God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1110: Show you


Niu Yuanhang exclaimed and murmured,

"This voice is Lexus?"

There was a light of surprise in his eyes, and then he changed again and became worried.

"Yeah, who the **** is in front of me, let my brother go quickly, otherwise I won't be polite."

Niu Yuanhang shouted and threatened.

Ling Zhi touched his nose, and he instantly reacted.

Niu Yuanhang, a stupid buddy, must have regarded the spirit power he drew out as a certain powerhouse, and then regarded his call as a cry for help.

But there was still a warm current in Ling Zhi's heart.

When he was clearly surrounded by danger and pursued by the enemy, he guessed that he was in danger and rushed out the first time.

Probably only this group of people, right? Isn't this what he wants, family?

"Niu Niu, what are you talking about? In your opinion, do I get caught so easily?"

Ling Zhi had already rushed into Niu Yuanhang's soul power perception range, he said loudly.

Tantai stood quietly next to Ling Zhi, his calm eyes finally filled with waves.

The people next to her are from the Fallen Leaf Sect, she unexpectedly brought a Fallen Leaf Sect person to come here through the teleportation array of the Heart Sect.

And also take him to the place where Xinzong is stationed! Rao was as calm as her, with a hint of horror in his heart.

Although he didn't think that with the strength of Lexus, in the hands of Xinzong, he could uncover any waves, but the threat to her nature should not be ignored.

Ling Zhi turned his head and glanced at Tantai Jing, the spiritual power on his body shook, and at that moment, he wanted to take down the woman.

With his strength, accomplishing this is not as difficult as imagined.

Tantaijing's body tightened, and his spiritual power followed the shock, setting up a defensive posture.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be from the Fallen Leaf Sect."

She said coldly.


Ling Zhi glanced at her and smiled.

"There are more you can't think of."

He was sure that Tan Taijing hadn't guessed his identity, otherwise the other party would be even more surprised than now!

"If you want to do it, do it, I didn't care, it fell into your hands."

Tantaijing took out the Horcrux, without flinching.

Her Horcrux turned out to be a mirror, a bronze mirror, and a fairy-like woman in fluttering clothes was engraved in the back, Meirensheng.

The mirror surface was calm without a trace, and it was very similar to Tantaijing's face.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but glanced twice, his spirit power was on the bronze mirror Horcrux, and he swept around, he couldn't feel the level of the bronze mirror, which showed the high level of this Horcrux.

"I really want to do it to you, but for the sake of your smile, let's forget it.

It feels pretty good for you, and I don't want to be like a brash man, just doing it to women.

You should save this power when you see your master and use it. "

Ling Zhi touched his nose and said casually.

Then he moved his feet, but didn't really take the opportunity to take down Tantaijing, and went straight to Niu Yuanhang.

"I know these artistic conceptions belong to one of your Xinzong forces, but I saw that they are not from your Xinzong, so you can follow them. It is best not to interfere, otherwise, I will definitely not be merciful."

"After all, they are hunting down my friend."

Ling Zhi's voice suddenly cooled down, full of killing intent.

"you you……"

Niu Yuanhang and Ling Zhi met, and he pointed at Ling Zhi, half-jumping in a complete sentence.

Ling Zhi looked at him quietly, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Why do you pretend to be his voice!"

Niu Yuanhang stayed for a while, suddenly said something like this.

Only then did Ling Zhi realize that his face was still covered by his spirit power. Although Niu Yuanhang's strength has skyrocketed, he shouldn't be able to see it yet.

The spiritual power was quickly dissipated at the moment, his face was exposed, and he quickly covered it.

"Hey, Niuniu, the next few are the ones who chase you, wait, they are rare to meet, brother will show you something."

Ling Zhi chuckled, missed Niu Yuanhang, and rushed toward those people.

Niu Yuanhang turned around in amazement, almost suspecting that he was dreaming.

This person who is more than one level higher than his own is Lexus? Zhang You has been in a bad mood recently, very bad.

He used to live his own life in Ancheng, wanting the wind to get the wind, wanting to rain and rain. Who knows, the three top forces, the Wang family, the Jian family, and the Xinzong, suddenly came together and directly occupied His Ancheng.

He was reduced to a help from these three, and he had to listen.

Originally, he thought this was his own opportunity, a chance to get the appreciation of these three top forces, and he might also be able to serve as an elder.

Who knows, the other party actually left him behind, guarding this transit city, and didn't let him go to the front at all to kill the enemy to reveal himself.

But now, his opportunity came. The young man who had killed an elder of the Wang family, who was rumored to possess the body of the starry sky, unexpectedly ran into him.

If you can win him, still worry that the Wang family will not thank him? What do you want? But this person is really tough. He chased him all the way from the city, and even allowed him to run so far.

Zhang You felt that Niu Yuanhang had stopped in his soul power perception, and he was immediately surprised.

"Hehe, I finally lose my soul and can't fly!"

Lexus is stronger than him, if you don't want him to perceive it, just stand within ten feet of your body, and the opponent can't perceive it! Zhang You excitedly urged his soul power, and quickly, with a group of his men, pounced on the sensing Niu Yuanhang.

There is a light of surprise in his eyes.

"Several people, where are you rushing."

A soft voice came from above their heads.

Ling Zhi was dressed in white, flying in the air, and suddenly appeared in front of them.

Zhang You glanced at Ling Zhi, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"My friend, we met this person first, and it was also our support. You rushed out halfway to grab the results. Isn't it true?"

He thought that Lexus was a member of a certain family, just like him, in order to please the Wang family, he came to catch Niu Yuanhang and grab credit from him.

"The result? What result?"

Ling Zhi frowned.

"If you don't talk secretly, why do your friends try to understand and pretend to be confused? Are you coming out now to take that person and give it to the Wang family to please the Wang family and get some benefits."

Zhang You disdain.

Although he couldn't see the strength of Lexus, those who were able to do such things were nothing more than people in the early days of artistic conception.

The fact that there are more opponents means the technique is more peculiar, making people invisible to the truth.

On the contrary, it shows that the opponent is not strong, otherwise why should it be hidden.

"To please the Wang family?"

Ling Zhi touched his nose, his eyes flashed, and he burst out abruptly.

"I'll please your grandma's legs!"

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