God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1056: Close arrow

After the artistic conception, it is the three-in-one state. In order to show respect for the strong in this state, people call this state the king state.

It means that a warrior who reaches this state is a king among warriors.

Ling Zhi's cut three fingers were obtained from an unknown King Realm powerhouse, but it was also obtained through inheriting the jade pendant. In fact, Ling Zhi had never seen a King Realm powerhouse.

The Xuebai Big Beast and Luo Ya must be people of the King Realm level, and even stronger, but they are just a ray of soul power, and they have lost most of their power, so naturally they are even more difficult to feel.

Ling Zhi was dumbfounded as he felt the blood squirming on his fingers.

It's just blood, it's so full of such powerful vitality, how strong is the King Realm powerhouse? With this kind of vitality, doesn't the so-called regeneration of a broken limb mean? I am afraid that as long as it is not killed in one fell swoop, the warriors of the king realm can recover.

"Is it the power of rules?"

Ling Zhi felt the power in his blood.

The power is very weak, but only the power of rules can let him have no room for resistance and be directly caught by the mountain.

If I had such power, wouldn't it be possible to turn around and return to Xuanzhou now, push it horizontally, and rescue my father! Ling Zhi's eyes reddened, and he muttered to himself desperately.

The bag of agarwood on his body, as if it were spiritual, emitted bursts of agarwood spontaneously, making Ling Zhi's eyes clear again.

Ling Zhi was startled, but he didn't expect that he was just in front of a pool of king realm powerhouse's blood, and he almost got up and lost his mind.

Father Ling is about to become his heart disease.

"It's over here. When I go back to Xuanzhou, I must let the master tell my father's whereabouts anyway. I can't wait, I can't wait!"

Lexus has sharp eyes.

Time doesn't treat others, and there is not so much time for him to grow slowly, waiting for him to be confident before saving Ling.

As long as he has a certain degree of certainty, he must work hard and go for it! Sure enough, in the era when the Yanwei clan was still in the boundless sea, the powerhouse levels on the boundless sea and Xuanzhou had reached the level of the king.

Ling Zhi sighed. Now, for some unknown reason, Wang Jing is not visible.

This is a very strange phenomenon. There are talents from generation to generation, and the most indispensable thing in each era is actually talent. But in this era, there is not even a strong man in the king state or even a warrior in the middle and late stages of the mood. All are numbered.

What is it that caused all this? Is it related to Luo Yasuo's battle that year? Ling Zhi shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and continued to survey the surroundings.

In this ruin, he found several pools of blood, but most of them have completely lost their spirituality and turned into ordinary blood.

Obviously, the owner of the pool of blood before the mountain, even in the king realm, is also the strong one among the strong.

Although the cluster is not very large, the power of the power has not been completely dissipated due to the battle of various king realm powerhouses, and the power of rules is permeated everywhere.

The power of the rules has become very weak under the long river of time, but even so, it makes the time and space of this ruin a bit disordered. Many times I can see it with the naked eye, but I can see a few feet around it.

In fact, according to the situation of the cluster, Guru came out to find the best, but Lingzhi would rather spend more time and take more risks than let Guru run around in this unknown situation.


After less than ten meters deep inside, a sharp force field suddenly appeared in front of him.

The movement of Lexus caused a change in the cluster.

Looking forward intently, everything in front of him gradually became clear. This is a clearing, about five meters in radius.

A long arrow in the ground slanting, not counting the arrow in the ground, it is as long as one meter, but as thin as a human finger.

On the arrow body paper, a piece of flesh and blood is stuck in it alone! Whose flesh is this? The power of the cluster rules lingers, everything is very strange, some places seem to have gone through the ages, but here, this piece of flesh and blood has not decayed.

Ling Zhi stepped forward cautiously, wanting to find out.

Taking one step out, the clothes on his body were suddenly opened.

This long arrow was shot by its owner. It has gone through the ages and wounded a powerful enemy, yet it still has such power! With the strength of Lexus, just getting close to it within five meters will cause injuries! Ling Zhi's eyes suddenly rose.

Such a powerful arrow body is simply a weapon. If he could get his hand and shoot an arrow, what would it be like? Thinking about it this way, Ling Zhi couldn't help but take another step forward.

With a stab, Ling Zhi couldn't help bending his entire body.

If it weren't for the peculiar cluster environment, Ling Zhi felt that he might not even be close to this distance.

With every step, every inch of approach, Lexus has to bear great pressure.

"I don't believe it. I can't even approach an arrow that has hurt the enemy and has lost most of its power. I can't conquer it!"

Ling Zhi was fierce, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

A series of blood holes exploded on him.

It was caused by too much pressure, the body could not bear it, and the blood exploded.

With Lexus's body, he was forced to be like this! But the greater the pressure, Lexus's eyes became firmer and stronger.

Because this means that the arrow is stronger, the stronger it is, the more helpful it will be for you! Five meters, the distance that can be reached in one step in the daytime, Lexus walked for a full half an hour.

The whole body was dripping with blood, and even the face was dripping with blood.

Bright red blood swept across the corner of Ling Zhi's mouth, but he grinned and laughed, showing white teeth.

Then without hesitation, he grabbed the long arrow.

The long arrow is jet black, and its length can be compared to the long spears used by many warriors.

Just now Ling Zhi's hand touched the long arrow, a black shadow suddenly burst out of the arrow, and it went straight to Ling Zhi.

This shadowy breath made the suppressed Lexus unable to move.

This is the owner of the long arrow. When the arrow was shot, the spirit of the whole body, this spirit hurt the people, and it was still there, and it was triggered by Lexus.

This is the root of the strength of every arrow! Just as Lexus was horrified, the flesh and blood on Arrow suddenly rioted and collided with this shadow.

The two banged, and all disappeared in front of Lexus.

Looking at the place where the flesh and blood disappeared, Ling Zhi suddenly realized that it must be the flesh and blood of the owl-tail clan, and it must be because of his body swallowing decision that this would help him by himself.

The old man and they asked him to swallow the body to determine the importance, as expected.

The shadow and flesh and blood disappeared, Ling Zhi's hand was shaken, and the long arrow was pulled out from the ground.

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