God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1171: The sword name Xuanyuan!

"Shi Huang!"

As soon as the word Shi Huang came out, Ling Zhi himself was astonished, but Qin Huang and Lin Canghen trembled violently, and no longer had that calm appearance.

The so-called calm is just because the things encountered have not been able to cause an extremely strong impact on him! The two words that Ling Zhi uttered, like a thunder, struck into their minds.

"Since you set foot in the capital of Qin, the things left by the first emperor began to vibrate. To prevent any changes, I will stay here and send Canghen to invite you. As expected, you are right!"

Emperor Qin stood up directly from the throne and walked down! Ling Zhi’s shock was not much less than that of them. The appearance of Emperor Qin in front of him and the appearance of the dragon suit he saw in the starry sky were generally the same. The only difference was probably the domineering aura on the opponent. There are slight differences.

Can't compare with that person.

That is the style and features of the emperor!

"Where did you know the name of Shi Huang? The appearance of Shi Huang?"

Emperor Qin walked up to Ling Zhi, looked at him, and didn't show off.

Ling Zhi frowned but did not answer.

Qin Huang was shocked, then laughed loudly.

"Haha, it's me...but I was reckless and asked you such a question directly."

"Please come with me!"

He turned around and walked straight behind a screen behind the throne of the main hall.

Ling Zhi glanced at Lin Canghen and saw that there was a rare trace of tension and excitement on his face, and a strange feeling surged in his heart, not much, he stepped forward first.


There was a buzzing sound, which sounded abruptly since Lexus took steps.

In this hall, the breath suddenly changed, from solemn to a domineering.


Ye Qingcheng exclaimed, and saw that in front of her, a bony white tower emerged, emitting bursts of white light on its own.

Lin Canghen and Qin Huang turned their heads together, looking towards this place, looking at the bone-white tower in surprise.

"Tower, what are you doing?"

Ye Qingcheng stretched out his hand and brushed the tower lightly, curiously said.

The tower shook, and it flew straight to the screen.

The speed is extremely fast, turning into a white phantom, left behind in this hall.

"not good!"

Qin Huang's expression changed, and he quickly walked toward the screen.

Lin Canghen turned his head,

"Lingzhi, please take good care of Sister Ye, if the tower is damaged..."

Halfway through his conversation, he also directly used the body technique, and hurried over to the screen at an extremely fast speed.

Ling Zhi held Ye Qingcheng's hand with his backhand, and rushed to the screen with her.

You can see that just over there, the tower emits a light that cannot be blocked by the screen, and the light is magnificent.

Far more fierce than holding Zheng Yao in Ye Qingcheng.


Qin Huang and Lin Canghen both surprised and heard from behind the screen.

After passing through the screen, Ling Zhi glanced intently, and saw the tower floating in the air, up and down, a weird wave rushing from the tower to the thing behind the screen.

This is a sword.

The sword is engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains and grass on the other side.

The hilt of the sword describes the art of farming and animal husbandry on the one hand, and the policy of unifying the world on the other.

Although there was no warrior on Earth before, men always have a lot of longing and hope for things like swords.

Ling Zhi couldn't believe that he would actually see this sword in Reincarnation, in Xuanzhou! The sword of the holy way, Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword! In the biography of Huaxia, it was cast by the Yellow Emperor from the bronze of the gods and mountains, followed by Xia Yu.

And the ancient book, called Xuanyuanjian! This is a symbol of the Chinese clan! Huangdi holding the Xuanyuan sword, killed the demon **** Chiyou, slashed demons and exterminated demons, and later passed on to Xia Yu, namely Dayu, who controlled the waters. This sword is indispensable.

It was later passed on to Shangtang, and Shangtang established the country with this sword, but after the Shang Dynasty turmoil, this sacred sword was missing.

Unexpectedly, it was actually obtained by Qin Shihuang! Some strange fluctuations flowed from the tower towards Xuanyuanjian. Ling Zhi keenly caught a fluctuation that was very similar to soul power. He was surprised and inexplicably, the tower was actually communicating with Xuanyuanjian? However, although Xuanyuanjian's rays of light flickered, there was no fluctuation.

The reddest, the tower turned around Xuanyuan Sword, seeming to be a little lost, and slammed back to Ye Qingcheng's side.

Emperor Qin and Lin Canghen looked at the tower in surprise, and Lin Canghen gave a wry smile.

"Talking too much, I didn't expect that Sister Ye's tower would be so extraordinary and would not be hurt by Xuanyuanjian."

"It doesn't seem to show any offensive power?"

Ye Qingcheng asked the tower to fall on her hand.

Lin Canghen was dumbfounded, took out a spear from the ring and threw it forward.

This spear is densely covered with spiritual formations, and at first glance it is not a mundane thing.

"Medium Horcrux."

Tantai let out a faint sound, with a very loud voice, which seemed to be an explanation for Ling Zhi and others.

Lin Canghen glanced at her in surprise and exaggerated.

"good taste."

He didn't know that Tan Tai Jing inferred the grade of the long spear from the spirit formation on the gun.

When the spear was thrown within three feet of Xuanyuanjian, it suddenly stopped, and it was solidified in Kong Zheng. He didn't see any strangeness from Xuanyuanjian, and there was no movement, but the spear suddenly exploded. Open.

The light of the spirit array flickered on the long spear, but it didn't work at all. The long spear broke every inch, and soon, there was only a pile of waste residue that fell on Lin.

"Now, do you know?"

Lin Canghen spread his hands.

But Ling Zhi didn't have the time to take care of him, because at this moment, his body had already fallen out!


Word monument,


Word monument,


The word monument, at this moment, shook at the same time! There was an ancient and boundless aura that emerged from these three stone tablets, and finally gathered together and projected from Ling Zhi.

Xuanyuan Sword buzzed, and the sword of the holy way suddenly rushed towards Lexus.

The yellow-gold sword body is shining with shocking light, wherever the sword body passes, the void is cracked, and time and space flow back! Qin Huang was shocked, and stretched out his hand to stroke Xuanyuanjian. Who knows, Xuanyuanjian directly bypassed him and still shot at Lexus.

"Lexus, retreat quickly, this sword is unstoppable!"

Lin Canghen yelled, and gritted his teeth and grabbed Xuanyuanjian.

Spiritual power rushed from him, and in this short instant, his face was flushed, and he was obviously desperate.

However, Ling Zhi only looked up at him, neither dodge nor defend.

He stared at Xuanyuanjian in a daze, and his whole heart was sucked in.

What he saw was not a sword flying, but a sea of ​​blood, in which there were countless corpses.

[Shuquge www.shuquge.xyz] In the end, the picture dissipated and turned into a domineering figure, who was Shi Huang.

Ling Zhi raised his hand subconsciously, and Xuanyuan Jian was taken aback, staying in front of him, floating above Kong Zheng on the sword, two gilt characters slowly emerged.

Sword, named Xuanyuan

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