God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1104: Heavenly Heart Sect!

"I do have countless ways to prove that I am a fifth-level alchemist, but why should I prove it to you?"

Ling Zhi smiled.

"Then you... why do you want to prove it to us now!"

They are unwilling.

They came to help Ram Ruibo because of his status as an alchemist.

Otherwise, how come here specially.

But when they offended Lexus and were defeated by the opponent, they had to pay the price of their lives, but they learned that they were dealing with a fifth-level alchemy master for a fourth-level alchemy master.

How ridiculous it sounds? How sad it sounds?


Ling Zhi laughed,

"Hey, because you don't believe it.

Because I want you to be clear about it. "

After he finished speaking, his body moved.

Accompanied by a scream of screams, like chopping melons and abusing vegetables, Zheng Lingzhi, who played with these people in the palm of his hand, was intent to kill and angry. Chong Yuan Pavilion, Chong Yuan Family, Chong Xin Zong, rush to all forces that try to harm the Fallen Leaf Sect.

"You, you can't touch me, I am the pavilion master of Yuan Pavilion, and belong to Yuan family."

At this moment, Wen Qingyang finally panicked.

"Ha ha."

Ling Zhi sneered and glanced at him like a fool.

Mo Jian emerged from the arm and stab Wen Qingyang.

Everything is quiet.

Just a trick, enough.

"How did you manage to become a fifth-level alchemist so quickly?"

Gong Yang Ruibo is still in, and Lexus has become a fifth-level alchemist. Zheng Jiujiu can't let go of the shock.

He has studied alchemy for a lifetime, but he has been unable to enter the fifth-level alchemy. He believes that all his methods of alchemy, his familiarity with elixir, and his mastery of pill decisiveness have reached the level of a fourth-level alchemist. The highest level.

But the fifth-level alchemist, like a mountain, is still so far away from him, so far away.

Obviously in front of you, but separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

Hearing this, the banquet season also looked at Lexus with some excitement.

He is now a qualified fourth-level alchemist, but he doesn't want to. When he sees Ling Zhi again, he is still overwhelmed by Ling Zhi.

This Master Ling, he was completely convinced.

"How can the perception of the eyes and the sensations compare with the perception of soul power?"

Ling Zhi sneered and spoke.

During the banquet season, some did not react.

Ram Ruibo's body trembled, and he understood on the spot. He finally knew what he lacked in these years.

It is not lack of mastery of alchemy.

It is lacking in spirit power.

From the third-level alchemy master to the fourth-level alchemy master, the requirement is soul power.





, The request is soul power.

Since the fourth-level alchemist is called the master, the fifth-level alchemist is still called the master.

That principle is naturally interlinked, and lies in the requirement of soul power! As a fourth-level alchemy master, with the support of the Yuan family, if he discovers this early and impacts his artistic conception, he is very likely to succeed.

But... he doesn't know.

One road, to the dark, walked for a lifetime.

"I'm sorry, I told you that it was against your obsession with alchemy, but you repeatedly indulged the brother and sister to provoke me, and you openly targeted the Fallen Leaf Sect.

I can only send you away. "

Lexus spoke.

Decisively shot.

Facing the enemy, the benevolence of women, what fools do.

Turning around, Ling Zhi looked at everyone.

"Well, I will explain some more things at the end, and we will say goodbye."

He is not afraid that Qin Binglan and the others are in danger. First, the snake spirit vine in the yard can block the initial stage of artistic conception. Second, Dong Lianhan is here. Third, it is also impossible for the Yuan family to mobilize top powers. Deal with them, especially at this time.

...That afternoon, outside Leicheng.

Ling Zhi strode forward and hugged Qin Binglan.

"Sister Qin, see you next day."

He cried like a child.

There was some reluctance in the words.

Qin Binglan's face was blushing, but she stubbornly held on, without bowing her head, she stared at Lexus firmly, watching very seriously, to engrave Lexus's appearance in her heart.

Always remember his look.

It's just that her eyes are red and tears are piled up in her eye sockets. I don't know if she can see it really.

After a while, she burst into tears and laughed, and said to her figure,

"Well, this time I go, pay more attention to safety, let me go quickly, pervert, haven't you hugged enough?"

Zhang Yi and the others rolled their eyes in the rear, only thinking that it would be strange if Lexus could hold enough.

I didn't see him holding Qin Binglan in his arms, so tightly, if it was a pure friendship, a pure goodbye, would there be such a hug?

Didn't see... Qin Binglan was deformed somewhere.


Ling Zhi touched his nose, let go of his hand, and turned to look at Dong Lianhan.

"Sister, how about it, do you want to give it a hug?"

Dong Lianhan looked at him and hesitated.

"I really don't want me to go with you. Although it is not as strong as you, it is at least a help."

"No, what does it look like to ask a woman to charge into battle."

Ling Zhi shook his head.

"Besides, I don't worry about it here. It's better for you to stay here, and be more stable."


Dong Lianhan nodded helplessly, and walked to Lingzhi with graceful steps, his head slightly raised, his hands hanging on his side.

"Hold it."


Ling Zhi gave a dry laugh, and politely hugged Dong Lianhan, but leaned his head gently against her ear.

The roots of Dong Lianhan’s ears turned red in an instant. Just as she was nervous about what Lexus was doing, Lingzhi spoke.

"Senior Sister, this time I go to Xinzong. If I have a chance, I will definitely help Huangfuqi and take revenge for you."

Dong Lianhan was stunned for a moment, his eyes flushed.

"Okay, guys, see you tomorrow, I'm leaving now."

Ling Zhi let go of Dong Lianhan and waved his hand.

He taught Long Lian Dafa, and left a lot of spirit medicines and spirit stones, including Sheng Peng and other Horcruxes.

He also taught during the banquet season.

A four-level alchemy master, with the strength of Dong Lian's second-tier cold mood, the guardian of the spirit vine, this group of friends, he did his best.

"Brother Ling, don't you give us a hug!"

Zhang Yi shouted.

"Wait for you to enter the mood, it will not be too late."

Ling Zhiwei laughed a few times, turned his head and hurried away towards the distance.

With the speed of the fourth layer of artistic conception unfolding, a few breaths disappeared.

Destination, one of Xuanzhou's second sect, Xinzong.

At this most tense time, he, the direct disciple of the Fallen Leaf Sect Master, the person who was arrested by offering a reward, went straight to the base camp of Xinzong from behind.

Regardless of whether he is Longtan or Tiger's Den, if he breaks in again

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