God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1048: Dragon Blood Pill

Picking up the jade bottle, Ling Zhi smoothly wanted to open the bottle cap.

As a result, when I started, I was surprised to find that it could not be opened.

After concentrating for a while, a touch of surprise appeared in Ling Zhi's eyes, and the color of curiosity became more intense.

He didn't realize until this moment that the exquisite carvings on this jade bottle were not for decoration at all, but lines of formation.

This is no more than a palm-sized jade bottle, with an array carved out! The formation method makes the lid of the jade bottle and the bottle body merge into one, without revealing the slightest gap, and automatically absorbs aura, surrounds the jade bottle, and penetrates into the Zhenggui of the jade bottle through the formation method.

For him, it is even more valuable! There are warriors who observe the cultivation of the strong, and their strength has skyrocketed, understanding how to follow the road of cultivation in the future.

The same is true for alchemists.

The excitement for the high-level alchemist to open the furnace, and the love for the high-level elixir and elixir.

Grumbling widened his eyes and looked at Ling Zhi, not understanding why he was holding a jade bottle, with a look of excitement.

There is no such high-grade spirit stone in his hands at all, it is shiny and fun, and how comfortable the high-quality aura is.

Lexus' fingers exerted a slight force and rubbed gently, and the cap of the jade bottle suddenly fell off.

The formation on this jade bottle is mainly to warm up the spirit pill, not to protect people from being unable to open the jade bottle, so it is not difficult to open it.

The bottle cap just opened, and a strong blood rushed out of the jade bottle.

Full of blood, with a sense of domineering, fierce, even Lexus also feels that the skin has a blessing of pain! Without waiting for Ling Zhi to think about it, a spirit pill flew out of the jade bottle, and the spirit pill whirled around, rushing outward at a super fast speed.


The spirit pill slammed into the formation of the cabin and stopped. On the spirit pill, there was a blood-red aura permeating and restless.

"Spirit pills and psychics, seven-rank spirit pills!"

Ling Zhi exclaimed again, got up directly, and grabbed the spirit pill.

The spirit pill started, shaking and trying to escape from Ling Zhi, and the power it brought was comparable to a warrior at the peak of his physical state.

Ling Zhi pinched the spirit pill with his fingers to prevent it from escaping, put it in front of him and watched it carefully.

The pill is round and round, just like success.

After looking at it for a while, Ling Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The refinement of this spirit pill is absolutely perfect. The level of the pill refiner has left me thousands of miles away."

This was the first time that Lexus felt that he was inferior to others in alchemy.

However, the expert is a teacher, and he has heard of the truth, but he admires this person from the heart.

At least a seven-level alchemist, this spirit pill was refined, and there was a sense of supernatural craftsmanship, as if this spirit pill was naturally generated by the earth, not artificially refined, and there was no trace of artificial carving.

Ling Zhi frowned slightly. He didn't know why, but he always felt that the blood-red breath on the spirit pill seemed to be familiar.

It is impossible for him to know all the elixir, just as he cannot know all the elixir.

"What kind of Seven-Rank Spirit Pill is this?"

Ling Zhi pondered and thought.

The blood was filled, the spirit pill was restless, Ling Zhi searched for the answer in the memory of the dragon soul with the remarkable characteristics of the spirit pill in his hand.

This time it went smoothly, and soon he found the answer.

It's just that when this answer appeared in his mind, Lexus was a little unacceptable, watching over and over again, not believing it.

Dragon Blood Pill, Seven-Rank Spirit Pill.

This is a very peculiar kind of pill, even a very powerful one, but almost all alchemists will automatically ignore it.

Because refining Dragon Blood Pill, only one kind of elixir is needed.

That is Dracaena.

The formation of dracaena is also very simple, that is, when it is young, the whole body is soaked with dragon blood, and it grows by absorbing dragon blood.

No matter what level of grass it is, even if it's just an ordinary grass that doesn't reach the level, it will grow into a seventh-level elixir because of the power of dragon blood.

After growing up, the body is blood-red, domineering and aggressive, and its sharpness alone surpasses the top-ranking pawn, and it can easily cut the ore, which is very peculiar.

Dragons are divine beasts, so powerful, how can they be injured and bleed at will? Therefore, no one thinks that they can obtain such materials to refine the dragon blood pill, so the dragon blood pill has always been a kind of spiritual pill.

Everyone knows this kind of panacea, but they don't think much about it.

Even if its effect is amazing, it is inverse.

Dragon blood waters the spirit grass to grow, absorbs spiritual power, and refines it into a pill. Just the appearance is so domineering, and the efficacy is naturally more impressive.

There are two medicinal effects of Dragon Blood Pill. First, it tempers the body of the warrior, and uses the power and fierceness of the dragon blood to baptize the body of the warrior.

Although it is not comparable to the real dragon blood baptism, it has some effects, and the efficacy is quite extraordinary.

However, this effect may not have much effect on Lexus who has a true dragon body.

At this moment, Ling Zhi's body was comparable to a real dragon in the same realm, so how could it be transformed with a bit of dragon blood.

Unless... the master of this dragon blood is very advanced and extraordinary.

Between the earth, there is only one true dragon, but there is not one creature that can grow into a true dragon. Dracaena is watered by the blood of these creatures, not a true dragon.

At the realm of a real dragon, a drop of blood can easily destroy the entire Ouwei Island, so how can it be easily absorbed and absorbed by a mortal grass.

For Lexus, what really attracted him was the second medicinal effect of Dragon Blood Pill, soul refining.

Dragon blood enters the body, the body of the martial artist first, then the soul of the martial artist.

The Dragon Blood Pill will temper the martial artist's soul body, which is not the purity of the soul power, but the soul body itself, giving the soul body a trace of dragon characteristics, toughness and toughness, and even more amazing defense.

Will not be easily hurt, not so vulnerable.

The fragility of the soul body has always been a scruples in the hearts of all warriors.

Ling Zhi licked his lips and decisively sent the Dragon Blood Pill directly into the belly. Although Zheng Long Blood Pill was amazing in the outside world, once it entered the warrior's belly, it immediately turned into a liquid medicine and penetrated into the warrior's body. Limbs, whole body.

This was the first time that Ling Zhi had taken such a high-level panacea. He didn't dare to be careless, sitting cross-legged, always paying attention to the effect of the medicine.

As Ling Zhi had expected, the effect of the Dragon Blood Pill was to wash his body first, but the effect on his body was minimal.

In the next moment, if the medicine effect of the Dragon Blood Pill is spiritual, it will condense all the medicine effects and rush towards the sea of ​​knowledge of Lexus.

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