God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1191: Deep into the abyss

In the face, how can they not hate the heroes of the Luo Yezong who stayed here by the Wang family and the Jian family? How can you not be angry? How can we not kill? Ling Zhi didn't keep any hands, all of his hands burst out at this moment.

Gods block and kill gods, and demons block and punish demons.

At eight steps, his body is as fast as lightning, and his strength is superimposed, and it is unstoppable.

The beast-killing arrows flew around his body, and under the urging of soul power, every time it shot, it would inevitably bring a fresh life.

The method of fighting to become a soldier allows him to face these dozens of artistic conception martial artists, without the slightest embarrassment, and can deal with it calmly. The weaker ones are even more imaginary impacts. Next, one back and forth, burst into pieces.

In the end, when Ling Zhi took out the Xuanyuan sword, a ray of light flashed here. The two martial artists of the 9th level of artistic conception, before they even had time to wailing, were shocked by him directly with his body and soul. Broken pieces.

At the same time that he killed the two men, the Jane family also fell silent.

Just under the dazzle of Ruan Yuan and the others, the Wang family and the Jian family, stationed in the Ci forces, were rooted out! They were pleasantly surprised, and they also felt unbelievable joy!

"You go back first, I want to look into the abyss below."

Ling Zhi spoke to Ruan Yuan and the others. After meeting with Lin Canghen, he took Ye Qingcheng, Tantaijing, and Gulu who was full of curiosity about everything, and went deep.

The further down, the more blurred the line of sight, at first, with the help of soul power, he could probe the surrounding environment within a hundred meters.

In the end, everyone withdrew their spirit power, because under the cover and oppression of the surrounding devilish energy, the detection of spirit power was not as clear and profound as the line of sight could see.

It has been declining for a long time, and Ling Zhi has just shaken his feet and has a sense of peace of mind, falling to the bottom of the abyss.

Before he could take a closer look, a dark shadow rushed towards him.

Ling Zhi waved the Xuanyuan sword and stabled forward.

Xuanyuan Sword flicked across the black shadow, and the black shadow uttered a scream, as if he was terrified of Xuanyuan Sword, so he didn't dare to resist and turned around and was about to run away.

Ling Zhi frowned, stepped forward without hesitation, and sent a sword straight out, piercing directly into the body of this dark shadow.

The wrist shook slightly, and a big hole burst into the black shadow's body.

The shadow screamed and fell down.

Only then did Ling Zhi clearly see the appearance of this dark shadow.

The bronze skin, the height of more than two meters, the muscles of his body are like an old vine tree, entangled in the body, and it looks full of explosive power.

But what is different from humans is that the fangs in his mouth are fierce and slender, directly out of the mouth, hanging under his chin.

His fingers are even more slender, and his fingernails appear a lot, black and blue, three inches thick, glowing with cold.

Don't even think about it, you know, this must be a monster.

And the fluctuations in this monster's body are also about the first level of artistic conception, which is considered to be relatively weak.

Ye Qingcheng leaned against Ling Zhi with some palpitations. He was a little uncomfortable with this hideous appearance.

Just as Ling Zhi pulled out the Xuanyuan sword, the monster lying on the ground with a big hole pierced in its back suddenly stood up and rushed towards Tantai madly.

Want to open a gap from her and run out.

The vitality is amazing.

With a backhand, Ling Zhi slashed directly on his head. The jet black blood, like ink of an octopus, spilled all over the floor, and the head flew high.

That was the case, he even looked at Ling Zhi savagely, his eyes very resentful.

"The vitality of this thing is so strong?"

Ling Zhi was surprised, and stepped forward, the tip of the sword was at the heart of the monster, and he gently picked it out. A slightly smaller core was picked out by him.

I don't know if Shi Huang knew that if Ling Zhi used Xuanyuan Sword to do such a thing, would he angrily return from the starry sky and slap him to death.

Although the Xuanyuan Sword did not have the power and power that it passed, it seemed to be silent, but it was a sword of the holy way after all, and its grade was unpredictable.

I am afraid they have already exceeded Wang Bing's level.

In martial arts, one is form, that is, the state of form, and the other is soul, that is, the state of soul.

The three-in-one is the three-in-one state, also known as the king state.

The body realm mainly cultivates the body, the soul body realm mainly deals with the soul, and the king realm mainly deals with the power of rules.

As for the higher realm above the king realm, Ling Zhi didn't know, but he vaguely felt that there must be some.

Otherwise, he couldn't imagine who could flee the owl-tailed clan, the persecuted clan.

It was even more powerful to let Shui Wuhen and the other two kings, Zheng Shui Wuhen, who died in the secret realm of Owtail's tail, turned into Ling Zhiding.

What kind of realm, what kind of strength, and what kind of power will the person who can kill him be! Can't guess! Lexus was not polite, grabbed the magic core and absorbed it.

Just a few breaths, the magic core burst into pieces.

Ling Zhi shook his head. This magic drought was too low. For him, it had almost no effect.

"Explore some sealed places and collect this kind of magic core by the way."

Ling Zhi made a suggestion and walked forward.

However, after three or five steps, he encountered a monster again. This monster was much stronger and had reached the fourth level of artistic conception. The number and strength of cluster monsters can be seen.

Next, Ling Zhi and the others fell into the slaughter of this kind of monster with the help of Zheng Ye Qingcheng's bony white tower. It was quite safe, especially when Guru was still stuffed by Ling Zhi by her side. There were Guru, but there were very few demons. You can approach her.

The power of thunder and lightning that Guru masters belongs to the power of masculinity, which most overcomes such evil demons.

Ling Zhi and Lin Canghen were on both sides of the battle. Both of them were not satisfied with killing one by one. They appeared in a fan shape, pushing inward to slaughter the monsters.

In contrast, the most relaxing thing is Tantai Jing.

She was holding a disc-shaped thing in her hand, it was the formation plate. These materials were specially collected by Lexus from the treasure house of the Wang family and the Jian family for her.

It was the seventh-level formation, although because of the materials and her familiarity with the seventh-level formation, she still couldn't exert the power of the seventh-level.

But killing the monsters in these moods is like cutting melons and vegetables, and often the formation will fall forward, and several monsters can be directly trapped, and they can only stand passively and be beaten by her, without any danger.

The advancing speed of the four persons and one beast is also like a sharp knife, quickly advancing into the abyss.

The strength and number of monsters has increased dramatically.

Until, a black, countless monster appeared in front of them

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