God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1238: Start all over again?

If he can't open the storage ring, he can't take out all the things in the ring.

She seemed impoverished all over her body.

Don't have spiritual power and soul power right now, even if there is, a few stone tablets won't ignore him, let alone now.

So, where is it? Why did his own body dry up to such a degree? Amidst such doubts, Ling Zhi's eyes went dark and he passed out.

Yes, I was knocked out by a horse.

Since then, in this place where herdsmen gather, there has been a strange, taciturn person from Lexus.

He often stood and ran to a secluded place. He sat alone for a long time. The herders were very kind and did not disturb him. Instead, they brought him three meals on time. Some children often came to accompany him when he returned to the market. .

He has been here for more than two months. He has learned even the simple words of the herdsmen for more than two months.

Although he can't use his spirit power, with the power of his spirit, learning is naturally very easy.

Sitting on a raised grassland, Ling Zhi looked into the distance. White clouds passed from his shoulders, and the wind blew by himself. With such a beautiful view, Ling Zhi's brows were never stretched out.

Try to run the six exercises, absorb spiritual power, fail! Try to call the stele, fail! Try to use soul power, fail! Try countless methods and fail! Even though the injury to his hand bones is still not healed, the recovery is extremely slow. The injury that could be recovered in just a few breaths is now a long, long time.

A hundred! All this made Ling Zhi frown, reasoning over and over again about his environment.

This should be a new land, because he didn't feel the slightest familiar Dao aura, he must have been the test set by Emperor Xuanming. Either Zheng broke through the test, or died of old age and sickness? Roar! Just as Lexus was at a loss, a roar of shock suddenly came from a distance, followed by the roar of horses.

The running and running of the horses, no matter how the commander controls them, there is no way.

The sheep flocked towards the distance.

In the tent, the herdsmen ran out one by one. When they saw such a scene, their expressions changed drastically! Ling Zhi was puzzled, got up and stood up, looking away.

His pupils shrank fiercely, and a group of wolves suddenly appeared in the distance. These prairie wolves were so big that they surpassed ordinary wolves, and they were extremely fierce. Even the horses might not be taller.

"Demon wolf, the monster wolf is here!"

The herdsmen exclaimed, one by one, they got into the tent, armed with various weapons, and rushed out.

"Demon wolf?"

Ling Zhi frowned. The reincarnation star is only divided into beasts and wild beasts. What does the word demon mean? One by one, the big men protected the women and children behind them, holding weapons, and staring nervously at the rushing wolves.

boom! The wolves roared and rushed towards the horses. These horses are very powerful, but today, they have been killed head after head.

The blood instantly stained a large area of ​​grass, and the horses wailed.

The herdsmen clenched their fists in grief and anger.

These horses are the basis for their survival! Killing some horses at random, the demon wolves rushed towards the herdsmen with unwillingness.

It can be seen that the herdsmen are shaking and frightened, but they did not shrink back, because the demon wolf is so fast that they can't avoid it, and even more because behind them is their family and children! They waved their knives and greeted them! Blood, splash.

The only difference is that this blood comes from the herdsmen and the living lives.

Can you sit still? Can you ignore it and flee? Lexus proved himself with actions.

He swooped down, grabbed an axe from where a pile of firewood was, and greeted him.


"It's brother!"

The children screamed when they saw Ling Zhi rushing.

"Danger, boy!"

An old man shouted, without knowing that they were even more dangerous now.

Ling Zhi dignifiedly looked at the demon wolf, his axe slashed across the demon wolf, and on his side, avoiding the demon wolf's attack, he slid over.

The axe cut across the fur of the demon wolf, leaving a shallow scar.

He was injured by a horse before, but it was an accident. He didn't realize that his strength was emptied.

Now, although the power is not there, his combat experience has not been lost.

When the demon wolf turned around, Ling Zhi directly squatted down, rolled out from the demon wolf, raised his hand, and struck it with an axe.

This time, the defense was finally broken by a large margin. A big hole was opened in the abdomen of the demon wolf, blood spurted out, the demon wolf threw forward, and things like intestines spurted out all over the place. Seeing that it was impossible to survive.

This is the first wolf to be killed.

"He, he actually killed a demon wolf?"

The herdsmen exclaimed in disbelief.

The demon wolf is a nightmare in this grassland, and it does not appear often, but every time it appears, it will definitely represent a large number of people who will die.

However, the good times didn't last long. When the demon wolf fell, a group of demon wolves turned their heads and looked around, then gave up attacking the herdsmen and all rushed towards Ling Zhi.

Scarlet eyes, sharp teeth, sturdy body, the pack of wolves rushed in, bringing great pressure on Lexus.

No matter how good the combat experience, when an axe is difficult to break the defense, when it can't withstand the frontal blow of a demon wolf, it is also vulnerable when facing a large group of demon wolves.

boom! Just before he had time to take the opportunity to kill a demon wolf again, Ling Zhi finally couldn't dodge and was slapped on the back of his hand by a demon wolf.

The demon wolf's claws slashed across his back, all of his clothes, and several long blood stains appeared on his back.

Flesh and flesh rolled out.

When he acted again, every time Lexus turned around and bent over to dodge, it would affect the wound, and the blood from the wound gurgled and couldn't stop it.

Soon, Ling Zhi became a **** man.

Just as the herdsmen rushed to miss him, just as Ling Zhi felt that he was about to faint due to excessive blood loss, his back suddenly felt a little itchy.

A touch of surprise appeared on Lexus's face! He suddenly waved with one hand, and a sword appeared in his hand. Zheng was Xuanyuanjian! The ink sword melted into Xuanyuan, so that after Xuanyuan sword became a sword, it reached the sword heart psychic like Ling Zhi, just like the sword embryo.

Melted into the body, the messenger.

Ling Zhi had never thought of this, and now suddenly summoned Xuanyuanjian, and finally some joy appeared on his face.

He tried to use the Xuanyuan sword, only to use its sharpness, but this was very important to him now.

A demon wolf pounced, Xuanyuan sword flipped in Ling Zhi's hand, and picked it from top to bottom. With this sword, Ling Zhi used only 30% of his power.

The sword mark cut through the air, and the demon wolf broke in half from the middle of the body

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