God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1224: Death Talisman

In the legend, the phoenix has also been matched with the true dragon since ancient times.

This illusory dragon charged up from the Xuanyuan sword, and echoed the phoenix phantom on the Fengming sword, as if there was a spiritual existence between each other.

The three corpses seemed to be aware of the crisis. At present, one person waved a large hand, and countless ground thorns appeared, blocking them between the three of them and Lexus.

After that, another person suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spewed a spit of blood. Under the sluggish breath, the ice crystals became multiple and extremely strong.

The person who used the rules of fire raised his hand with one hand, and a fire dragon flew out and went straight to Lexus.


Seeing the opponent actually condensed the dragon to fight, a look of contempt appeared in Ling Zhi's eyes.

At this moment, he and Leng Yan seemed to have entered a wonderful situation. Because of the power in each other's bodies, a kind of blessing was produced. Out, blended together, and then poured into two swords, Zheng and two swords were combined, the dragon and the phoenix shadows intertwined, and the power suddenly increased.

In boldness, Ling Zhi and Leng Yan glanced at each other, both showing a faint smile, and then they both raised their arms.

Raising the sword in his hand, he slashed at the three in front of him.

This sword, the sword cut the universe! The hard ground thorn was smashed into pieces, and the sword light rushed straight into the bodies of the three.

Those using the rules of ice stepped forward, shouted violently, and defended.

boom! However, the ice crystal that had resisted Lexus countless attacks before, this time, it didn't even take half a breath to resist, and it was blasted to pieces.

As for the so-called giant flame dragon, when this sword struck, the ghost of the dragon on the sword body rushed out of its own accord, a giant claw violently grabbed the giant dragon in its claws, Actually squeezed each other out.

Finally, the three of them panicked completely, and they all tried their best to block this sword, but everything was in vain.

boom! The sword light smashed on them, the ninth-layer body of the artistic conception, without the slightest defensiveness, broke suddenly, in the sword light, fragmented.

The remnant soul of Sanrao flew out, panicking to avoid and flee.

Zuo Jun Bufan was even more roaring, and he was frightened and struck out a wave of strength, trying to stop it, but everything was in vain after all.

The light flashed by, and these three strands of remnant souls were also completely dusty and dusty.

When they disappeared, three tall figures also appeared in this secret realm. Zheng was actually a remnant soul. They stood above this secret realm, looking down at the secret realm, and their eyes swept over Zuo Jun Bufan, nothing obvious. Feelings.

In the end, Ling Zhi heard a thick sigh, and the three suddenly disappeared between Lin.

Leng Yan cleverly retreated with the sword, and did not attack Zuo Jun Bufan.

Ling Zhi nodded slightly to her, and went straight to Zuo Jun.

Zuo Junbufan's eyes were dim as never before, staring blankly at everything in front of him, still unable to accept it at any time, how could the three strands of powerful remnant soul he brought out so defeated.

At this moment, he really began to question himself, his path to the strong, and the Tao in his heart, was it wrong? But from the moment he killed the Great Elder, it was destined that he could not be forgiven by Lexus, Zhou Xuanqing, and Luo Yezong.

With a single wave of Lexus, the remaining spiritual power in his body gushes out, throwing beans into a weapon, hundreds of phantoms fly out, and go straight to Zuo Jun Bufan.

Buried him in the phantom, with the phantom's cry, Zuo Jun Bufan was unable to withstand such an attack anymore and burst into pieces.

His soul flew out, looking down at his shattered body, his gaze suddenly changed from dullness to resentment, he stared at Lexus, gritted his teeth and said,

"There will always be one, I want you to die."

"Ha ha."

Lexus spied his hand, condensed a great spiritual power, grabbed several treasures dropped from Zuo Jun Bufan's body and a new ring in his hand, smiled,

"Give me treasure again, thank you."

Zuo Jun's extraordinary spirit was trembling, but slowly, he calmed down again.

"Wait, I have to tell you that your path to the strong is wrong. People who are constantly emotional will never become the supreme strong!"


Ling Zhi was too lazy to argue with him, and the bulletman split into a sword light and struck him.

Zuo Jun Bufan didn't even dodge or hide, letting this attack hit him.

With a bang, the soul burst into pieces.

But at the moment of the explosion, a thumb-sized piece of talisman paper suddenly emerged from the place where Zuo Jun's extraordinary soul body burst, and the talisman paper flashed by, and it broke through the void and rushed into the void.


Ling Zhi frowned and chopped off.

The void trembles, the talisman paper gleams, and it actually blocked the blow and dissipated completely.

Bu Shuang frowned, and his palm was emptied, and he was directly in the void. The soft hand turned into a covering palm, and in the void, he grabbed it toward the talisman paper.

But just as she was about to catch it, a meteor flew suddenly in the void, forcing her to retreat. When she got out of the meteor and tried to block the talisman paper, she couldn't chase it anymore.

"Heart is so unique."

Bu Shuang was surprised. The previous meteor was clearly just a coincidence, but he had stopped her from blocking the talisman paper. Such a coincidence was too coincidental.

"For the death talisman."

Looking at Ling Zhi’s expression, Bu Shuang explained.

"The king-level forbidden weapon can only be used once, and can replace the main army to block death attacks.

When the owner dies, he will regenerate because of the death talisman. "

"How come there are such talisman papers, it's too abnormal."

Niu Yuanhang exclaimed.

"For the death talisman, only the powerful in the late king stage can refine it. It takes a great deal of effort, and it is generally refined by those strong to their favorite offspring.

This person wanted to get this item in a certain opportunity. "

Walk Frost Road.


Everyone looked at Lexus with some worry, after all, the appearance of the death talisman was beyond all expectations.

Ling Zhi smiled in relief and didn't care.

"Since there is only one chance for the death talisman, I will meet him next time, and I will kill him again.

Exactly, I still feel that killing him only once is not good enough! "

He shook the ring in his hand,

"The heart will take care of him, after all, it wasn't for me to hunt for treasures? If it wasn't for the spirit stone in the ring he left me last time, I don't have this realm yet."

Everyone was stunned, and burst into laughter, thinking about it carefully, it is true, Zuo Junbuan has so many treasures that no one can match, but he is like a wealthy boy, every time he is given by Lexus Robbery.

Rumble! Between laughter, side, dark clouds appeared.

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