God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1258: Owl's tail falling


Xuanyuan Sword slashed on the body of the wolf ancestor, but was aroused by a layer of light, unable to cause damage to the wolf ancestor.


Ling Zhi gave a startled suspicion and glanced at the shrunken Ancestral Star Tablet.

Obviously, the Ancestral Star Tablet has already punished the Wolf Ancestor, but the other party did not want Lexus to use its power to kill Ling Zhi with a smile. He believed that he would fight against the Wolf Ancestor one day and kill the other party.

And now... bang! Ling Zhi casually stepped his foot on the head of the wolf ancestor, and stepped on the head of one of the four great demon ancestors, who was inexhaustible before, the power of the late king stage!

"Why look at me like that?"

The other party made him suffer such a big loss, if he didn't take the opportunity to collect some interest, it would be too kind.

Langzu looked at Ling Zhi sadly and desperately, trying to shake the Ancestral Star Stele away.

"When I go out, when I go out, I will kill you.

No, it's too easy to kill you, I want to torture you, torture your family and friends.

I want you to have **** with the dirtiest action, I want you to regret what you do today! "

The wolf ancestor roared.

Ling Zhi chuckled, stroked his palm, and suddenly took out something.

This thing is the soul whip.

He was very curious as to whether he could see the soul whip in this space.

On that day, the wolf ancestor stuck out his big hand and grabbed it. He knew that he knew that the soul whip was the treasure that Ling Zhi relied on to kill his soul.

And this is what he wants most.

The so-called exercises all need to be integrated, which takes a long time.

With this weapon, he will get a treasure with great killing power.

What Ling Zhi didn't know, but Langzu knew well.

The ancestors of all spirits are now cultivating the spiritual power of the gods, with the help of the spiritual power of the gods, the strength is strong, and the coercion of the nearby star areas, but the fragility of the soul body has always been a major fatal flaw of theirs.

The soul whip in Ling Zhi's hands turned out to be aimed at the soul, and the spiritual power of the gods could not stop it.

The reason why he did his own hands before, not even a lot of nonsense, in fact, there is also a reason for fear of Lexus hitting the soul whip.

Putting the soul whip on the head of the wolf ancestor, Ling Zhi could feel the trembling of the wolf ancestor.

"Why, you are so afraid of this thing?"

Ling Zhi sneered and said.

Wolf Ancestor lay on the ground, nothing, he was afraid, afraid that it would really irritate Lexus, the other side, desperately, shot him here.

Now all his power is suppressed by the Ancestral Star Monument, and he can't move at all.

This treasure is so weird, who knows whether the power of passing through the Ancestral Star Stele can hurt him.

He, dare not bet!

"Ha ha."

Ling Zhi raised his head and glanced at the air. Yin Meng, whose breath was getting farther and farther away, suddenly squatted down and looked at Lang Zudao.

"Answer me a few questions, I can't kill you."

"First, where did you come from this thing?"

Ling Zhi flashed his hand, and the teleportation disk appeared in his hand. Zheng Langzu greedily looked at the teleportation disk. For him, this thing was not only a life-saving thing, it could be teleported out instantly.

Similarly, the imprint of the Great Emperor Xuanming above was also an opportunity for him to observe the way of the Great Emperor and become a character like the Demon Emperor.

"More than 3,000 years ago, when the Demon Emperor went out, Ancestral Star highlighted a group of people. This thing was obtained from them."

"Three thousand years ago..."

Ling Zhi frowned, suddenly reacted, and said coldly.

"It's the owl-tail family!"

As soon as he said this, the body of the ancestor Lang suddenly trembled, cold sweat, for the first time in so many years, dripping from him.

More than 3,000 years ago, he was only a strong man in the early king stage, not yet a demon ancestor. Once, he was suddenly in retreat and felt a wave of spatial fluctuations. When he got there, he saw some suffering. Heavy support for the demon clan.

He didn't care at first.

But the injuries to these monster races were so severe that they couldn't hide their aura. In these auras, he felt a little pure blood aura.

Through secret tracking and investigation, he discovered that these monster races turned out to be the ninth son of the true dragon, the Owl Tail! Although the Owl-tailed clan was seriously injured, there were still a lot of strong men, and he could not start at all.

Finally, under another opportunity, he met an extremely important person from the Owtail family, and under a sneak attack, killed the seriously injured person.

After swallowing the opponent, he refined the opponent's pure blood and broke through to the middle of the king realm in one fell swoop. In the following period, he successfully became a new demon ancestor of the demon race.

And the transmission formation was exactly what he got from the man in the tail that day.

It is a pity that the Owtail clan was aware of the large number of people, and he could not start. Later, the wolf ancestor lost this group and disappeared.

Only in recent years, it seemed that the Demon Emperor was looking for this group of people by accident.

Only after the accidental loss of the teleportation disk that day, he did not dare to come and take it back.

"How did you know that the Owl Tail clan once appeared on Ancestral Star!"

Cried the wolf ancestor,

"No, no, you are not a human on Ancestral Star, you are from the same place as the Owl Tail."

"I should have known it a long time ago. Your cultivation method is exactly the same as that of the Owtail Clan. They are both the cultivation method of Ancestral Star in ancient times! The cultivation method that was eliminated."

"The eliminated practice method?"

Ling Zhi sneered.

"You don't cultivate your body or soul. You just sacrifice your soul to the gods blindly, and use the so-called power of gods blindly through sacrifices.

After losing the gods, you will have nothing to sakura"

The wolf ancestor's body trembled, and his cultivation reached their level. In fact, he had already seen this thoroughly, and he knew the disadvantages of this cultivation method, but he had already reached this point.

They also need to accept the power of worship from the demons below, how can they openly point it out? I can only bury my head and continue to move forward, hoping that I can be strong enough to escape the control of the gods.

"Demon Emperor, is also the spiritual power of cultivation?"

Under the threat of the soul whip, Wolf Ancestor was very obedient, perhaps because of these things, it was not a big secret.

"The demon emperor is, nor is it, he got rid of the control of the gods when he became the emperor.

Cultivating gods' spiritual power, but cultivating gods is oneself. "

"Okay, one more question."

Ling Zhi nodded, satisfied with the cooperation of the other party.

"Why, why do you hook up with that forbidden force."

At this point, Ling Zhi thought that the wolf ancestor would be very jealous, but didn't want to. The other party looked bitter.

"It's not that I want to work with them, but that I can't help it."

"That important figure of the Owl-Tail clan was seriously injured and was completely tainted with this forbidden power. In the end, the opponent dying hit me with these powers."

"I was forced!"

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