God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1053: Swallow

Lexus never expected that the owl's tail would turn into a human form and live with this woman.

On the third picture, there is an island, a house, a man and a woman.

Is it a love story? Ling Zhi was surprised, shaking his head and sighing.

A word of love since ancient times, it is nothing more than love, family and friendship. Although Ouwei is the nine sons of the true dragon, how can there be no love and desire? Thinking of the unwilling eyes of the owl's tail in the sixth picture, Ling Zhiming Wu, but he was also curious, and kept watching.

When I arrived at the four neighboring pictures, the scene suddenly changed. There was fire, blood and rain leaning down on the island, a scene of doomsday.

Ling Zhi saw that just above the pattern, there was a tail similar to that of the owl-tailed clan showing a corner with blood stained on it. He also saw that just below the pattern, the woman was standing there, her belly bulging obviously.

The fifth picture is even more straightforward. There was a horned owl that fell to the ground, hitting the man and the woman, blood gurgling.

The sixth picture is the scene where the man turns into a tail, looking at the woman reluctantly, jumping into the sky.

The woman was portrayed very well, but Ling Zhi still noticed that in the woman's arms, a baby was stretching out his hand and waving at the flying owl's tail.

"The owl-tail clan encounters a powerful enemy and wants to evacuate from the boundless sea.

Is this the owl's tail going to the war? "

Combining some of the news he knew, Lexus connected all this in a complete series.

This owl's tail was injured and landed on this island. He was rescued by a woman. When the injury recovered, she fell in love with this woman, transformed into a human form, and came to look for the woman.

After a long time of love, the two crossed races and fell in love.

But the good times didn't last long, just when the two were ready to happily welcome their children, the owl-tail clan ushered in the most tragic battle.

This owl's tail is watching the tribe fighting hard, while his wife is about to give birth.

Perhaps this owl's tail was even going to be evacuated from the cluster, but it stayed for the sake of his wife and the fetus in his wife's womb, and chose to fight a strong enemy.

In the end, it satisfactorily saw its children, left the cluster contentedly, and completely joined the battle, avenging the tribe.

Lexus sighed three times in a rare occasion, but he didn't expect to see such a sad record suddenly.

But the island must have suffered a baptism back then. There were countless strong men killed and wounded in this sea area, history has been precipitated, and some unique environment, the reason for the formation of this soul jade is not difficult to guess.

Gently urging his spiritual power, Ling Zhi covered the cluster again, and drove the group of children to the fishing village.

The villagers of the fishing village were simple and honest. Seeing a group of children fall in his arms, they didn't think much about it. Instead, they came over and made trouble for him.

"These children are sleepy and will wake up tomorrow."

Ling Zhi smiled, but it was inconvenient to talk to these villagers.

Only this time, while standing in the village, watching a man tidy his fishing nets, turning around to receive a pot of fish soup from the family, Ling Zhi's eyes were a little weird when he was pouring into his stomach.

He never thought that these ordinary and peculiar villagers in front of him were people with the blood of the owl's tail.

I just don't know for what reason, passed down from generation to generation, these villagers didn't practice anymore, except for the behavior of swallowing and some owl-tailed habits, nothing else was abnormal.

Is it the fade of blood? Ling Zhi frowned.

After chatting with the village chief for a while, Ling Zhi entered the room, took out the owl's tail jade symbol, and began to think about it.

As soon as it was light the next day, Lexus heard a scream, and in doubt, opened the door and walked out.

What I saw was quite strange.

I saw every villager, regardless of age, male or female, with their heads up and their mouths open, motionless in a weird posture.

It's just that every 30 breaths or so, there will be a shout from these villagers.

The villagers obviously didn't have any cultivation bases, but the shouts were loud, and the series of shouts came down, which was very shocking.

This scene lasted for about half an hour. The village elder was the first to withdraw from this posture. Seeing Ling Zhi standing on one side curiously, he patted his thigh.

"Haha, I forgot, you don't know how to swallow your body, right? I saw you enter the house early last night, but I forgot to teach you. On the contrary, it made you waste this morning."

"Swallowing Body Jue?"

Ling Zhi frowned.

"Yes, swallow body jue.

It was also when I saw you drinking fish soup yesterday that I was so heart-stricken. I went back and thought and woke up for a long time. You must have never practiced before. So, this body is not good and cannot be swallowed. "

"If you can't swallow a lot of fish soup, you won't be able to absorb the power from the sea fish, so your body will naturally fail."

"Don't look at these marine fish. Some of them are fierce and fierce. They are immersed by the power of the sea all year round. Many fish eat a lot of good things. Only through the practice of swallowing the body can they make My body swallows a lot of food and gains strength from it."

"And it must be swallowed when it is piping hot, for the best results."

The village chief had a lot of thoughts, and Ling Zhi was dumbfounded.

He has always wondered why none of these villagers can practice, not even a little spiritual power, but in the end, they have been cultivating, but the method of cultivation is a little strange.

Thinking about it now, those men's strength is indeed extraordinary. The fishing nets of thousands of catties are still sinking on the bottom of the sea, and one person can easily pull them up.

Isn't this kind of power enhancement method exactly the way the wild beasts practice.

It is normal to think that this group of people have more or less blood from the tail.

"However, although this swallowing body jue is passed down by our ancestors, it seems to be missing a lot. It seems that our ancestors did not want us to cultivate to be very strong. Joining those disputes, it was not passed down."

The old man frowned and said.

Then he smiled again, took Lexus’s arm and walked towards the center of the village.

"Wang, come here."

This Wang is the uncle Wang who jumped into the sea to rescue Lexus yesterday.

"You come to teach this brother, no matter where he goes in the future, this strong body is indispensable and has a great effect."

The old man said.

Uncle Wang nodded, and then began to explain to Lexus.

There was not even the slightest avoidance of suspicion, nor the slightest bit of selfishness, as if they thought it would be good for Lexus to practice this, so they taught Lexus.

This is for the sake of Lexus personally, not asking for anything in return.

As for whether they would leak the Swallow Body Jue, they didn't think much about it.

While listening, Ling Zhi looked at the villagers in front of him, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

"Brother, don't look at this Swallowing Body Jue. If you enter that sea area, you will know the benefits of Swallowing Body Jue."

The old man reached out his hand and pointed to the northeast of the island.

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