God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1199: Six Pole Thunder Tribulation

The black light seemed to swallow everything, and hit Lexus aggressively.

Originally, it was only the thickness of the fingers, but in these short few breaths, it suddenly increased to the thickness of the arm.

The strength is a geometric multiple, and it increases sharply.

The black light at this moment is like the huge black hole floating in the distant starry sky. It swallows the surrounding spiritual power, the power of the earth, and the power of the void, all being drawn away, toward It rushed.

If it weren't for the trembling of the soldier's soul in the moon chaser, a strange power radiated from the moon chaser, that is, Lexus's own power, also coming out through the body, rushing toward the black light.

Not to mention, condensing an attack, defeating this black light.

After the evil demon made this blow, it seemed that he was deprived of more than half of his devilish energy, and some weakness appeared rare, slowly flying from the starry sky to the platform.

Even maintaining the power to resist the starry sky, but also to save.

The black light finally hit Ling Zhi's body.

Ling Zhiwa vomited three mouthfuls of blood in a row. Because of the loss of blood all over, the skin outside was instantly pale, and the aura of the whole body was utterly weak.

Smashed heavily on Lin.

Lin Canghen held the Dragon Spear in his hand, before rushing to the evil demon, the evil demon opened his mouth and shouted at him grimly, and with a flick of his finger, a black light appeared again, and the devilish energy on his body was weaker by a few points.

This kind of attack seems to be extremely harmful to the demons.

The demon qi in the evil demon's body is very pure, and the devil qi that is scattered in clusters for the cultivation of the evil spirits in the mood is not enough to support its supplement.

For him, a drop in the bucket! Simply, this black light used only a little power.

After the dragon spear was bent into a limit arc, Lin Canghen, like Ling Zhi, coughed up blood and fell on Lin.

Lying on his back on the ground, Ling Zhi only felt that all his muscles and bones were broken, and his body could not move anymore.

Although Moon Chasing Armor is King Armor, it is not an absolute defense after all.

Even if he weakened more than half of the opponent's attack power, he still couldn't resist. With his true dragon body, he was still seriously injured.

The corner of Ling Zhi's mouth couldn't help but a bitter, black light appeared. It was the power of the rules controlled by the evil demon, and he could not resist this power.

No matter how great his magical powers are, he can't escape with only physical power, spiritual power, and soul power.

Spirit Devouring Fire is even more unable to resist such an attack.

Facing the power of rules, you can only resist with the power of rules.

Or a force that surpasses the force of the rules many times, just crush it.

After trying to communicate with the few stone tablets in his body again to no avail, just as Lexus was frantically looking for a solution, under this abyss, inexplicably, there were many more dark clouds.

The dark clouds are darker than the starry sky, as if they are dark to the extreme. The dark clouds bloom together, and each one is very different.

If you count it in terms of dark clouds, this dark cloud seems a bit.

The first dark cloud has a radius of one square meter, the second dark cloud has a radius of two square feet, and so on, until the sixth one is as large as six feet and six feet.

It's not much bigger than the evil demon, let alone compared with the sky and stars.

But at the moment when six dark clouds appeared, no one dared to ignore them.

"Isn't it?"

Ling Zhi climbed up from the ground with difficulty, blood all over his body.

The powerful energy of qi and blood echoed and washed in his body, promoting his physical body to quickly recover and heal.

The spirit pill was stuffed into his mouth as if he didn't need money.

He never thought that when he entered the sixth level of Long Lian and possessed such physical power, he would usher in Thunder Tribulation so quickly! Whether it is the perfect physical state or the perfect artistic conception, it is not allowed by the earth.

Therefore, the earth is going to fall under the thunder robbery, and kill those who break the rules.


The power in the stele was resisted.

This time, the power of Thunder Tribulation, even Shui Wuhen, specifically pointed out that it was powerful and exaggerated!

"Six Extreme Thunder Tribulation?"

Lin Canghen exclaimed from the side,

"Six-polar thunder robbery isn't the thunder robbery that the king's martial artist will encounter when he integrates the power of rules for the first time and strips his rule power from the Tao?"

"Even those who didn't come into contact with the power of rules until the second and third levels of the King Realm were dead and alive, and they couldn't compete with the power of thunder!"

The evil demon was startled, it also seemed to know something about the Six-pole Thunder Tribulation,

"Haha, my generation, I really don't kill you, this will also make you die, the Sixth Extreme Thunder Tribulation, even if I can't compete, how can you survive it."

"Knowing this way, I won't use the previous attack. I wasted a lot of my magic power. The magic energy here is so thin, I don't know when I can replenish it."

He stood on one side, looking good at the show.

Lin Canghen's expression was even more uncertain and unacceptable. At this difficult time, it would be even worse, and Ling Zhi had to overcome the catastrophe! It's still a thunder catastrophe that is impossible to survive! However, the evil demon did not notice. When he said that, the eyes of Lexus who was standing in the same place brightened.

"There are countless kinds of thunder tribulations. There are thunder tribulations when warriors break through, and weapons become kings of soldiers. If they want to overcome thunder tribulations and encounter destruction, they will give birth to the born power-soldier soul, elixir also has thunder tribulation. By the way.

And these thunder tribulations all need warriors, weapons, and elixir themselves to survive.

If someone else intervenes, it will cause the induction of thunder tribulation, and a double thunder tribulation will be lowered, one will hack the person who should be hacked, and the person who will interfere. "

"However, there is only one kind of thunder robbery that can be overcome without the help of the martial artist's own power, and that is the realm of consummation, the thunder robbery that falls far beyond the limit of the martial artist's own strength.

The thunder robbery in the realm of perfect form needs the power of the middle stage of the mood to resist.

And the Thunder Tribulation with a complete artistic conception requires the power of the middle king realm to deal with it. "

"Di Avenue, forty out of nine, but there is the one that escapes.

The way is to make up for the shortcomings. "

"Although the land does not allow the realm of consummation to appear, it has not rushed to exterminate it. Otherwise, it would be possible to drop the Nine Extremes Thunder Tribulation and directly kill the warrior."

Shui Wuhen's words and his own inferences quickly flashed through Ling Zhi's mind.

"It turns out that even you can't resist the power of thunder."

Ling Zhi muttered to himself suddenly, his eyes were red, and he licked his lips, revealing a strange expression.

Looking at the evil demon less than several tens of meters away from him, standing there, Ling Zhi twitched and laughed.

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