God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1231: Emperor Xuan Ming

The sound of the giant tortoise moves the ground, the Black Sea is boiling, and the ocean is everywhere.

In the narration of the giant tortoise, Ling Zhi and Bushuang saw a corner of history. In this corner, there is blood, tears, glory, and glory.

They never imagined that the battle countless years ago had such a profound impact.

In the tower, when Ling Zhi met Luo Ya for the first time, he vaguely knew some of the history of that year.

Reincarnation star, and even the whole universe is in trouble, the warrior rose up to resist, but was brutally suppressed.

Until a group of Rao appeared, this group of people turned the tide of the battle, rose up to kill the enemy, invincible, and abruptly killed the enemy to fear! And this group of people are from the earth! They have great combat power, great strength, and even leadership and command capabilities, at any point, they are so perfect.

Not only can they resist the extremely strong ones among the enemies themselves, but they can also mobilize the entire Reincarnation Star and the power of other planets to resist together.

That battle was their victory.

And Ling Zhi finally knew who the people were. They turned out to be people from another realm, and that realm was the world of reincarnation! There is a reincarnation pool on the east, west, south, and north sides of the reincarnation star, which is a branch of the land of reincarnation. The surface function is a huge teleportation array that can cross the galaxy.

On the continent of reincarnation, there are six other places of reincarnation, collectively called the six reincarnations.

According to legend, when the realm of the warrior reaches the peak of the king realm, he can go to reincarnation, if he can go through the reincarnation, he can enter the reincarnation realm, where immortal energy is lingering, and all people can have longevity.

This is another life-like qualitative change of the warrior.

But until one day, the people of the reincarnation realm suddenly closed the six reincarnations, prohibiting the people of the lower realm to enter the reincarnation again, and cut off all the roads of longevity and all the thoughts of Jao Nian.

The war broke out! This is one of the reasons for that battle and the only thing the giant tortoise knows.

And the giant tortoise in front of him has been alive for more than nine thousand years, and the deadline is approaching, but it is also a living fossil, walking history.

"Then, since that battle has been won, why is it still circulated that King Realm can only live for ten thousand years?"

Bushuang frowned and asked.

"Because the group of people from the earth is indeed very strong. Each of them has unique abilities and is overpowering.

But at the last moment, they were defeated. They failed when they fought the six reincarnations and returned to the upper realm. "

I don't know how many giant tortoises have seen strong winds, and there is a hint of killing intent on his body.

Ling Zhi's expression was also highly concentrated.

Luo Ya had also participated in it back then, but at the last moment, he was seriously injured and could not wake up.

When Luo Ya woke up, the battle was over. When he thought he was successful in chatting, he found that everything had changed. His friends, the ancestors of the earth, had become sinners! Become a taboo figure, not allowed to talk publicly.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation was completely sealed, and there have been several occurrences since then, when the King Realm peak powerhouse attacked the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but they all ended in failure.

The lifespan is exhausted, and I sit in front of the six reincarnations and cannot die well.

There, he got the tower, alone, with the tower on his back, across the boundless sea, came to Xuanzhou, and founded the Fallen Leaf Sect. At last, it seemed that he had tracked down a little clue before leaving.

"Why, why did they fail?"

Lexus made a fist and asked.

"There were countless planetary powerhouses who participated in the battle. Among them, the top ten kings and the three emperors were the strongest.

The earth powerhouses twisted these forces into one, but they didn't want to. In the end, two of the three emperor sects betrayed them, and there were as many as seven of the ten kings! "

"Such a betrayal came too suddenly. They were flanked back and forth in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and in the end they could only suffer a crushing defeat!"

"Why, why should they betray, don't they want to go to the world of reincarnation?"

Bushuang frowned, puzzled.

The giant tortoise snorts,

"Because they have no guts, no seed, because they think it is impossible to defeat the longevity giants in the reincarnation world, because they believe it, only help the reincarnation world to solve the earth people, and the reincarnation world will open the six paths of reincarnation for them alone."

"The upper bound?"

"Yes, those longevity figures who have lived for countless tens of thousands of years, even millions of years."

"There is no reincarnation, and the Holy Spirit is gone.

Reincarnation opens, and the Holy Spirit appears.

What does it mean again? "

Lexus asked.

The giant tortoise was silent for a long time before saying,

"The earth failed, and most of the strong were killed. As for how many people are still alive, I don’t know, but I know that after that, the world of reincarnation once attacked the earth, carried out a massacre, and took away the Lin ball. The aura of the earth, the reincarnation transmission formation that seals the ball of Lin, is equivalent to completely ruining this magical planet."

"And, according to..."

While the giant tortoise hesitated, Ling Zhi's eyes were full of bone-chill, and he spoke out the remaining words for him.

"According to the blood of that battle, the whole planet was covered in the ground."

This scene is not exactly what he is getting


The scene that I saw when I wrote the monument.

The first emperor used the method of throwing beans to become a soldier, turning it into a hundred thousand soldiers, resisting all the poets and immortals with a three-foot green sword, writing verses in the stars, and killing the enemy.

The last few big hands are definitely the so-called upper bound giants.

As for the big blood-stained hand, perhaps it was the strong man who never died on the earth in the Battle of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Everything seemed to be opened up and straightened out. He gained countless pieces of knowledge, countless pieces of history, at this moment, at least on the surface, he knew.

Maybe Zhou Xuanqing, Luo Ya, Snow White Big Beast, Ling them, know a little too much, otherwise, how could he always feel that he is under too much pressure after knowing his identity.

Ling Zhi is not a pedantic person, but how can he forget the hatred of the ancestors and the hatred of the ancestors who flowed the same blood? At least, he has the blood of earth, so he is also a sinner? He would never agree to this charge! Ling Zhi's mind was shocked, his killing intent soared, his breath was fierce, and his soul body actually stood up, looking at the sea, and his soul power was rolling.

At the same time, a stone stele has been dim and quiet since the suppression of the evil spirits that day,


The word monument moved.

With a flash of light, it rushed out of Lexus directly and floated on the Black Sea.

The stone stele exudes inexplicable fluctuations, causing the Black Sea to be turbulent, the sound of the waves trembles, and the upper one


The words, turned into an endless huge, covered the entire Black Sea and sky.

The giant tortoise's eyes were straight, and he couldn't help himself with excitement.

"Emperor, this, is it my clan emperor's thing!"

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