God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1173: Censer

Qin Capital is the center of Xuanzhou, so it is naturally very prosperous.

Gulu was in the palace and had already had a good time. At the moment, he was lying contentedly on Lingzhi, lethargic.

He just didn't want to enter the waste beast bag, his eyes showed a slit, looking at all the novel things around.

This is the most famous trading place in Qin Capital! There is no hall, no rooms, no buildings, or even management staff, like a lively vegetable market.

All kinds of shouts and bargaining voices filled it.

Here, you may spend a piece of spiritual stone to buy a peerless exercise method, of course, it is more likely to be bankrupt, and buy a yellow grade inferior exercise method...Here, buyers often make big profits. , There were also buyers crying bitterly, cursing themselves for selling priceless things at low prices.

There is no him, because most of the things here are obtained by the warriors from the ruins of the ruins and the caves of the ancient strong men. Many of them look gorgeous and full of spiritual power, and they may have long lost their spirituality and become a pile of scrap iron.

And those inconspicuous, but they may be real treasures.

In short, nothing is impossible here.

Of course, most buyers and sellers are experienced people who simply want to make things happen, how simple it is.

When Ling Zhi came to Qindu this time, firstly he had an idea, and secondly he wanted to try to find a good pill furnace.

The pill furnace he used had always been bought at random and could only be used barely.

And he feels that he should already be able to refine the six-rank spirit pill. If he can remove the dross from Jianleyu’s alchemy experience, absorb the purification part, and match his understanding of the alchemist, it’s not certain. Shock the alchemy sage.

Seventh-level alchemy venerable, that would be a completely different realm, as far as some of the seven-rank spirit pills he knows, there are some that can directly allow the artistic realm martial artist to break through and promote, and the magical effects are endless.

That is a new situation for the alchemist, the door to a new world! The pill furnace used by Jian Leyu was a good pill furnace, but it was eroded by the fire of bone cold for a long time, and it was full of death.

Thinking of these lifeless auras, it was the aura of evil spirits collected by the Jian family secretly mobilizing countless mortal wars, which made it difficult for Ling Zhi to accept it from the heart.

He refines alchemy, what he cultivates is a kind of understanding, and he is happy!

"Hey, don't rush away, my friend. My pill furnace was just unearthed. Just a few days ago, in the cave mansion of what kind of strong man, I only grabbed it with a lot of power. This is a treasure. "

"Friend, don't look at my pill furnace missing a foot, but you have to know that in ancient times, there were many alchemy sages. This is the pill furnace used by those characters. If you want to make alchemy, how can you miss it! "

"How about, my friend, this medicinal fragrance, this material, this luster, don’t charge you too much, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand spiritual stones, you happily take home, to ensure that your alchemy success rate is doubled, and you will become more quickly. Master Alchemy!"

Such voices have been heard since Lexus revealed that he wanted to buy a pill furnace.

When they look at Lexus, most of them feel that they are a rich kid who have the idea of ​​alchemy. They are fools who don’t understand what to do with him. They are enthusiastic about the idea that they can cheat and can’t be deceived. .

Ling Zhi helped his forehead for a while, even if these pill furnaces were given to him, he would not want them! What kind of stuff.

"Hee hee, don't worry, there are very few good things. Where can they be encountered so easily."

Ye Qingcheng gently took Ling Zhi's hand and smiled.

With this laugh, the surrounding voices fell silent for an instant, followed by the sound of swallowing saliva.

All the stall owners showed the same expressions as Brother Pig.

This market was so big that it was all around, and Ling Zhi suddenly stopped at a stall.

The stall owner is a young man, scornful, bragging about an item with a man.

The thing was praised by him, and more importantly, he was justified and well-founded. Even every pattern on the thing, he could figure out how it was formed and how it was refined.

The man was full of unbelief at first, but in the end, he devoted himself to the research, and finally began to bargain directly with the young man.

Maybe he didn't even know that he had been taken in.

In the end, Ling Zhi watched as he took out a lot of spirit stones, holding it in his hands, and hurried away as if he had been a treasure.

It seems that I am afraid the stall owner will regret it.

Ling Zhi stopped in front of the booth, his eyes rested on a pill furnace on the right side of the booth.

This pill furnace is about half a meter in radius, not big, but many good pill furnaces, just like the Horcrux, already have some simple expansion effects, and this size doesn't know much.

What attracted Lexus was the medicinal fragrance in the pill furnace. No one would have thought that he was a fifth-level alchemist and the first person in Xuanzhou to make alchemy. Jian Leyu might not be able to defeat him in alchemy.

This medicinal fragrance is surprisingly the legacy of long-term alchemy and the spirit pill. Its fragrance is already extremely weak, but it can't escape Lexus' nose.

Inferring from these scents, at least it is also a sixth-grade spirit pill, that is, this pill furnace is at least a high-grade pill furnace.

"My friend, did you fall in love with this pill furnace? You know the goods at a glance. I will tell you that this pill furnace is the most precious thing in my stall. Many people want to buy it, but I am not willing to buy it."

"But I see friends who are willing to make friends with you. If you really want it, I can give it to you.

This pill furnace is well preserved, and the medicinal fragrance is sufficient, it is definitely the best choice for alchemy. "

Seeing that the business was coming, the man hurried over.

Ling Zhi frowned, stretched out his hand and gently touched the pill furnace without saying a word.

At this time, Tantaijing also stepped forward, digging out her soul power to investigate, and after a while, she nodded.

"The lower-grade Horcrux Pill Furnace, but unfortunately the furnace body has been damaged a bit, and its quality has declined."

The man was startled and looked at Tan Taijing in surprise, knowing that he had met someone who knew the goods, he laughed, not embarrassed.

"Hey, since my friend is a person who knows the goods, then I am not ambiguous. In this way, there will be zero problems when the pill furnace is on the spiritual formation. You only need to find a refiner to repair it. You can give five million spiritual stones. Take it away."

Five million spirit stones is not a lot, but this pill furnace is obviously not worth the price. If the spirit array is damaged, sometimes it may cause a treasure to become a waste product, which is extremely risky.

Tantai Jing opened her lips slightly, and was about to speak.

However, Lexus suddenly grabbed an incense burner on the side of the Li furnace. There were three to five incense sticks in the incense burner, which exuded a faint smell.

"Alright, there are not many five million spiritual stones, but I like the style of this incense burner. Why don't you give it to me together?"

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