God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1279: Extinguish Talisman Paper, Zhentiandao

Ling Zhi's brows were tightly furrowed together, and the power of taboo was too strong for evil spirits. Until now, he only knew that only the fire of devouring spirits could cause harm to him.

Even a powerful man in the late king stage like Langzu could not get rid of the opponent's control and was willing to become the opponent's puppet.

In other words, how powerful was the Owtail's clan back then. In the Owl's Secret Realm, in the hall, among the three strong men who sat with Shui Wuhen, which one is not the best? However, the entire owl-tail clan, under the attack of Taboo, seemed so fragile.

But in Ling Zhi's heart, the real fear was the black mist in Gulu's body.

The singularity of Guru and the power of two powerful rules that he mastered shows the strength and rebellion of this race.

But the black mist in Gulu's body was obviously left behind by the persecution.

This race that can control this forbidden power is the real great terror, the real greatest threat.

This also made Ling Zhi's doubts a lot less. He always felt that the evil demon clan could beat Xuanzhou so miserably, it should not be directly broken by humans in the end, and directly sealed in several abysses. China, isolated from the world.

Now it seems that the demons have such a plan.

This talisman is simply to cut off the future of Xuanzhou and even the reincarnation star warrior.

After hesitating, Ling Zhi went straight to this gloomy talisman. The Law Body behind him resisted most of the attacks on his behalf. By this point, he had almost reached the center of Thunder Tribulation.

Around the talisman, there is a vast ocean.

And this vast ocean is formed by the power of thunder and lightning.

Here, the amount of lightning power has directly become an ocean! The drops of water are all the power of thunder and lightning, and they all have a powerful force.

At this point, every step Lexus took was so difficult, even with the protection of the law body, he still could not resist the pervasive thunder and lightning.

The law of thunder is the strongest attack power.

If Guru is here, he can still use the power of the rules to resist one or two, especially Lei Mu, and must not absorb this entire piece of thunder and lightning.

Ling Zhi began to cough up blood, and pieces of burnt black appeared on his body, but his steps became more determined.

Below, Lin Canghen was still attracting the bombardment of thunder and lightning, and the light curtain emitted by the town's jade seal had become shaky, obviously it was quite expensive.

Once the light curtain is broken, Lin Canghen will undoubtedly die.

When the time comes, all the power of thunder and lightning will become violent, and it will be difficult for Lingzhi to survive in the thunder sea.

Near, finally near.

It took an entire hour for Ling Zhi to reach this distance of less than ten feet.

The Law Body behind him shook for a while, and would shatter at any time.

This is not because the Seagod’s true bone skeleton is not strong, but after being condensed into a law body, it is not a real skeleton after all, and the power of thunder and lightning is really too strong.

Ling Zhi finally stood in front of this talisman.

Without hesitation, he directly used the one-qi transforming three-clear method, and three identical figures appeared in front of the talisman paper.

drink! The three screamed at the same time, and all three Law Bodies appeared here.

Lexus must hurry up, the clone formed by the Three-Clean Method, but he does not have such a powerful ability to resist.

The sword soul of Xuanyuan Sword skyrocketed, and three huge sword bodies of more than one hundred feet appeared in the hands of Fashen, while the main body of Ling Zhi also held the body of Xuanyuan Sword, facing the talisman paper, and chopped away.

This time, the ground broke.

The void collapsed suddenly.

Time, at this moment, seems to be still.

Although it was only for a moment, Lexus truly sensed that when the two forces collided, time really stood still for that moment.

He was excited, and he knew that it was the strongest power of rules, even more power than the rules of Yin and Yang, time! Space is king, time is emperor! The power of time is always the strongest power in this world.

No matter how strong you are, it can't resist the passage of time and reincarnation.

If it is a rule, time lapses thousands of years, no matter how strong the king is, it will die on the spot.

But this mysterious feeling passed so fast that Lexus had no time to grasp it at all. It was just that moment, it would never be captured again.

Throughout the ages, has anyone realized the power of time? No one knows, but surely, a handful of numbers since countless epochs.

Depressing this thought, Ling Zhi focused on the talisman paper in front of him.

The defensive power of Talisman is not very strong. After all, those who can break through the power of thunder and lightning are very rare.

The evil demon had calculated the situation of Xuanzhou without a king, and it was impossible to approach here.

The sword split, and there were obvious cracks on the talisman paper. Under the cracks, the Thunder Sea began to sway and vibrate.

However, there was no trace of joy on Lexus's face. On the contrary, it was more solemn and urgent.

Yan eight steps, cut three fingers, one qi transforms three clears, the sea god's law body, all the moves that can be used, and the ones that can stack the attack power, he used them all.

He was madly attacking the rune paper, the cracks on the rune paper were getting more and more, but it didn't completely collapse.

But what made Ling Zhi so urgent was that above this piece of talisman, there was a big thunder foot, which was slowly falling.

It was the big foot that Lei Mu fought on that day.

Only this time, not only the thunder and big feet, Ling Zhi faintly felt that this time, it is very likely that a whole human form of thunder and lightning will appear! Because of this pressure, it is strong enough to make his heart tremble! This is the real power of Tao that is hooked by the talisman paper.

Today, he obviously does not have this ability to compete with Tao.

This is the tangible manifestation of that ethereal Tao.

Except for Lei Mu's special existence, I am afraid that even a strong person like Shui Wuhen could not fight against Dao.

After all, what the strong king realm perceives is the power of Dao rules.

How can you confront it head-on? He must get rid of the rune paper before it can completely attract Tao! Xuanyuanjian Jianmang almost never stopped. Under such stimulation, it seemed that Xuanyuanjian was also under pressure, and the sword soul quickly became stronger, and quickly awakened from a deep sleep.

And Xuanyuanjian's power became even stronger.

Finally, Xuanyuan Sword reappeared Lianchu's power to suppress demons. The huge sword body, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars all crashed onto the talisman paper.

The talisman shook sharply and collapsed more than half.

And the remaining power still continued. Lexus gritted his teeth and poured all the power in his body into Zheng Jianluo of Xuanyuan Sword, Golden Light Wandao, Talisman Paper Collapse, Dao Power, abruptly. Stopped above his head!

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