God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1153: The Second King of Taishang War

King of people.

The Hall of Three Kings has three hall masters since ancient times.

That is, the three kings of the local people.

Almost yes, the three of them represent the top combat power of Xuanzhou.

"Do I have a face, and how do you qualify for evaluation? I just didn't expect that the last trump card of the Fallen Leaf Sect was you."

Ren Wang sneered.

"Didn't you make up your mind to guard the seal back then? Why, now you are still nested in this Fallen Leaf Sect. Haven't you decided whether to go?"

"Fuck off!"

Zhou Xuanqing scolded.

"The elder Supreme was at the seal of the monster and exhausted a lot of effort to prevent a monster from breaking through, and then he was forced to return to the sect. If it weren't for the elder, how can a brave man like you survive until now!"

"It is you now, you are not qualified to stand in front of the Supreme Elder!"

Any monster rushing out is likely to cause many monsters to rush out, with extremely serious consequences.

At that time, the entire Xuanzhou will be wiped out! The so-called one hall, two sects and four masters actually refer to the top power in Xuanzhou who guarded the seal of the monsters.

Except for the Fallen Leaf Sect, all other forces chose to shrink and protect themselves.

Although the Tie Family and the Qian Family will more or less help the Fallen Leaf Sect, they dare not stand up or go against the general trend!

"How useless, I want to know, how can you stop me today, today you fall the leaf sect.

Must be extinct! "

The King of People spoke, and casually took what Zhou Xuanqing had said.

This is him, this is them, live with peace of mind.

Even those monsters once trampled their ancestors on their feet and slaughtered them! At this moment, no one stopped their eyes on Shangguan Boyan and the others, their strengths and weaknesses were clear at a glance! Shangguan Boyan's eyes flickered, looking at Ling Zhi's eyes, full of resentment, if it weren't for Ling Zhi, why would he be here.

Shangguan Ning was thrown away with one hand. If Shangguan Ning could get Huangfuqi on his body soon


The word tablet was presented to him, and perhaps he had already entered the King Realm with his vigorous vitality in one fell swoop! The elder Taishang looked a little serious, his gaze shifted from the body of the king to another place in the void.

"Since it's already here, why shrink back and dare not show up?"

He spoke.

Silence in the void, nothing unusual.

"The three kings of the people of the capital and the land, the king is the strongest and the most mysterious, the king of the people is the best and the most shameless, the king of the land is the most sinister and the most treacherous, I don't want to be so."

The elder too sneered,

"I don't even have the courage to stand up, it's really pitiful!"

Then, he suddenly pointed out, a white light suddenly appeared on the tip of his finger, and shot towards the void.

There was a crisp sound in the void, and an old hand poked out from it and grabbed the white light.

The white light hit it and dissipated.

"I have actually been to the seal of the monster, and I have tempered such a keen sense of consciousness."

An old voice sounded, and an old man in a black robe appeared from the void.

On the black robe, there was a word of earth printed impressively.

The font is steady, like the earth.

The Palace of Three Kings, the land king of the three kings.

"It's a pity, no matter how keenly aware, how can it be in front of the two of us?"

"Shameless, do you still have a little dignity to dare not fight alone! Instead, you have to join forces!"

The elder scolded.

There was a haze in the eyes of the earth king,

"I'm not the King of People. If you talk so nonsense again, I don't mind taking action to solve you first."

Then, he looked at the elder Luoye Taishang,

"Since you have come out, don't go back, die here, you are worthy of you."

After that, he and King Ren stepped closer at the same time.

The three men, at this moment, the fiercest battle broke out.

Earlier, the **** light shot by the King of People was offset by the white light of the Supreme Elder, and the white light shot by the Supreme Elder only forced King Lin to appear.

This light is weird, and it makes people wonder what kind of power it is and how powerful it is.

When the battle began and the light was flying, everyone realized what kind of power it was.

Any ray of light, as long as there is a little overflow, flies to the ground, flies to the mountain peak.

Then there is an abyss on the ground, faults in the mountains, and blank spaces in the forest! That is a kind of power that no one can guess.

With the support of Ye Qingcheng, Ling Zhi came to the side of the Luo Yezong with a serious expression. It can be seen that the Supreme Elder is better than the King of People and the King of Earth, and every time he is alone, he can force each other back.

However, the realm of the Supreme Elder and the two are the same, but the strength is really limited. In the face of the two Rao's joint efforts, they often fall into [biqugew.xyz] into the Zheng of crisis. After all, this is the two halls of the Three Kings Palace. The master made a move and was able to stop one, which was already a matter of pride.

The elder Taishang waved his hand sideways, and the spiritual power of the earth gathered and rushed towards the king.

The dead hand shot out a few blood lights, and the torrent of Zheng Lingli who pierced these spiritual powers suddenly tightened, immediately confined these blood lights, and continued to pounce on the King.

Although the torrent was trembling, it was still strong and blasted towards the king.

As soon as he was about to succeed, the King of Earth suddenly stretched out his hand and stroked it in the air, and countless soils gushed out of the ground at an extremely fast speed, turning it into the hardest wall, blocking the King of People.

The torrent of spiritual power smashed against the earth wall with a red light. The torrent finally couldn’t hold it and broke apart. The blood light also dissipated in the explosion. The earth wall swayed, and numerous cracks appeared, and clods flew out. Hit the king who could not dodge.

This clod of soil, as if it had the power of tens of thousands, even smashed the king back with blood.

Before he was too happy, the declining elder's breath made all the fallen leaves disciples unable to laugh.

Obviously, this blow was casually terrifying, but it consumed too much power of the Supreme Elder, but it failed to achieve significant results.

The king licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, and the fighting spirit in his body suddenly soared.

"Interesting, no one can hurt me for a long time!"

When the three were entangled and fell into a battle.


A figure suddenly appeared beside the Great Elder and Zhou Xuanqing.

It turned out to be Zuo Jun extraordinary.

Zhou Xuanqing couldn't help but pause when he planned to participate in the war.

"Master, the disciple is late, and I ask Master to forgive me."

Zuo Jun Bufan said the most, but his eyes didn’t feel guilty.

"Just come back, just come back."

The great elder smiled with surprise and looked at Zuo Jun Bufan happily.

"Come on, I have seen the lord, this is your master's younger brother! You have to salute!"

The Great Elder said.

"Your strength?"

Zhou Xuanqing frowned, pointed out his soul power, and swept towards Zuo Jun Bufan.

Ling Zhi suddenly rose from the ground and rushed over.

"Master, retreat quickly!"

Ling Zhi shouted anxiously.

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