God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1233: Enter the Black Sea, train your soul and body

The black water rolling in the whirlpool tempered Ling Zhi's body.

Ling Zhi is confident that if he looks back now, the seawater that hurt his skin before will not hurt him.

He feels that every inch of his body, every millet of skin, contains countless powers, like swallowing countless strains of top elixir, the vitality is unpredictable.

"If it is not limited by Tao, with the body of the Xuanwu clan, Wannian is just a joke, right?"

Ling Zhi knew that even if the descendants of the Xuanwu clan were unable to reincarnate in the six realms, but there were no restrictions on the Tao, even in this realm, their lifespan would be scary for a long time.

This may be the reason why the giant tortoise outside showed no signs of aging when it was over nine thousand years old.

Although the resilience of the real dragon's body is strong, the real strength is strong in strength, while the physical strength of Xuanwu is strong in vitality, and both have their own advantages.

This time, driven by this vortex, it was a coincidence that combined the advantages of the two and made his own strength further improved.

"Sure enough, before I reach the King Realm, the mood is complete. Although it is called the pinnacle of the mood, there is still room for improvement."

Ling Zhi said to himself,

"To break through, we must use the strongest posture to break through!"

He is not afraid of Dao, he is not afraid of thunder robbery, and he is not afraid that the so-called Dao does not allow breakthroughs.

In his consciousness, as long as he is strong to the extreme of this realm, in any case, he can step into the next realm of Zheng Dayan's number, forty out of nine, and he is the one who escaped! Even the Tao cannot restrain him! At this moment, Lexus was no more than a few meters away from the bottom of the sea, and he was also near the end of the vortex, where the power of the vortex reached its extreme.

But he was fearless, instead full of expectations,

"Come on, let the storm come more, and I will only get stronger!"

"He actually hit the bottom of the Black Sea with a physical body of artistic conception!"

When he saw Ling Zhi slowly floating to the bottom of the sea, the giant tortoise finally let out an exclamation, and was a little shocked by its calmness.

Bu Shuang gave a wry smile,

"Senior, sure enough, this section of the road is not something that a Yijing martial artist can cross."

"Of course, the test of the great emperor, can anyone easily reach it?"

Giant Tortoise Road, whenever you mention the Great Emperor, it will be full of red light, and its eyes will glow with fiery light, full of the most extreme worship.

"Then what if he can't get to the bottom of the sea?"

Bushuang smiled bitterly again.


The giant tortoise paused, as if it hadn’t thought of this, and finally sighed.

"If it is incompetent, such an end may be a relief for him.

The enemy he will face in the future, but even the emperor must be cautious. "

In the depths of the sea, Ling Zhi was almost all over, there was no way. After the Moon Chasing Armor Spirit Formation was completely damaged, when the Spirit Formation was not completely repaired, the rest of him must be unable to withstand Heishui's fierceness.

One foot finally set foot on the bottom of the sea.

When Ling Zhi stood on the bottom of the sea, the vortex stopped abruptly, and the flood of sea water pounced, all pouring into the vortex.

In an instant, all Lexus was wrapped in the sea water, and


The word stele flickered for a moment, flashed past, appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of Lexus, and flew towards the Shenting cave where the soul body was.

Lingzhi's body was tensed, but he found that the sea water that came this time, for some reason, did not feel cold, but rather warmed. This warmth reminded him of hot springs.

That time, in the east area of ​​the reincarnation pool, the land of elixir, he accidentally rushed to the place where Jiang Xue was bathing, and finally absorbed a lot of spiritual power in the hot spring pool and recovered his injury.

The sea water is naturally countless times higher than that of the hot spring, but Ling Zhi still showed a warm, nostalgic smile.

At that time, he was just a young man who knew nothing about the world, and Jiang Xue's appearance at the time appeared in his mind. The light gauze could not cover the smooth skin like jade, the chest, and the shame. Face.

And a sentence about


He was convinced of the fallacies, and he gave himself a lot of probiotics.

Lexus was immersed in seawater, and some strange black energy appeared from the seawater, and merged into his body and cells, making his body undergo a final transformation.

Resilience, vitality, jump forward again fast.

While Lexus was enjoying it, he suddenly changed his look, and his body aches, and he held on.

Now, it is the pain of the soul body! I don't know when, those black energies turned out to be his sea of ​​consciousness and envelop his soul.

After the Shenting acupoint, the energy of these expressions, like black water, surrounded the soul body, giving Ling Zhi a feeling that the soul body was also immersed in the black water.

But at the same time, his soul body was far from receiving this power, so severe pain came from the depths of the soul, making him unable to hold his head and want to growl.

Ling Zhi's soul body had undergone a metamorphosis after his artistic conception was completed, and this was even more so when he absorbed all the colorful soul-cultivating lotus.

He didn't understand this transformation.

But when Lei Jie appeared, he knew it.

That is transforming towards the soul body of the king realm! The physical realm is soul power, but no soul body.

The artistic conception is that the soul power is scattered and the soul body is condensed.

In the King Realm, the soul body thoroughly exploits the mind and possesses great abilities. Even the soul body can survive and cultivate in the void! The soul body of this realm is called the soul! And the power of the soul is called, the consciousness! Since there was no breakthrough in the realm, every transformation of Ling Zhi's soul body was stopped by life.

Especially after he cut himself with a knife.

But now, these black energies actually started to cut his soul body, like sea water, washing his soul body over and over again.

Wash away all the impure soul power in the soul body.

These spirit powers are contaminated with impurities and impurity spirit power due to cultivation reasons, and the spirit power is attached to the soul body, and I want to wash away all these spirit powers.

Just discard those parts directly.

As a result, the amount of Ling Zhi's spirit power has weakened a little bit, but the quality of his spirit power has increased dramatically.

At this moment, after he got the furnace, the spirit pill he had been taking finally played the biggest role.

The biggest function of the mixing furnace is to make the spirit pill contain the first energy, subtly, change the body of the martial artist, and make it approach the previous body.

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