God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1115: Soul Array

Ye Qingcheng lay flat on the bed, his breath was steady and his vital signs were normal.

But they didn't react at all to Lexus and the others' entry. There were array patterns on the ground.

"Soul formation?"

Tantai stared at the lines on the ground for a while, and said in surprise.

Ling Zhi and Niu Yuanhang were all confused. When they heard her words suddenly, Ling Zhi turned around and looked at her eagerly as if seeing a straw.

Tan Taijing was uncomfortable with Ling Zhi's fiery eyes, and she couldn't help taking a step back, which made her feel much better.

"Why, don't you understand your omnipotent Lexus?"

Tantai said quietly.

These words are from the sincerity, the opponent's strength, the growth is really fast and a bit outrageous.

She is still not sure what grade the other party has reached.

All she knows is that her teacher and father can't do what she did just now.


Ling Zhi laughed awkwardly and rubbed his hands.

"Do you know what formation this is?"

Lexus is the least proficient, probably the formation.

The formations he encountered in the past, but all the defensive formations, were broken by brute force.

Happy, and simply.

Although a bit stupid.

But he did not have the remaining energy to study the formation.

"Xindantai, unparalleled formation?"

After holding back for a while, Niu Yuanhang suddenly spit out this sentence.

After all, he had been abroad for a period of time, and the second elders obviously valued him very much, and he paid a lot of attention to things.

And not like Lexus, who was almost stocked by Zhou Xuanqing...

"What do you mean?"

Ling Zhi looked back at him.

"Probably, Xinzong and Tantai are members of the Xuanzhou formation. It seems that there have been top spiritual formation masters. I forgot to specifically mention it. Master told me.

Where can I remember,"

Niu Yuanhang scratched his head and said.

Tantai Jing's expression was calm, without any reaction.

"Formation everyone?"

Ling Zhi's eyes lit up.

Those who dare to claim to be everyone in the formation, Tan Taijing is also the descendant of the Sect Master of the Heart Sect.

The formation method is different from the spiritual power and soul power.

Before clarifying the effect of this formation, rashly doing it might hurt Ye Qingcheng.

"What kind of soul formation is this, what effect does it have, and how to break it?"

Ling Zhi asked.

Tan Taijing raised her eyes and glanced at him, her face calm, without a word.


Ling Zhi's face was embarrassed.

It seems that the enemy, the other party, has no reason to tell him?

"Uh, I can exchange things with you."

Ling Zhidao,

"how about this?"

He took out agarwood.

Tantaijing's eyes moved, but there was still nothing to say.

"This one?"

He took out the seeds of the snake spirit vine.

In a sense, as long as the spiritual power is sufficient and the time is sufficient, the snake spirit vine is likely to grow to a spirit vine above the seventh rank.

It just takes a lot of spirit stones and a lot of time.

And this is undoubtedly a kind of effort that is very worth investing in for the long-standing Xinzong.

Ling Zhi explained agarwood and explained the seed of spirit vine.

Tantaijing's expression was even stronger, but she still didn't speak.

"Otherwise, this?"

A tingling look flashed across Ling Zhi's face.

It was Ao Gui who gave him it, and it was most likely the tortoise shell shed by the middle ninth-grade Ao Gui, the one with shocking defense.

"This is Aogui turtle shell?"

Tan Taijing is not calm this time.

It's true, not calm anymore.

From the beginning of her practice, from the beginning of her practice with Shangguan Ning, she was asked to have no desires and no emotions. This is the best state of mind for Xinzong to cultivate the soul.

Over the years, she thought that she could already see the landslide before her eyes, but her face remained unchanged.

However, this is the first time that she smiled unexpectedly, and Lexus was also the first person. With her, your smile is so beautiful.

How many years have you not laughed? How many times have you wanted to laugh, cry, want the most authentic expression, but can't? Girlish feelings are always spring.

Tantai was quietly in front of Lexus, and his neighbor smiled once, suddenly not wanting to hide his emotions.

She wants to be herself.

"What kind of Ao turtle shell is this? How can you have such a thing."

She was a little excited, reaching out to touch the huge turtle shell.

Just before taking over, he drew back.

The expression was struggling.

"An Ao tortoise who is dead.

The specific strength is probably the ninth grade. "

Lexus did not exaggerate or conceal it.

"End of life, ten thousand years?"

Tantaijing couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, ten thousand years."

Ling Zhi nodded.

The value of this turtle shell is immeasurable.

But for Ye Qingcheng, what was such a price?

"You save Ye Qingcheng, I will give you the turtle shell."

Lexus took the initiative to speak and handed the turtle shell forward.

Tantai was silent for a moment.

"The value of this tortoise shell is enough to make the powerhouse of the three-part realm be moved, do you know?"

"It just allows me to become a powerful person in the Triad Realm. As long as I can save her, I am willing."

Ling Zhi grinned and said firmly.

"I don't want this turtle shell because I can't save her."

Tantai was silent for a while, said.


Ling Zhi's face became very ugly.

"It's not that I don't want to save, um... I tell you how to save her, but I don't know if you can do it."

Tantai speaks quietly,

"But you have to promise me one condition."

"Okay, I promise you."

Ling Zhi nodded.

"You are not listening, what are the conditions?"

Tantaijing said in surprise. In her heart, in her years of experience, it is hard to imagine that there will be someone, for a woman, for a trivial other person, and this way.

In Shangguanning's teachings, she must be calm, composed, and cold-hearted. Even if the family is in trouble, she must first put herself first.

It is difficult for her to understand Lexus's emotions and actions, but she is faintly looking forward to someone who can treat her like this.

"I trust you and won't let me do unscrupulous things."

Ling Zhi smiled happily, but quietly put down a set, otherwise Tantaijing let him leave, don't go to the Fallen Sect, or even deal with the Fallen Sect, isn't this nonsense?


Tan Taijing's state of mind is destined to be not deep, she frowned,

"I want you to let me help you portray the spirit formation when you refine weapons from this turtle shell in the future."

"With this kind of material to portray the spirit array, I can definitely go a step further and even hope to become the lord of the spirit array."

Alchemy points, alchemy apprentices, alchemists, alchemists, and seven-level alchemists, namely, alchemists.

The same is true for the Spirit Array Master.

"You are already a sixth-level spiritual formation master?"

Ling Zhi's surprise was beyond words.

"This is the soul formation. The soul formation is arranged by the spirit formation master, and the strong can directly imprison the martial artist's soul body with soul power. The formation is broken and the soul body is broken.

Don't move rashly. "

Tan Taijing didn't answer Lexus' words, but continued seriously.

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