God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1062: Pit yourself

With the number of thirteen spirit beasts, although they were injured by Lexus in the previous collision, they did not get a chance to hunt one of them.

This lowest middle third-rank spirit beast, led by the two middle fifth-rank spirit beasts, the spirit power gathered is so huge.

You know, it's an ordinary third-tier spirit beast, and its spirit power is not weaker than that of a martial artist with the fourth-tier artistic conception.

This is equivalent to thirteen powerful men in the middle stage of the mood, at the same time, they used spirit power to attack the three of Lexus.

To a martial artist in physical form and two martial artists in mid-art, they took a desperate posture.


Although Di Gao and the Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast fought, each person and the other beast knew clearly that neither of them could achieve a result in a short time. Instead, they only involved each other and waited for the end of the battle on Lexus' side.

"Hey, just stay here, no matter if these spirit beasts under me died or they died, none of us want to participate."

The silver-moon golden-eyed beast sneered.

Full of confidence in these spirit beasts.

Spirit beasts of the same realm are stronger than human beings, not to mention that they have an absolute advantage in number and realm.

Just after these words, the eyes of the silver moon golden-eyed beast always scanned the surroundings, it was looking for the figure of Gulu.

The snow-white beast left a deep impression on it, and it cannot be forgotten or ignored.

"I'm going, is it too big to play?"

Ouyang Hao stared at the feeling that the spirit power gathered together, denser and thicker than Wang Yang.

"Yeah, it's such a big game, so hard."

Ling Zhi nodded thoughtfully, but there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

"What are you doing in a daze, and are not ready to defend!"

Xie Xiu saw that the two of them not only allowed these spirit beasts to gather their strength, but were also in the mood to chat and sigh, and interrupted them anxiously.

"Yeah, third brother, can we defend it?"

Ouyang Hao looked at Ling Zhi with some inquiries.

Ling Zhi smiled, walked forward two steps without saying a word, and then stepped sideways.

"With me, you can defend yourself!"

He said deep, firm.


Xie Xiu's eyes turned round,

"Are you playing bigger than them?"

What's the matter, there is no such thing as a warrior like Lexus, right? Xie Xiu felt that his brain was not enough.

In the air, Wancang has been watching all this without saying a word.

Seeing Ling Zhi stand up again confidently, his pupils shrank a bit, vaguely making up his mind.

His body, like an active volcano about to erupt, began to show strong power fluctuations.

The villagers had already ran away from this area under Lexus's reminder. They looked over at this moment, nervously worried for Lexus.

The villagers put on a uniform, strange posture, similar to the way they practiced Swallowing Body Jue, with a voice in their mouths, praying for Lexus according to the traditional customs passed down by their ancestors.

The teleportation array will be opened sooner or later, just as the villagers know that there will always be a weiwei cave mansion, which is inevitable.

Because Xiaowei Cave Mansion is great for all warriors.

So they didn't blame Lexus for opening the teleportation array first. Instead, they were grateful to Lexus, who was grateful that Lexus had fought blood for them.

The blood on Ling Zhi's body was printed in their eyes, turning into tears of their gratitude.

These tears dripped on the ground. Nearly a hundred villagers maintained a weird posture, and the tears they left gathered together.

When gathered together, there was a wonderful light quietly.

...The attack of thirteen spirit beasts smashed Lexus and the others.

When this attack came, Ling Zhi not only did not evade, but rammed his head.

Yes, with his own body, he slammed into it, blocking all attacks and ensuring that these attacks would not affect the two behind him.


Ouyang Hao suddenly yelled and rushed out from Ling Zhi's side.

Xie Xiu was taken aback, before he had time to think about it, and followed closely.

When using spirit power to attack, the body is the most vulnerable.

Otherwise, Yijing mainly cultivates soul power, so why rarely use soul power to fight with the realm? Di Gao and the Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast have not used their spirit power until now. It is not that their spirit power is not strong, but that they dare not take the risk.

It's not so desperate.

These spirit beasts were afraid of the long arrows in Lexus's hands, and wanted to defeat the three Lexus with their quantitative soul power and end the battle.

No matter from which point of view, it is a good choice and decision.

But they would not have thought that it was Lexus alone who resisted the attacks of thirteen spirit beasts, and the other two rushed out to deal with them.

Haven't the three humans in front of them been fighting side by side before, and their relationship is very good.

The three of them resisted together, maybe they would not die, there was still a glimmer of hope.

Now let Ling Zhi fight against him, isn't it bound to die?

"Despicable, shameless, don't you humans care about the lives of your companions at all!"

The silver-moon golden-eyed beast roared.

At this moment, the thirteen spirit beasts were the meat that Ouyang Hao and Xie Xiu allowed to slaughter! How can it not be short of breath.

Di Gao also took a surprised look. He didn't know what Ouyang Hao played with. No matter how he looked at it, it wasn't his character. He discarded his companions and got the results.

"Hehe, how can we humans compare with you, for some benefit, for your own sake, how many sea beasts have you controlled to attack Yuanwei Island in recent years, how many deaths and injuries, don't I need to follow you?"

Although Di Gao was puzzled, he still blocked the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast.

Panic appeared in the eyes of the thirteen spirit beasts, and they used all their spirit power. Although they were more powerful, they would also cause the body's spirit power to be depleted, and the movements were extremely slow. Don't increase your power to resist.

Without looking back, Ouyang Hao stabbed a sword into the body of a neighboring spirit beast without hesitation.

The hack and slash, bring up blood and blood.

The vitality of the spirit beast is tenacious and the defense is amazing. Not every weapon is like the long arrow in the hands of Lexus, with such strong destructive power.

With five breaths, Ouyang Hao slaughtered the first spirit beast.

Xie Xiu followed closely, and also killed his head.

The spirit beasts are panicked, but these spirit powers are gathered together, and they are not good at manipulating spirit power, but it is difficult to regain spirit power for a while.

Especially... when they came into contact with Lexus, they did not crush and crush Lexus's spirit power in one fell swoop, and succeeded, allowing them to easily recover their spirit power and resist Ouyang Hao's attacks.

At the moment when their soul power touched Ling Zhi, they clearly saw that Ling Zhi smiled.

Laughing so happy, so excited, so comfortable, so proud...

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