God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1181: Daqin Tieqi

As they progressed, more and more powerful men appeared outside this courtyard.

Even the Jian's house was surrounded by water.

"It seems that the Jian family is really in decline, and even a decent strong person can't be taken out."

"Isn't it? The strong have all gone to the Fallen Leaf Sect, and the result is deadly death, remnant and remnant, it is tragic to listen to that battle."

"Especially that Lexus is simply a god-man."

"Fart, it's nothing more than rumor, what a young man can do."

"But the Qian family, the family that likes to cater to both sides, will take the initiative this time and become the leader? This is not very similar to his business family, the Qian family."

"You care about him, let them fight first, then we can just go in and grab things.

But be careful, I seem to have heard the news that the army of the Great Qin Dynasty stationed in Qindu has moved. "

An hour later, Ling Zhi stood in the courtyard of Jian's house, his expression calm.

At this moment, he is no longer needed, and most of the Jian family is disabled.

Hiss, strokes.

There was the sound of horseshoes coming in from outside the courtyard.

Rumble, black and black, more than tens of thousands of elite soldiers wearing black armor, riding a BMW wrapped in armor all over their bodies, flooded from the central palace of Qindu toward Jian's house.

The various forces onlookers outside the door were shocked and retreated one after another, tense.

"Emperor Qin actually sent Da Qin Iron Horse over!"

"how come!"

"It's over. This matter must have aroused the anger of Emperor Qin. This is to kill chickens and monkeys, and the Qian family is over."

Qian Guan's complexion changed drastically amid the various noises. Although he had been prepared for the Qin Emperor's meeting, he was still a little panicked when the tens of thousands of cavalry appeared.

Daqin Iron Cavaliers are all composed of warriors, and the weakest among them is also the late stage of the physical state! A team of ten people, one hundred people one column, one thousand people one five, ten thousand people form a group.

The one who leads a hundred people is the pinnacle of physical state.

The one who rules over a thousand people is the early stage of artistic conception.

He who rules over ten thousand people, the mid-stage artistic conception.

These ten thousand people were directly under the direct management of Emperor Qin, and no one would follow the orders of Emperor Qin and Lin Canghen.

In particular, their cooperation is extremely tacit, and their killing intent is concentrated, making the enemy fearful.

With the formation of the army in the army, the strength is gathered together, even facing the peak of the Jian family, you can break it and level it! At this moment, the people of the Qian family are still fighting with the many warriors of the Jian family, and all the important troops have followed Qian Duoduo to the Wang family. How can the rest of the people resist this great Qin cavalry? Qian Guan's complexion changed again, and even his fingers trembled.

"Haha, I'm not going to kill my Jian family. You actually made a big shot at my Jian family in Qindu, causing a scene where life was charred and blood flowed into rivers.

Today you are going to die, you are going to die! "

"Ling Zhi, right? Lexus? You are also going to die today. In Qindu, no one can resist Qin Huang's anger!"

The rest of the Jane family was crazy and couldn't be so excited. They shouted and paid extremely high salaries.

They saw the hope of life.

The rumbling voice was getting closer and closer, and these iron knights finally reached Jian's house.

At the forefront, there are two horses standing side by side, all of them are masters of the sixth layer of artistic conception, and they are the two deputy commanders of this army.

In them, it was the most real killing intent, which was the result of living killings and killing for countless years.

The two of them raised their hands slightly, and the iron cavalry stopped behind them instantly, and they all stopped in place. There was no noise in the tens of thousands of people.

Everything quietly gives people great pressure.

A great visual impact for all warriors who watch.

"The Qian family seems to be going to finish this time.

If you don't do business well, you have to be greedy and eat the big cake of Jian's family. "


"Brother Ling, look?"

At this moment, the fighting in the Jian's yard had stopped, Qian Guan ran to Lexus and asked tentatively.

He still remembers that he once asked his grandfather, the more money, two questions,

"One, what if the Emperor Qin sends someone to stop it?"

"Second, even if the Qian family successfully won the Wang Jian family, what should they do in the face of this pack of wolves smelling meat?"

Emperor Qin's army, his Qian family was alone, unable to stop it.

The Qian family couldn't stop the pack of wolves, otherwise it would have suffered heavy casualties and huge losses.

To this, Qian Duoduo only gave him a reply,

"Do you think that why does Lexus dare to open such a big mouth? It is precisely because Lexus has given us a promise, that is, to give Wang Jian and his family to our Qian family!"

Ling Zhi glanced at Qian Guan, did not return him, but walked straight out the door.

Outside the door, there was tens of thousands of Da Qin cavalry.

Inside the door, Ling Zhi walked out alone with a relaxed and indifferent expression.

Just when everyone was confused by Monk Zhang Er and didn't know what Ling Zhi was going to do, the two people in front suddenly bowed slightly and lowered their high heads to Ling Zhi.

"By the order of Emperor Qin, Da Qin Tieqi, come to help Senior Ling Zhiling!"

Immediately afterwards, the promise of thousands of horses behind.

The sound shook Qindu.

A deputy commander stepped forward, his voice lowered.

"Senior Ling, the prime minister will come later, don't blame it."

"Not so much."

Ling Zhi waved his hand and didn't care. He was not a person who likes to show off.

"You don't have to do anything, just let me be quiet and play in it for a while."

Ling Zhi chuckled.


The two of them suddenly yelled and made a few movements with their hands. The iron knights behind them separated instantly, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Jian's house.

Within a hundred feet of the Jian family, a clearing appeared instantly! A hundred meters away, there are many forces with dull faces.

Within one hundred feet, it was Da Qin Iron Horse.

Jian’s family, Ling Zhi glanced at Qian Guan.

"What are you doing in a daze? I'll solve it sooner and end it sooner."

"Oh, Qian Guan quickly agreed and rushed out with someone."

In the **** blood, Ling Zhi held Gulu and walked straight to the back of Jian's house.

One of the four masters, the Jian family, is famous for alchemy.

He came here specially, but also has a plan.

Passing through the noisy place ahead, there is a rare trace of tranquility. Several meticulously managed spiritual medicine gardens exude bursts of fragrance. It is just that the grades of these spiritual medicines are not appreciated by Lexus.

His goal is the place where Jian Leyu lives.

The soul power came out, and it was easy to perceive such a special place.

As soon as I entered this other hospital, the tangy fragrance of elixir poured over.

In this elixir garden, there are more than a dozen elixir plants of level seven or higher.

Lexus looked happy, this is a good thing, he dug it out and put it in the ring, then he continued to walk inside.

He is going to the land of Jian Leyu alchemy.

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