God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1260: First person


"Who is Lexus?"

"Which clan of my monster clan is called Ling Zhi?"

This is the noise of the Yaozu people.

On the other hand, the human race is full of sadness.

"It's over, the Demon Race has another Demon Emperor."

If it were placed a long time ago, they might also have longing, guessing whether this person would be a human race.

But this kind of vision has been disappointed too many times.

Disappointed, they did not dare to hold on to expectations.

In the blink of an eye, Lexus’s name rushed to the vicinity of Yin Meng, and the demon kings under Zheng's demon ancestors, who were still soaring, looked excited and nervous. They hoped that Lexus was them. In the clan, he was afraid that Ling Zhi would be a member of the hostile clan. For a while, everyone suddenly turned their eyes to Yin Meng and all of them turned to Ling Zhi.

Search all over the city! Only the eyes of a few demon ancestors were suddenly extremely cold.

When they left, in front of the ancestor star monument, outside the wolf ancestor, there was only a fox tribe woman and the young man pinched by the wolf ancestor.

Now there is no doubt that the woman is Yin Meng who is very likely to become the new demon emperor, and they naturally know the name of the wolf ancestor.

Now it seems that the name that suppressed Yin Meng is the celebrity teenager! Human race unexpectedly produced a person with such an inverse aptitude.

As the three of them looked at each other, they all saw the intent to kill in each other's eyes.

Why, with the prosperous demonic race, the human race declines more and more? That is, when the monster race becomes stronger, the plundering and oppressing of the human training resources, and the hunting and killing of the human talents all ensure that the human race will only get weaker! Several people took a step forward and stood in front of all Rao.

Seeing the movements of the demon ancestors, the rest of the people were all startled, and hurriedly backed away on their own initiative, and distanced themselves from the big figures.

"Several demon ancestors actually care so much. It seems that the name of the ancestral monument is really well-deserved."

Some Yaozu was surprised, looking at the figure of the three demon ancestors, his eyes were full of awe.

"No, you can become a demon ancestor if you don't even enter the ancestral star monument ranking. If you are in the top 1,000, you can't imagine it.

Especially that Yin Meng didn't know what race it was. In the future, this race will definitely become another top strong race in my monster race. "

"Yin Meng?"

There was a sneer at the side,

"What is Yin Meng? Look at this Lexus. Now he has already entered the top fifty. This is truly amazing! This ranking can't even be reached by the current Demon Emperor!"

For a time, everyone talked.

But there weren't many words, there was something wrong with the sensitive person.

"That's not right, shouldn't Master Demon Ancestor be happy? This is a sign of the prosperity of my Demon Race.

Even pretending..."

When this person got here, he hurriedly shut up and didn't dare to go any further.

The people around him were all taken aback, pondering for a moment, looking at the dignified faces of the three demon ancestors, and the murderous intent that could not help but exude as the name Lexus moved closer and closer. They couldn't help being surprised.

A bold idea appeared in their minds Zheng

"Could it be that this person is not a monster, but a human?"

On the edge of the square, several figures disappeared in a flash. It was a few strong celebrities who rushed to the distance.

The look was extremely anxious.

A little bit of time passed.

Ling Zhi was in the Ancestral Star Stele, but he was enveloped by a chaotic light, but there was no change.

This chaotic aura surrounds his body, but does not modify him in any way, just wraps him.

The second monk Ling Zhizhang couldn't figure it out and gave a wry smile, not knowing why.

The aura of chaos envelops him, making him seem to be isolated from the world, isolated from everything outside.

He stood here, like the whole world, he was the only one left.

The whole world was destroyed, and he was left alone, standing here, standing in this chaotic Zheng, there is no blue, no earth, no reincarnation, not even the Tao, everything is empty without Ying.

As time passed, Ling Zhi's eyelids became heavier, and his consciousness began to become a little fuzzy.

He faintly felt that even himself did not exist.

Here, in a ray of light, the chaos is reverted to the original light.

Amidst the rumors, Pangu opened his eyes and was in the chaos, holding the Xianlingbao and opening the talisman.

He slashed out, and this world appeared.

And the ground is divided.

Stars, moons and stars, mountains and rivers, little by little.

At this moment, Lexus, just like Pangu Great God, became the only creature in the chaos, but he was far less powerful than Pangu, enough to resist the eternal soul.

So, he was gradually lost, himself.

He is like a lone soul, wandering in this chaos, forgetting who he is, where he came from, and where he is going.

He only knows that there seems to be something he has not done yet, and he wants to find it back and finish it.

With this thought, he searched, walked, and flew in the chaos one by one.

The pace is so small, but he has never stopped.

Even if there is a vast expanse in front of him, there is no end at all, but he is holding such a belief and is very firm, and walks forward.

Walking, to the end of the world, to the exhaustion of chaos.

It's as if thousands of years have passed, and it's so long that the sea is dry and the stone is rotten.

Ling Zhi finally saw a piece of light, which was so unique and so soft.

He couldn't help but walked over thinking of this light.

But that Guangzhen, he couldn't walk in at all, he didn't want to bow his head, he didn't want to bend over, he didn't want to curl up and crawl in like a dog.

He was suddenly so angry, endless anger suddenly poured out in his heart, and his eyes suddenly became red.

For some reason, he suddenly hated the light. He wanted to split the light, let the light illuminate the entire chaos, and let the light illuminate all places.

He has to stand up straight, straighten his waist, and enjoy the radiance of this light anywhere, anytime.

He felt as if he had grasped something in his hand, and he didn't think much about it. He grabbed the object and slashed towards the light.

Vaguely, I saw the sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers on the things in his hands.

This piece of light was actually split by him.

The split is fragmented.

Outside, on the Ancestral Star Tablet, the chaotic atmosphere surrounding the top three suddenly dissipated.

The name Ling Zhi directly crossed these three people and reached the top.

At this moment, here, Lexus is the first person in the ages!

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