God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1072: Short calm

When seeing the black mist, Ling Zhi's blood-red pupils shrank.

When I first came into contact with the Beast Killing Arrow, a black mist floated out, but it was extinguished by Lexus with the Fire of Soul Devouring.

The Beast Killing Arrow had been used in his hand for so long, and it has been used as a weapon until now. He never thought that at this moment, two neighbouring black mist suddenly appeared.

Especially this black mist is obviously more spiritual, and it condenses into a sharp spear tip autonomously, lingering on the arrow of the beast-killing arrow, and rushing towards the chest of the silver-moon golden-eyed beast.

The spear tip formed by the black mist lightly touched the silver-moon golden-eyed beast's chest, only opening a little wound.

It was as if just rubbing and losing a piece of skin.

However, the wound suddenly shrank, and that part of the blood seemed to be attracted by a powerful attraction, spewing out, and the flesh and blood quickly became dry and stiff.

The silver-moon golden-eyed beast's arm and the beast-killing arrow had never thought of such a change, his proud defense, in front of this seemingly illusory black mist, did not have any effect.

And Black Mist's weird power and weird lethality made it even more frightened.

But it just couldn't let go, otherwise it would be the end of the beast-killing arrow pierced into its body.

The golden eyes of the silver-moon golden-eyed beast condensed, and within this short period of time, it mobilized another attack.

This is the resistance it exhausted its last strength.

It doesn't believe it, nor does it want to believe, why the strongest blow that its own race is proud of does not have the slightest effect on Lexus or the human being in front of it.

It is unwilling! A sneer appeared at the corner of Ling Zhi's mouth, because the enchanted blood-red eyes, coupled with the angular facial features, actually had a kind of evil handsomeness and handsomeness.

He turned his hands and took out the real bone, and directly blocked it in front of him.

The golden light screamed, and all the real bone Zheng disappeared under the direct gaze of the silver moon golden eye beast.


Naturally, Lexus would not waste such a good opportunity. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Beast Killing Arrow in his hand was turned, shook, and shook the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast's arm with a bang, and shook it forward.


Blood was splashed in the body of Beast Killing Arrow Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast.


The silver-moon golden-eyed beast went mad, and all the last power of his body rushed out, smashing Ling Zhi with a bang.

Ling Zhi wowed, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and stepped back.

The beast-killing arrow pulled out as he backed.

But the black mist remained in the body of the silver-moon golden-eyed beast and continued to eat away at the body of the silver-moon golden-eyed beast.


Before Ling Zhi's body stood firm, Wan Cang suddenly rushed to the side of the Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast, grabbed its shoulders, and swept back.

Digo rushed in, trying to stop.

However, at this moment, Wan Cang suddenly played the flute again, and from all directions, a dozen spirit beasts rushed again.

The strength of these spirit beasts is not very strong, but it is enough to stop a little time.

By the time Digo finished hunting down a few spirit beasts, Wan Cang had already disappeared into this sea with the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast.

Ling Zhi coldly glanced in the direction where Wan Cang was fleeing, and did not pursue him.

Instead, he turned around, with cold eyes on the faces of the human experts around him, scanning the past one by one.

These powerhouses shook their faces and made a few polite sentences, turned into streamers, disappeared, and did not dare to stay in this sea area, this [Jiujiu novel www.jjxxs.cn] island.

When these powerhouses retreated, Ling Zhi took a halt and moved downward.

He was severely injured first, then forced a breakthrough, recovered his injured body, and then suffered a more severe injury again. He was able to support it for so long, and it all relied on his strong body and firm willpower.

... Ling Zhi came back to life in the scent of fish soup.

When his consciousness was just awake, Ling Zhi subconsciously tightened his body. This was the basic reaction of the warrior.

When you don't know where you are, be prepared to fight at any time.

When he smelled the fish soup, his body couldn't help but relax.

He knew too well that only the villagers could make the taste of this fish soup.

Before he could open his eyes, a fluffy snow white beast squeezed to his side, pressed against his face, and rubbed it up.

That is happy, and high-hearted performance.

"Guru, I'm fine, why are you so excited."

Ling Zhi's face and neck were itchy, raised his arms, and smiled.

It's just that when the arm is raised, he can't help grinning a little.

His injury is too serious, and he wants to be repaired by his body alone, which can be done in a short time.


With a grunt, he reached out his paw and grabbed a bowl of fish soup on the side, and handed it to Ling Zhi's mouth.

Seeing that this is a bowl, it should be called a pot of fish soup, Lexus can't laugh or cry.

He is really not afraid of this boiling fish soup, but he has a mouth to drink such a big bowl.


Guru urged.

Ling Zhi burst into laughter, so he put his head out and leaned on the side of the bowl and drank heavily.

Looking from the other direction, even Lexus's head was invisible, and it was completely covered by the bowl.

Feeling a little bit of strength in his body, Ling Zhi took out the spirit pill from the ring, stuffed it into his mouth, and stood up.

"Guru, take me to Ouyang Hao and Uncle Wang. I'm going to see how their injuries are."

Ling Zhi worried.

Guru nodded as if he didn't understand, when he saw that Lexus was not moving smoothly, he waved his paw, and the power of space encircled the Lexus, causing Lexus to float in the air, and then under its control, erratic. Floating to other yards.

"The power of this space is so easy to use zero, right?"

Ling Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

The forward Gulu suddenly turned his head, as if thinking of something, his big eyes looked at Ling Zhi's eyes.

After looking at it for a while, he twisted his body and continued to walk forward.

It was watching to see if Ling Zhi's blood-red eyes were still so red and scary.

Ling Zhi frowned. He was not completely impressed by the previous events, but was deeply impressed, but he was a little unclear about the state.

Shaking his head, Ling Zhi followed Gulu into another yard.

In this yard, there were two groups of people, one group gathered around Ouyang Hao, and one group gathered around Uncle Wang.

At this moment, Ouyang Hao had already regained consciousness. He was only injured seriously. When he saw Ling Zhi coming in, he only smiled reluctantly, not even speaking the whole story.

Ling Zhi cast a relieved look at him, turned his head and walked directly towards the other group of people.

When he walked closer, when he saw Wang Shu's injury, Ling Zhi's fists were instantly clenched together, a touch of red, quietly emerging from the depths of his eyes.

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