the water without trace, and received some guidance. At this moment, the rules of water flow, and even Sheng Xinghe can't see the depth.

No matter how they fight, they all have the advantage in numbers.

Ling Zhi smiled openly, glanced at each other disdainfully, and smiled.

"Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom."

Niu Yuanhang is honest and straightforward, that's why.

And he did this because of his confidence and confidence in himself! Eight young people, three on the second floor of the king's realm, and five on the first floor of the king's realm.

What if he fights alone? Now, Ling Zhi took the lead and walked towards the martial arts field.

"Heads-up, or group fight, you are the guest, you choose!"


Behind Sun Cang, a handsome man made a sound for the first time, stepping on his foot, and stepping on the martial arts field first.

"Only you?"

The handsome man sneered.

"Three strokes, three strokes to win you!"


Lexus couldn't say no, he glanced at the opponent, and looked at the other few eyes at the second floor of the king's realm. He was quite trusting of this person, and it seemed that his strength was definitely good.

Lexus came over unhurriedly and said loudly.



The handsome man snorted and gave his name.


"Must lose?"

Ling Zhi raised his brows.

"You must lose, so what are you doing?"


Bi Shu froze for a moment, but did not react to Lexus' meaning.

Puff... Ye Qingcheng, Leng Yan, Shu Feiyao and the others chuckled, looking forward to their beautiful eyes, their bodies couldn't stop laughing, their bodies trembled, and their bodies trembled, but with some parts, they shook the audience. Sight.

Bi Shu reacted and was about to scold them, but he glanced at them, his expression was dumbfounded, and an amazing color flashed in his eyes.

Ye Qingcheng's atmosphere is soft and beautiful, but the cold face is full of pure beauty. Although Shu Feiyao's appearance is about to lose two people by one point, her eyes are bright and indulgent.

Besides, Qin Binglan’s


... Jiang Xue is as pure as a princess, Pei Ningrui's stunning red lips.

So many beauties suddenly entered their sights, and the eyes of the young men became much straighter in an instant, unable to look away.

In contrast, their female companions, although they are already pretty, are far inferior.

How does the firefly compete with Haoyue?

"Brother must lose, why don't you wait for me to beat you down and watch it slowly?"

Ling Zhi smiled.

"It is a book of books, not a loss of winning or losing!"

Bi Shu roared, pinched a mysterious magic jue in his hand, and blasted at Ling Zhi.

He slashed under his palm, and a huge sword appeared out of nothing from the void. Above the sword, the spirit power flowed and the light flowed, attracting all the minds.

After a quick glance, it makes people feel uneasy. First of all, in terms of momentum, he is about to lose half.

"This is Brother Bi Shu's inferior method, shocked?"

Sun Cang's eyes lit up,

"Well, let this group of barbarians see what Fajue is. I'm afraid they have never seen a level-level technique before!"

Sun Cang's voice was loud, obviously deliberate, spread throughout the entire martial arts field, and spread to all Rao Er Zheng Ke, he did not see any person from the Fallen Leaf Sect, showing a nervous look.

Fallen leaves disciples, do not know the strength of Lexus, nor can they guess Bi Shu's strength.

But they know one thing, Lexus, is their big brother.

"Big brother, invincible!"

I don't know who yelled, tens of thousands of Luoye disciples all yelled.

The popularity of Lexus, their admiration and admiration for Lexus, must surpass everyone.

Ling Zhi was startled slightly, and was really shocked by the startling roar. Just as Bi Shu attacked him, he turned his head, turned his back to Bi Shu, and looked at the people of Luo Yezong.

With a slight smile, said,

"It's not that I am invincible, it is our Fallen Leaf Sect, invincible!"

"Liu Ye is invincible, big brother is invincible!"

The disciples laughed and screamed.


Bi Shu's face was blue, his breath soared, and Frightened Slash suddenly chopped off.

"Dare to despise me, I didn't want to kill you!"

"Want to kill, did you kill it?"

Ling Zhi suddenly sneered, turned around and raised his hand.

boom! Dust was everywhere in the field, blocking everyone's sight.

Everyone looked over nervously, waiting for the dust to dissipate.

The dust gradually dissipated, and before Sun Cang's smile could spread, he was still dead and couldn't laugh again.

I saw Lexus standing there, raising his right hand, and slashing his shock so straight, he caught Bi Shu’s attack on Zheng Bishu’s forehead, dripped a drop of cold sweat, his face turned pale, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. , Struggling to cut down again.

Ling Zhi didn't even look at the other person, his five fingers slammed into force, and he squeezed the so-called horrified slash into shattered spiritual and soul power.

The reason why this horror slash is called the first-class technique is that it can allow the souls to merge for a short time, the soul power is frightened, and the spiritual power attacks.

But they didn't know that every ordinary attack of Lexus was made with soul power! The power is much greater than the opponent.

What's more, Ling Zhi's physical body has entered the middle stage of the king's realm, and his cultivation has entered the third layer of the king's realm.

Bishu is no more than the second floor of the king's realm. Fighting with Lexus with this kind of cultivation base will be a losing situation from the beginning! Lexus has never lost in the same rank, let alone fight him? Bi Shu stared blankly at the squeezed horror, and was shocked, standing there, not knowing what to do.

"Is it going to send you down, or are you conscious of it?"

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