God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1072: Destroyed

"I... fuck, you, mom!"

Ling Zhi suddenly paused, raising his head and screaming.

The voice was stern, this was the first time Lexus appeared in such a state.

Since seeing the villagers being killed, he has started to approach this state, and seeing Gulu injured, he has been in this state, but because of his tenacity, he has been controlling himself.

But when he saw this scene, he finally couldn't help it anymore, or he didn't want to control himself at all.

Directly, in such a state! And the exit of these four words shows the anger in his heart.

Forcibly breaking through is likely to affect Lexus’s strength, and there is even a certain danger that the breakthrough will fail.

And the result of the failure of the breakthrough is to become a foolish person and a useless person, and to dissipate the soul and become a walking dead, without the slightest consciousness, only an empty shell.

Physical and artistic conception, this step is the most dangerous and difficult.

That's why there are so many warriors at the peak of the physical realm. After condensing their soul bodies, they are all hesitating and afraid, not dare to make breakthroughs easily.

Ling Zhi naturally knew this very well, but he couldn't manage that much.

It's just that his body is strong, too strong, the Shenting acupoint is more stable, and the spiritual power needed is much, much, much more.

Only by opening the Shenting acupoint can the soul enter the Lord, so this is the first and most important step.

That's why he is so anxious, so absorbed in spiritual power, wanting to complete this step quickly.

But even if he had used all the means to absorb a lot of spiritual power, and even made his tough meridians begin to swell and pain, it was still too late.

late! Lexus's eyes were red and bloodshot, and tears emerged from them, flowing down, but they were not transparent, but blood-red.

This is a bright drop of blood and tears! The black whale opened its big mouth and bit directly from the middle of Uncle Wang's body.

There are countless blood sprayed from the fish tail behind the owl tail.


The spirit beasts below boiled, and rushed directly out of the sea with powerful strength and went straight to the blood.

The low-powered ones started to swallow the sea water directly, mixed with the **** sea water, and didn't miss such an opportunity.

The scene was instantly chaotic.

"I, fuck, you, mom!"

Ling Zhi stopped suddenly, clenched his fists, looked at the scene in front of him, and said this again.

Then, in this state, without hesitation, condense all the spiritual power in the body and start the Shenting point.

Without the slightest pause, without the slightest hesitation, all the spiritual power was mobilized from his body and rushed towards the Shenting acupoint.

The so-called passing through the sea of ​​consciousness requires heart, passing through the brain, and paying attention, and the spiritual power must be gentle and stable.

Lexus didn't care anymore, he couldn't control it.

He just wants stronger strength, stronger strength! Spiritual power is like a torrent, rushing surging toward the sea of ​​consciousness, toward the soul body, and toward the back of the soul body.

There, there was a faint light curtain that was invisible to the naked eye.

Breaking the light curtain, breaking the Shenting acupoint, the soul will be autonomous, and then Lexus can control the soul body, control the soul power, and become a mood.

boom! Spiritual power hit the Shenting acupoint.

boom! The second wave of spiritual power followed closely.

In the Lexus pubic area


Word monument, in the sea of ​​knowledge


The word stele, as if being stimulated, shook with spiritual power.

These two stone steles suddenly emitted a circle of light, which stabilized Ling Zhi's body and ensured his safety at the time.

And where Lexus didn’t notice,


The word tablet suddenly emitted a strange wave, rushing out of Ling Zhi's body, where the agarwood sachet was stored.

The breath of agarwood was blocked, and the breath of agarwood was forbidden to escape, which was felt by Lexus.

This completely cut off the possibility of Lexus getting out of this state in time.

boom! The third wave of spiritual attacks rushed forward, and this was the last wave.

The spiritual power of the tenth level of the physical realm, the vortex and all the power of the nine spiritual power particles, with unmatched power, knocked open the light curtain and rushed into the Shenting acupoint.

When the Shenting acupoint opened, Ling Zhi only felt his body lightened. It seemed that there was a layer of restraint on his body that he had carried since birth, which was opened at this moment.

And the life span of Lexus, from the 150-year peak of the physical state, has also doubled directly, reaching 300 years! This step is like stepping from **** to the hall.

It is a qualitative change.

At the same time, the soul suddenly moved from


Stand up on the tablet, stepped out, and headed towards the Shenting acupoint.

At the center of the straight Shenting acupoint, at this moment, Ling Zhi suddenly felt that he was a soul body. The scattered soul power was his usual spiritual power, as if there were two neighboring bodies, very peculiar.

Blessed to the soul, Lexus controlled the soul body and gently waved to the outside.


The word stele followed the Shenting acupoint with a sigh, and appeared at the foot of the soul body again.

All this came slowly, but it was actually just three times of Lingzhi's spiritual power running, just a few breaths.

At this moment, Lexus is already a strong man of artistic conception.

But is it just a layer of artistic conception? Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly yelled in his heart and opened it to me! The improvement of the realm of the artistic conception martial artist is the improvement of the soul power and the condensing of the soul body.

When Lexus is in the nine-level state of the physical state, his soul condensedness is no weaker than the three-level state of the artistic state! What's more, it has gone through the tenth level of the physical realm, such a long time.

After a breath, Ling Zhi's body momentum changed, breaking through to the second level of artistic conception.

Such a change immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This... is he breaking through?"

The strong exclaimed.

"Is this a breakthrough to the artistic conception? No, why is his aura still growing sharply!"

Boom, the next moment, Lexus has already broken through to the third level of artistic conception.

And all the injuries on his body, at the moment he broke through to the mood, at the moment his lifespan doubled, all recovered to the most perfect state! His eyes swept towards the black whale, towards Wancang, but these eyes were still blood red, as red as these eyes, not the pupils, but two red blood.

Huh! Ling Zhi went straight to the black whale.


He drank violently.

The black whale bit Uncle Wang and was still biting. It could even be seen that the part of the fish's tail was about to be completely broken.

Only some bones were resisting strongly, and Uncle Wang was struggling even more, but Wan Cang suppressed it, but it had no effect.

When the fish's tail is broken and the fire of life goes out, it is when the owl-tail family is dead! Bang, the two sixth-grade spirit beasts suddenly rushed to Ling Zhi, trying to stop him.

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