God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1157: Exploding colorful soul

"Gengu Tower, listen to my orders, come!"

This is Lexus's cry.

It is also the cry of all the fallen leaves disciples.

The big brother in their hearts, the one who always creates miracles, is still here! boom! Rumble! This tower has been guarded by Luo Ya since thousands of years ago, and even tens of thousands of years ago, it moved again.

Its yellow tower vibrated, exuding a misty breath.

That kind of breath is exactly like the chaotic breath that Lexus once felt! It just shook slightly, and the surrounding space, like a mirror, cracked and cracked.

It was like a mirror standing on the ground, shattering.

Countless cracks appeared over there.

The tower moves, the space is cracked! The power is amazing.

The king of the earth stood up from the ground, held a palm with the elder Taishang, wrapped Zuo Jun extraordinary, and together with the king of man, he hurried up, Zheng, who stood in the air, looked cloudy and uncertain, and looked at the tower. A little flustered and nervous.

Lexus's strength was not enough to motivate the tower, but with Shu Feiyao as a bridge, it went smoothly and took over the tower.

At this moment, the tower is his weapon! The yellow tower, showing the weight of the earth, but with a strange time and space blessing, was summoned by Ling Zhi, the tower finally moved.

It trembled lightly, lightly trembling, some aura permeated around it, like diffuse dust, being shaken down.

The body of the tower gradually emerged from the void. It seemed that it was not in this space, nor was it at this time that Zheng was summoned by Lexus at this moment. It was only from the distant time and space, in a remote and unknown place, that it appeared. Come out.

"Impossible, except Luo Ya, no one can control the tower. Only with the strength of his mood, how can he control the tower!"

Zuo Jun Bufan roared and said unwillingly.

He has been lurking in the Fallen Leaf Sect for many years, not because of the Fallen Leaf Sect's teachings, but to spot it and stare at the tower.

In his opinion, with his heart and opportunity, if the tower can really be controlled, it must belong to him.

As long as he can get the tower, his chances are nothing.

So even if he could grow faster and have more opportunities, he still chose to stay in the Fallen Leaf Sect.

He couldn't accept it. In the end, it was his enemy who controlled the tower, who disturbed his chances in the tower and robbed him of all the limelight, Lexus!


Most of the remaining Fallen Leaf disciples were wounded. At this moment, their mouths were bleeding, but they were still shouting desperately, not concealing the excitement in their hearts.

At this moment, these three words, big brother, seem so heavy and so different.

Lexus completely conquered them from strength to personal character, and so on! Zhou Xuanqing stared at Lexus in a daze, his eyes were slightly moist. He was proud of having a disciple like Lexus.

Ye Qingcheng's eyes glowed, and he looked at Lexus excitedly and shyly.

There are also Niu Yuanhang, Jiang Xue, and Tantaijing.

At this moment, Lexus exudes a transcendent aura from all over his body, keeping his fingers in the sky.

The tower buzzed, and finally started from the ground with voice control, and flew towards Ling Zhi from the direction of Luo Yezong.

It did not shrink, nor did it enlarge.

It flies in the void, and its body is still surrounded by countless clouds and mists. These clouds and mists are like nebulae from the starry sky. It seems to be only ten feet high, and it seems to be that high, and it seems that it is only so one. Husband.

Can't be true, can't be thorough.

The tower just stood upright above Lexus's head, floating there, up and down.

This emptiness suddenly solidified.

As if suppressed by it.

"What about the tower? It's just a generation.

Children can't hurt an adult even with a knife! "

Ren Wang let out a low growl, as if he was ashamed of being scared off by Lexus, there was a **** light from raising his hand.

The power of this blood light is obvious to all, extremely powerful.

Elder Luo Ye Taishang stepped forward and wanted to stop him.

However, Ling Zhi was behind the scenes, and across the void, facing this blood spot.

Some misty breath diffused from the tower, and a wisp of light came out.

This thread collapsed forever.

The blood light hits this breath, like an egg hitting a huge mountain, instantly dissipating in Kongzheng

"Tower, kill the town!"

Ling Zhi let out a powerful shout, controlling the tower, and heading away towards the King of People.

The tower rumblingly floated away, and the weapons in the hands of the king flew toward the tower.

However, none of them had any effect.

The tower maintained a speed, suppressing him, not hurriedly or slowly, but it was not allowed to resist.

The land king's face changed, and he didn't dare to hesitate, he patted the tower with his hands.

A dull voice sounded, and he shot three palms at the bottom of the tower, but the tower remained motionless.

The feeling they have now is just like that of the fallen leaf disciples who faced them before, the kind of helplessness and blessing that the transformation is so rapid, and beyond doubt! Ling Zhi's forehead was sweating, and he felt that his soul body seemed to be withered.

"Ling, are you okay?"

Shu Feiyao's voice reached the bottom of Ling Zhi's heart.

She only needs a thought, and Lexus can feel it.

Although Shu Feiyao's relationship was used, the activation of the tower was far from what people of his realm could use. It was just that the movement of the tower a few times also consumed a lot of his soul power.

Until now, he was even a little dizzy, and his soul body was a little bleak, which was the cause of overdraft.

Feeling Shu Feiyao's care, Ling Zhi shook his head slightly and smiled.

He gritted his teeth, fiercely violently, his soul suddenly stood up, standing in the courtyard of the gods


On the word tablet, one pointed to the nine drops of colorful soul-raising lotus juice surrounding him, one of which was dropped.


He spit out a word, and this drop of juice exploded all at once, covering his soul body.

He unexpectedly chose to directly explode a drop of juice to replenish his spirit power.

Almost just a breath of effort, Lexus's soul body was restored to its peak state, and it only consumed a fraction of a drop of Seven Color Soul-Nourishing Lotus juice, which was very small.

Spirit power is still continuously rushing into his soul body, causing his soul body to swell and begin to ache. Such consequences will be terrifying.

"Give me town, town!"

He finally shouted like a blue dragon and spoke again.

These spirit powers were controlled by him, all leaning outwards, and the Zheng Ta who poured into the tower was boosted by this, and the speed was three points faster, and he continued to go down town.

Those misty breaths surround it, making it impossible for the King of Humans and the King of Earth to move, and can only resist.

In the eyes of everyone, the tower finally fell down

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