God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1216: Rules of the Sword

Although the powerhouses of the Three Kings Palace were all restrained here, his father Ling, the previous rule of one-handed sword, was also sharp and powerful.

But after all, he was imprisoned in the ice prison, in order to prevent the other party from threatening him with Ling Zhi, Ling Zhi had secretly let Gulu go.

With the power of Guru's space, it is not difficult to penetrate the ice layer silently and reach the ice prison.

After spending so long with Gulu, Lingzhi and Gulu have already had a tacit understanding.

Although he had never signed a pet contract with Gulu, the kind of pet contract established by the king's family and the Seagod Temple, the feeling and trust between them was far beyond the soul restraint, which could be compared.

Ling Zhi did not dare to hesitate, and sent a soul thought to Zhou Xuanqing and Ye Qingcheng, his body turned into a phantom, and he went straight to the ice prison.

The expressions of those powerhouses in the Three Kings Palace changed as they wanted to stop him, but Ling Zhi just turned his head and glanced at them.

Those cold, red eyes made them afraid to move! The queen was hit hard by his own strength, and no one would dare to look at Lexus.

And just as Ling Zhi rushed to the Ice Prison, in the depths of the secret realm of the Three Kings Palace, in the second-tier secret realm space relying on this secret realm, there was a death-like figure standing up.

Around him, there are countless huge tombs.

At this moment, there are countless phantoms, surrounded by the side of this figure, deadly.

Xuanyuan Sword shot, Ling Zhi's spiritual power poured into the sword without reservation, standing on this ice prison, Ling Zhi smashed! Unconsciously, the power of a little Yang rule was absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword voluntarily and merged into the sword, as if it caused a quiet change.

boom! The ice is open, the ice prison, open! Ling Zhi swooped down and headed straight to the place he found before.

In the huge ice prison, only Ling was imprisoned.

Gulu rushed out from one side, ran to Lingzhi, and pointed anxiously.

Ling Zhi stepped away, although he had seen him in his soul power perception, but now goodbye, his heart still trembled.

Five chains imprison the limbs and neck respectively.

As if confining a barren beast.

The ice prison also has a light spiritual power spreading, it is not a place without the slightest spiritual power, but whenever these spiritual powers are absorbed by Ling voluntarily.

On the ice chain, there will be a flash of light from the spiritual array, and countless fine ice crystals are protruding into Ling's body. In his skin, within his flesh and blood, these spiritual powers are scraped out like bones.

On the chain around the neck, ice crystals crawled out of Ling's neck, leaned toward his Shenting acupoint, and directly entered his Shenting acupoint, suppressing his spiritual growth.

This also caused Ling to feel the power of the rules, but his realm was unable to grow and his strength was unable to use.

Although simple defense, but unable to break through the ice prison out.

Sitting on the bed, Ling slowly raised his head when he heard footsteps.

Some thin beards, a pair of deep eyes full of vicissitudes, a calm face, a calm expression.

When he saw that it was Lexus, he just smiled, admiringly, and nodded at Lexus.

It's just that this slight nodding movement also caused the ice crystals to move, causing his brows to frown.

Ling Zhi felt a pain in his heart, killing intent, but he couldn't help but boiled again.

Those red eyes, which had gradually disappeared, turned red again.

Xuanyuan Jian reached the door of the room, and the sword glow spurted, and broke off.

After so many years of parting between him and his father, they were only the last few steps away.


Ling spoke, his voice a little hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for too long.

His lips are a little dry, which is hard to see in any martial artist, Yijing martial artist.

The body is out of balance, and there is water shortage.

Ling Zhi nodded, stepped forward, his soul power poked out, and checked the chains, he didn't dare to chop and chop.

The ice crystals and thorns that appeared on the chain all penetrated into Ling's body, especially the one on the neck, and suppressed Ling's Shenting acupoint.

Ling Zhi frowned, tentatively condensing the power of the rule of Yang, covering it on the index finger, pressing towards the ice crystal.


The ice crystals burst, and the ice spikes soared by three points.

Even the power of the rules can be detected and aroused fierce resistance.

Ling's body shook fiercely, and his already fragile aura wilted a lot again.


Ling Zhi couldn't help but yelled.

Ling had to be more calm, he gave a chuckle.

"It's okay, just look at your abilities.

Do you have spirit stones on your body? "


Lexus was naturally not stingy, and only one or two top-grade spirit stones and many top-grade spirit stones were left.

Ling opened his palm with difficulty and grabbed a superb spiritual stone.

"It's enough."

At this moment, a bit of sharpness burst from Ling's palm, directly smashing this top-grade spirit stone to pieces.

Aura rushed out at the most violent speed.

Ling swallowed these spiritual powers into the body of Zheng at the fastest speed. In Ling Zhi's perception, Ling suddenly turned into a divine sword, and his whole body was full of rushing sword lights, every inch of flesh and blood, every inch The muscles and bones, every inch of meridians, are all so.

Those ice crystals and thorns, with a bang, all shattered!


Ling let out a weak cough.

He took a bunch of sixth-grade spirit pills from Lexus and swallowed them down.

Ling Zhi took out the King of Ginseng, but Ling only glanced at it, but did not accept it.

"Oh, father, and this one."

Ling Zhi flipped his hand to take out the soul jade and placed it in front of Ling.

There are ten thousand years soul jade, high-grade spirit stone, sixth-grade spirit pill, and Ling's conditions are getting better.

After all, he was just being imprisoned and tortured, and these few things that Lexus took out, which ones are not treasures?

"Unexpectedly, I left you early and didn't want you to be involved in these things, but you still came."

Ling [Pencil Novel www.qbxs.me] laughed,

"Fate and fate are unpredictable."

"Brother Zhou."

Then, Ling turned his head and looked at Zhou Xuanqing.

"As early as in the mining area, I heard your story. Thank you for taking care of your son. Ling is grateful."

"On the scarce planet, with the thin spiritual energy, you can cultivate to the 9th level of artistic conception. In the ice prison, you don't cultivate spiritual power or soul power. The sword is hidden in the sheath, and you can understand the rules of the sword."

Lin Canghen said,

"I suddenly understood why Lexus was so perverted. It turns out that his father..."

Everyone laughed, their eyes were full of admiration.

If the power of thunder and lightning is the most masculine and strong attack rule, then the strength of the sword is the strong and strong rule of force, and its focus is on the edge.

If you do not get out of the sheath, you will be alarmed, and will not kill the enemy or take the sword.

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