God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1205: Friends, gather!

If last time, Xinzong joined the Wang family and Jian family to attack Luoyezong, it was a turmoil.

So now, it is an earthquake, an earthquake that can change the entire pattern of Xuanzhou.

Xuanzhou forces, one palace, two sects and four masters.

In the First Battle of Fallen Leaves, Xinzong died, and the Wang family and Jian family died.

The rest, possessing tyrannical combat power, are the Palace of Three Kings and Fallen Leaf Sect.

The Palace of Three Kings has always been the strongest among all the warriors in Xuanzhou for a long time.

As for the Fallen Leaf Sect, its reputation has been declining over the past thousands of years. Everyone thought it was going to decline. Until the recent battle, everyone knew that Fallen Leaf Sect was still so powerful!

"My Three Kings Palace did not make a move against them. This is already the biggest concession. How dare they provoke us?"

"court death!"

In the Three Kings Palace, the king and the earth king stood up from the table, breathing fire in their eyes.

For thousands of years, no sect, force, or even warrior has dared to provoke the majesty of his Three Kings Palace.

But those who dared to challenge and wanted to continue the reputation of the Three Kings Palace in one fell swoop were dead!

"They control the tower?"

Wang's pupil shrank and suddenly asked like this.

The tyranny of the tower left a deep impression on him.

That was a weapon of another level, and it was simply not something they could contend with.

Even if the phoenix sheds its hair, it will not really be inferior to a pheasant! That is a difference in the grade of life!

"It shouldn't. According to our intelligence, the tower is still sitting in the Fallen Leaf Sect. The last transfer was just a coincidence. After we retreated, that Lexus lost control of the tower."

The land king said solemnly.

The jealousy in Wang's eyes disappeared. After a moment of indulgent thought, he asked,

"Where did Zuo Jun Bufan go?"

"He seems to have passed the test set by several generations of the Lords of the Three Kings Palace, and even in the secret realm where the Lords of the Three Kings are buried, he should have a huge opportunity."

The king of the earth hesitated and spoke.

Wang's eyes shone with an inexplicable luster.

"We are good enough to him. Last time the third brother died and saved him back. Now it is really worth allowing him to conquer his chances in the secret realm? Why should he value him so much?"

The land king was a little puzzled, hesitated for a moment, and then asked.

"Do you think I really fell in love with him and his blessing?"

Wang sneered.

"When you reach the state of you and me, how can it be determined by mere luck."

"Then why are you...?"

"Because of his heart, he has been approved by the other side. They have already left a message. When they come, they must take him away, otherwise you think I should protect him like this!"

The land king was startled for a moment and asked,

"Those people, what kind of realm would they be? The road from Xuanzhou to that place was blocked, and we couldn't reach the people over there, only they could contact us.

Could it be true that only Xuanzhou's avenues prohibit the birth of king-level warriors? "

"I can't know this. The stronger they are, the better? Otherwise, what is the point of cooperating with them? The monster is about to be born, and at the current level of Xuanzhou, it is impossible to resist.

Only by going to that place can we survive and live better! As for the life and death of Xuanzhou, what does it have to do with us? "

...Liuyezong, everyone, with a decisive expression, stepped into the teleportation array resolutely, and quickly approached the destination through the teleportation array.

"Leng Yan."

Ouyang Hao took two steps slower and called out.


Leng Yan recovered from her lack of consciousness and looked at him suspiciously.

"The death of the third brother..."

Ouyang Hao hesitated.

Leng Yan gave a quick smile, an unsightly smile.

"It's okay, don't mention it, I know it all."

"just now,"

Leng Yan looked at the figures disappearing in the teleportation array one by one, said,

"Now, I just want to help Lexus and accomplish all the things he wanted to do in his lifetime."

...The God Burying Abyss, at the bottom of the abyss, under the pit, Ye Qingcheng sat here alone, staring at everything around him in a daze.

The pit became huge from all around her. During this time, she was digging tirelessly.

Just to look at Lexus again.

But she didn't see it anymore. She didn't know where Lexus had gone.

"I don't believe it, don't believe it, you will die."

Ye Qingcheng murmured.

And in the Fallen Leaf Sect, inside the tower, a woman, also with red eyes, clenched her fist, gritted her teeth,

"Ling, you will definitely be fine, Feiyao, believe you.

You are the best! "

Gulu didn't know where he had gone, at this moment he suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qingcheng, waving his claws in front of Ye Qingcheng.

Seeing Ye Qingcheng ignored it, he ran aside boredly.

Unlike everyone else, the beast was not surprised or uneasy about Gulu's disappearance.

Ye Qingcheng's pupils went from dispersing to focusing, she fixed her gaze on Gulu.

"Guru, do you see something coming? Do you know where Lexus has gone?"

Ye Qingcheng rushed over and took Guru into his arms.

The beast whimpered twice, his big eyes turned, pointed up and down, but in the end he shook his head and yelled two times in dissatisfaction, as if he didn't know how to describe it.

Just as the light in Ye Qingcheng's eyes was dimming again, Gulu suddenly broke away from her and ran towards the center of the pit.

There was a whining sound in the mouth.

It seems to be dissatisfied, dissatisfied... Lexus threw it here and left alone.

Before Ling Zhi could see clearly in front of him, he felt a furry thing jump into his arms.

Gulu is very, I am afraid, the only one who knows this kind of spatial transmission power, that the cluster has spatial power appearing just before Lexus disappears.

A pair of big hands rested on Ye Qingcheng's shoulders, embracing her...

"Ling, isn't it right, big brother? You are not, not that..."

Ruan Yuan looked at Ling Zhi who suddenly appeared in front of him in shock, at a loss.

"The Qian family sent someone to send the news. Just three days ago, they found out the location of the Three Kings Palace. People in the clan seemed to be going there to save one person.

It should have arrived at Qindu at this moment. "

Guo Ze's voice came from the hall, with a sense of joy.

"Oh, there is another group of people who claim to be your friends, all of them are very powerful."

Guo Ze added a sentence.

Ling Zhi was taken aback.


Before too much time, he took Ye Qingcheng and Gulu, rushed up, and went straight to Qindu

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