God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1058: Despicable

If Lexus was here, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Because the appearance of the silver moon golden eye beast standing on the teleportation formation is really...something like a big wolf dog standing upright.

Especially the scars that Gulu left on it that day, the color of coke.

Although the silver-moon golden-eyed beast is all hairless, it still looks like a big wolfdog who is depilated.

The teleportation array is not big, considering the huge body of the spirit beast, if you want to pass, you must shrink the body.

For most spirit beasts, although they cannot be transformed into human forms, a simple short-form reduction is not a problem.

Therefore, the huge body of the silver moon golden eye beast, which is nearly one hundred meters high, shrunk to a height of three to five meters. Although it is still quite large, it suddenly lost that kind of prestige and blessing. This group of strong men went straight to the island where the fishing village is located. In their opinion, instead of looking around here, it is better to find a local warrior as soon as possible, and to catch and inquire directly.

Humans and sea beasts, who could have stood together and teleported, immediately divided into two camps when they arrived here.

At this time, even Wancang did not dare to stand with the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast! At this point, it was in the afternoon, shortly after the villagers returned to the fishing village, every man was holding a cauldron and drinking fish soup.

The group of children who took Lexus to play that day chattered around the shore, looking for those unique shells.

Until the sea water surged, the spirit beasts and human powers came to the cluster one after another.

"Ah, look, that big wolf, and this big turtle!"

The children looked up, and suddenly exclaimed curiously.

There may be some traces of the life of owls on the island, so within a considerable distance, sea beasts will not come over easily, and the children have naturally never seen sea beasts.

In their opinion, the big fish more than one meter long that adults occasionally caught are already the largest creatures in the sea.

"Also, look at those people, how similar they are to Brother's clothes. Maybe they came to see Brother."

"It must be. Brother is so powerful. He floated here by himself, and his family lacks someone to look for, but Brother has a lot of family members."

The children shouted one by one, happy for Lexus.

"What are these villagers?"

The Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast was the strongest on the spirit beast, and it deservedly stood in the forefront. It didn't even look at the children, but directly looked towards the fishing village.

Rao's behavior, looking at the behavior of the villagers at this moment, also feels very strange like Lexus.

How could ordinary mortals eat like this? It really shook its nose like a wolf dog, sniffed for a while, then suddenly turned its head and said to the turtle,

"Old tortoise, have you smelled it? This place smells of high-level spirit beasts."

The silver-moon golden-eyed beast is a middle-rank spirit beast, and the higher-rank spirit beasts he owns are naturally the top-rank spirit beasts, the owl-tail clan! Ao Gui was floating on the water, hiding behind a group of spirit beasts. He stretched out his head and felt for a moment before nodding.

"Haha, that's right, even if this place isn't Yanwei Dongfu, it must have something to do with the Yanwei clan!"

The Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast laughed, and suddenly stepped toward the island.

It stepped forward, and everyone knew why it lived in the sea instead of on land.

Its feet, like ducks, have webbed feet, and from its feet to the ankles, there are even fish scales.

Ouyang Hao's complexion changed, and when his body moved, he rushed downward.

Under the foot of the Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast, there are those children. The Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast is so huge that the children can't avoid it.

Especially now.

The silver-moon golden-eyed beast just stepped its legs and drove tons of sea water to the beach, and the children were beaten by the sea in an instant.

In the distance, the villagers who sensed that something was wrong were running towards here frantically.

The powerful, holding the stone, hit the silver-moon golden-eyed beast far away.

The village names are simple and kind, but it does not mean that they will not resist or struggle.


Ouyang Hao had just held some of the most dangerous children in his arms, and the Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast snorted dissatisfied, and stepped on one side of his foot.


Ouyang Hao raised his foot and kicked, and immediately groaned, suffering zero minor injuries.

However, taking this opportunity, he rushed out with the child in his arms and sent it to the villagers who rushed over there.

The village chief glanced at him more and thanked him gratefully.

"Like Brother Ling, he has a good heart."

A villager casually said.

Ouyang Hao was dumbfounded and glanced at these villagers, but stopped and stood beside the villagers.

"Do you want to take it all alone?"

The Silver Moon Golden Eyed Beast didn't think he was trying to save people, so he roared and attacked again.


Seeing the silver moon golden eye beast grabbing Ouyang Hao, Di Gao shouted violently and stood in front of Ouyang Hao.

The distance of several hundred meters is just a blink of an eye for a strong like them.

"Okay, despicable human beings really want to swallow the news of the Owtail Cave Mansion!"

The silver moon golden-eyed beast roared, and dozens of spirit beasts behind him suddenly became restless.

There are no fewer than forty spirit beasts, and no fewer than 20 humans.

The weakest, the third grade, the third level of artistic conception!

"Don't, Yinyue, this is what they meant, but not ours. Don't pull us down."

Wan Cang said abruptly, looked at Lie Gao and them coldly, and said with a smile.

"Just three of them?"

The silver-moon golden-eyed beast sneered.

"I kill the villagers first, then kill them, what can they do to me?"

Silvermoon Golden Eyed Beast is naturally not a foolish person. As soon as Wan Cang spoke, it understood Wan Cang's meaning. He and Digo didn't deal with them. Several attacks on Ouwei Island were blocked, especially recently. Once, it really lost its face! There was a disagreement. For this reason, the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast led directly, and several spirit beasts around him attacked the three of Di Gao.

It's just that the attack, from time to time, floats towards the villagers.


Ouyang Hao glanced at Wan Cang angrily, and while busy resisting the attacks of these spirit beasts, he was busy saving people.

It's just that although the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast cannot control all the spirit beasts, there are also four heads that come from this attack, one is at the fifth rank, and the third is at the fourth rank.

Several of the villagers were caught off guard, lying down on Lin.

For a time, the cry of children filled the room.

On the side, at this moment, Ling Zhi finally retreated from the formation and surfaced.

He couldn't bear to think about it. When he saw the black shadow of the spirit beast in the distance, his heart suddenly slammed, and he was shocked in a cold sweat.

If it is too late, the villagers must be fine. Lingzhi prayed anxiously, without thinking, took out the boat directly, replaced it with a medium-grade spirit stone, and rushed toward the island at full speed.

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