God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1155: Butcher

The physical condition of the elder became weaker and weaker, and Ling Zhi did not dare to hesitate.

But the power of these three daggers in a row is superimposed on each other, which is equally terrifying and a bit exaggerated.

Ling Zhi was shocked by the power of the explosion.

On the arm, there are dense scars.

The sequelae of his use of the three-finger cut hasn't completely dissipated, and he can't show much of his strength.

It used to be an extraordinary confrontation with Zuo Jun, but now the strength that has finally gathered together has been exhausted again.

A strong sense of weakness surged into Lexus's heart.

The feet were soft, and he couldn't even control his body, and almost fell from the air.


The elder violently coughed out a mouthful of blood, even with several pieces of liver.

All the fragments of that dagger were submerged in his body, even if Ling Zhi rushed to him and used various means to save him, he could no longer live.

King Ginseng is the top elixir, only one step away from it. Even if Ling Zhi is willing, King Ginseng will not be willing to destroy himself and save the great elder.

Ling Zhi forced a sigh of relief and rushed towards the elder.

However, he could only watch, the great elder fell into Zhou Xuanqing's cherished life, and disappeared instantly.

Great Elder Falling Leaf, die! Died in his apprentice hand Zheng

"Wolves and dogs!"

Old Zhou Xuanqing's eyes were red, and he hugged the elder tightly, looking at Zuo Jun and cursing.

Ling Zhi finally came to them at this moment.

The detective hand grabbed the wrist of the elder, and after probing, his face changed slightly, his eyes dimmed by three minutes.

He is not a god, he is just a warrior with the fifth level of artistic conception, and he still does not have the ability to bring people back to life.

Zhou Xuanqing gently put down the great elder and stood up.

The sharp breath rushed from above his body.

However, without waiting for him to speak, Ling Zhi reached out and stood in front of him.

Also stood up.

"Master, you are the Sect Master of Fallen Leaf, so how can someone who betrays the Master's sect allows you to take action.

Leave it to me, enough. "

Ling Zhi said solemnly.

If the Fallen Leaf Sect already needs the Sect Master to capture and hunt down a disciple, how far is the Fallen Leaf Sect? Zuo Jun Bufan sneered.

"Haha, kill me? Betrayal? What is betrayal? People don't serve themselves, punish the ground, you don't understand such a simple truth?"

"It was he himself who stood in front of my sword, looking for death by himself, and didn't blame me. Originally, I didn't want to kill him. Because of his aptitude, he couldn't make any waves."

With killing intent, from Ling Zhi, from Zhou Xuanqing, from all the disciples of the Fallen Leaf Sect, charged up.

"The body of the elder is still hot, but if you say this, do you still have the slightest bit of mercy?"

Elder Falling Leaf Yao Luo scolded and walked over.

The second elder's complexion was even greener,

"How can my Fallen Leaf Sect have such a wolf-hearted person like you, is your heart eaten by a dog!"

"The one who stopped me is my biological parents who will also die, let alone him?"

Zuo Jun Bufan coldly snorted.

"It just taught me something."

"Now I'm better than him. Since he can't teach me anymore, why can't I kill him? What's the use of asking him to live? On the contrary, I want to call someone a master, and I have a low one-third level!"

A word, cold words, flew out of Zuo Jun's extraordinary mouth.

Falling on each of Zheng Lingzhi's pupils, it was red.

The killing intent, which was steaming up, radiated from all around his body.

From all parts of the body, there is unspeakable power, weirdly radiating from it, and rushing out to supplement his power.

This is the potential of the body.

Human potential is endless.

Martial artist cultivation is the process of digging and studying the treasures of his body.

After just a few breaths, Lexus's state was restored to its peak.


However, at this moment, there was a loud noise in the air, and the figure of the Supreme Elder appeared here.

He came to the crowd, looked down at the elder, clutched his chest, and coughed up blood.

Two figures followed closely behind.

Surprisingly, it is the King of Man and the King of Land in the Palace of Three Kings.

There are blood stains on both of them, and their clothes are even more torn and ragged, but their condition is obviously much better than that of the Supreme Elder.

"Everyone is in this realm, at the highest realm allowed in Xuanzhou Land, who is much weaker than the other, trying to stop the two of us with our own strength, you really value yourself!"

The king of the earth smiled, disdainfully said.

"Uncommon, come here.

Why did you make such a big noise by killing someone? "

The earth king suddenly beckoned and drew Zuo Jun Bufan directly to his side.

Everyone was startled and reacted instantly! Zuo Jun Bufan stood beside the king of humans and the king of earth, looking at everyone with a look of disdain.

He unexpectedly got together with the people of the Three Kings Palace.

And it can be seen that the king of the earth and the king of humans value him extremely, otherwise, how could they take the action personally and pull them directly to the side to protect them.


The king of the earth frowned and looked down at Ling Zhi. This was the first time that they really focused their attention on Ling Zhi.

"So strong murderous, so strong demon, the aptitude is really good!"

He gave a compliment,

"Well, do you want to come to my Three Kings Palace? How about I protect you as the next generation king?"


Zuo Jun said with a smile,

"Come to the Palace of the Three Kings to assist me, I can forget the past!"

"wishful thinking!"

Lexus refused.

At the same time, a somewhat trembling spirit power, not very stable, spread to his side, bringing a piece of news.

Ren Wang smiled angrily,

"Wishful thinking? The generation's tone is very big, now I can look down on you, don't know how to lift up, when we destroy the Fallen Leaf Sect, you will regret it and it is too late!"

The elder Taishang got up again, stood up, protected everyone behind him, and looked directly at them.

"With me, you guys don't want to succeed!"

"The king, he left it to you.

My hands are itchy suddenly and want to kill! "

The king of the earth suddenly spoke, and unexpectedly said such words, rushing towards the disciple of the Luo Yezong.

The King of People shot directly with all his strength and blasted towards the Supreme Elder, blocking him.

For a time, the king of the earth entered the flock of sheep like a wolf, only with a light wave, the dozens of fallen leaf disciples in front of them broke their muscles and bones, and flew out. In mid-air, there was no vitality.

Zhou Xuanqing's expression changed drastically, without thinking about it, he rushed out.

The second elder, Niu Yuanhang, Ye Qingcheng, everyone, all of them! Everyone attacked together, countless attacks flew out and went straight to the king of the earth.

But the king of the earth just stretched out his hand and pressed it on the ground, and countless earth walls flew up, stopping all the attacks and stopping them all.

He couldn't touch him at all, but was pressed by his palm, killing dozens of people again.

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