God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1241: Wolf king

Before he had time to feel the change in his body's strength, Ling Zhi heard the roar of the sword roar, which was a wolf howl.

But compared with the previous demon wolf, it is really different.

Ling Zhi frowned, and he understood something in his heart.

The herdsmen once said that demon wolves have been raging on the grassland for many years, and they had been passed down several generations ago.

Naturally there will be more powerful ones, and this wolf cry must be because of those demon wolves that ran away before.

Lexus's back was itchy, and it might take a long time for the wound to heal. After his strength was restored, it was just a blink of an eye, and under the powerful resilience of the true dragon body, it was as good as ever.

With a slight flick of his arm, the entrance of a spirit pill, the broken bone, quickly became intact under the huge force of the medicine.

While Lexus was doing these things, the curtain of the tent was suddenly opened, and a group of people broke in.

"Benefactor, the demon wolves are back again. They brought the wolf leader this time. They are extremely powerful. You should leave behind the tent!"

"Yes, benefactor, leave quickly, you have already helped us once, and you must not lose your life because of us."

"Benefactor, hurry!"

Seeing Ling Zhi's indifferent expression, everyone was anxious.

"If I go, what will you do?"

Ling Zhi asked.

"Even if we die, we can't hold back the life of the benefactor!"

The herdsmen paused, their eyes were determined, and they said in unison.

Ling Zhi was startled slightly, his heart warmed.

He thought that among the warriors, for a few spirit stones, he would put people to death, for a little benefit, he would betray the division and slaughter relatives and friends.

Is this path of cultivation right or wrong? Isn’t it good to survive like these herdsmen? However, if you encounter a demon wolf attack, can you just watch your relatives being slaughtered? Ling Zhi's eyes were in a daze, and he recovered quickly, and a bright light flashed through his heart.

Yes, if I go my own way, why do I have to join forces? I become stronger, I practice, I go backwards, I take power, and protect the people around me.

But my heart, my principle, do not change! After thinking about all this, Ling Zhi suddenly became enlightened, and his mental and physical state suddenly rose to a level.

This cannot be obtained through battle.

Until this moment, Ling Zhifang felt that he was ready to break through and enter the king's realm! Smiling at everyone, Lexus opened the curtain,

"You wait for me, I will kill this wolf king, and when I return, we will take a swig!"


Ling Zhi turned his head, looked at the girl who was staring at him, and smiled when the girl dodged her eyes in a panic.

"Remember, warm the wine for me."

Laughing wantonly three times, Lexus rushed out.

In the distance, a pack of wolves rushed, far more than the last time! And in the middle of these wolves, a silver wolf with a body length of several feet and a coat of silver hair is rushing towards here with angry eyes.

Ling Zhi's body paused slightly. He originally wanted to use his soul power to mobilize his earth's spiritual power to directly attack from a distance, slaughter some wolves first and then kill.

When the spirit power spread out, it was discovered that there was no spiritual power in this place.

Simply, his body is full of spiritual power, and the number of spiritual stones in the ring is quite huge.

He hasn't figured out how to get out, just in case, Lexus didn't want to waste his spiritual power and spirit stones, and temporarily withdrew because of the fight between his fingers.

Choose melee! Xuanyuan sword was in his hand, the sword light turned into a huge tens of meters, and it swept across directly.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the demon wolves, and they did not expect that the old boy who was just a sharp sword in his hand and a fragile body would suddenly become so powerful.

The sword light swept past, at least attacking hundreds of demon wolves, and they split them into half, without any possibility of resisting them.

In the eyes of Ling Zhi at the moment, these demon wolves were nothing more than first, second and third grade beasts, and they couldn't make any waves.

The reason for solving them first is just to protect the herdsmen.

Seeing the god-like figure of Ling Zhi, the herdsmen were dumbfounded, and then followed by exclaiming. They were shocked and excited, thinking it was a god, and sent them the savior.

Only the girl, staring at Lexus's back, with a happy smile on her mouth, rushed to the tent, took out the wine from her home, and obediently went to warm the wine for Lexus.

The Wolf King was furious. When Lexus slashed the second sword, he swooped down, raised his wolf claws, and struck Xuanyuan sword.

With a bang, Ling Zhi's hands shook slightly, and the wolf king had his wolf claws broken in half and blood spurted wildly.

Such a scene caused the pack of wolves to stop the impact in an instant, no longer dared to approach Lexus any more, and all backed away.


Ling Zhi looked at the wolf king in astonishment, and was a little surprised. He couldn't think of the strength of these monster wolves, but this wolf king had such extraordinary strength.

Judging from the practice system on the Reincarnation Star, the strength of this wolf king can be compared to a medium-grade spirit beast.

The warrior in the mid-term of the ordinary mood is probably not its opponent.

The Wolf King was even more shocked than Lexus.

"Who are you?"

It looked at Lexus and even said something like this.

The color of surprise in Ling Zhi's eyes is even stronger,

"You don't care who I am.

If you answer a few questions and promise not to let the wolves slaughter herders, I can consider letting you go. "


The Wolf King snorted coldly and glanced at Ling Zhi disdainfully.


It actually despised Lexus.

Just when Ling Zhi wondered if the wolf king had a low IQ, he saw the wolf king roar.

"With our blood, sacrifice the wolf ancestor, summon the power of the wolf ancestor, and kill the powerful enemy!"

It was like a sacred stick, and when Lexus was about to kill it impatiently, a magnificent force suddenly shot down from the sky.

On the side of the Wolf King, there were hundreds of demon wolves and the corpses of the wolf killed by Lexus, all burst into pieces, turned into flesh and blood, condensed into a kind of strange power, absorbed by the sky.

Only then did that magnificent power come to the wolf king.

This method turned out to be a sacrifice.

Through sacrifices, gaining the power of a certain deity, strengthen oneself, and fight against the strong burden. Under the gaze of Lexus, the body of the wolf king sharply enlarged.

The breath of the whole body is growing very crazy.

In just a few breaths, he reached the level of the Ninth-Rank Spirit Beast, and was still rising crazily.

That magnificent force is so powerful.

In the end, the aura on the wolf king's body increased, and slowly stopped, and it was not weaker than the level of the three kings, and even stronger.

It licked the blood on its paws, and Sen Han's gaze fell on Lexus.

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