God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1032: never give up

The appearance of this beast claw was very sudden, even Digo, somewhat unexpected.

At this moment, he wanted to switch the attack and face the beast claw, obviously it was too late, so he could only watch the beast claw, leaning towards Erwei City.

And the mysterious powerhouse seized the opportunity to output vigorously, fought with Di Gao, and prevented him from helping.

The beast claws are smooth and silvery white, like the skin of a dolphin, smooth and hairless. The claws that come out are like the palm of a human hand, but with a strange proportion and only three fingers.

But on these three fingers, there are sharp claws several meters long, pierced with cold light, and the target is even more clear, that is, it is aimed at Lexus.

"You pretended to be a strong man in my human race, and you have joined forces with the sea beast to deal with my human race!"

Di Gao was furious and roared.

The sound of the entire Yanwei Island, four tail cities, one main city, and tens of millions of humans can all be heard.

"Di Gao, if you dare to talk nonsense about my identity, you will undoubtedly die, and this Ouwei Island will be buried with you!"

The mysterious strong man shouted, it seemed that he was a little afraid of such words.

Although he did this, he didn't want to be known.

Ouyang Hao was in Sanwei City, and at this moment he was fighting a spirit beast that had also reached the middle fifth rank. He suddenly raised his head and looked at it coldly.

"Lexus's direction?"

There was a sudden shock in his heart, and his expression suddenly became cold.

"If you dare to move Lexus, he will kill you!"

In Ouyang Hao's heart, Lexus's responsibility for protecting Erwei City was his heartfelt admiration.

Before he left, the day he met Lexus goodbye was when he became a brother of the opposite sex, not just casually, but his truest thoughts.

He clenched his fists and furiously attacked the spirit beast in front of him, as if he was about to vent his anger on this spirit beast.

He has the strength of a fifth-level realm, but he has self-knowledge. In such a fight, he can't get in at all. It's okay for him to be close. Now that he is too far apart, there are some distant waters that cannot save the near fire.

The beast claw came from another direction, and its strength was obviously at the same level as Di Gao and the mysterious powerhouse, and its power was not weaker than the two of them.

Just a breath of effort, the beast claw rushed in front of Ling Zhi.

The phantom was wrapped around Lexus's arm and suddenly rioted, and the heat was boiling.

The beast's claws couldn't help but pause, and at the same time, a rumbling sound resounded,

"Interesting, it turned out to be something that was tainted with the breath of a **** and beast."

The sound was like rolling thunder, and the boundless resounded across the earth.

It is hard to imagine what the body of the spirit beast making this sound looks like.

The shadow is surrounded by rules, even Lexus discovered that it was the phoenix beast after the shadow took the initiative to show up. Although the owner of the beast claw is powerful, he wants to detect what the shadow is from such a distance. It is impossible.

It also only felt from the breath that it belonged to the sacred beast. If it knew that the phantom was the sacred beast phoenix, then it would probably not be so calm.

Divine beasts are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades, as well as top grades.

There is no doubt that the phoenix is ​​the supreme beast among the best beasts.

But the phantom is obviously as cold as its cold face. It has not been transformed by the seal, and it is only a ray of the spirit of the beast Fenghuang, so although its power has skyrocketed, it has formed some suppression on the beast claw, but it wants to fight the beast claw. It is really reluctant.

Naturally, Ling Zhi would not sit and wait for death. Facing the continued sinking of the animal claws, he suddenly stretched out his fingers and took eight steps with his feet. Suddenly his body shape was erratic, using his whole body's strength, he struck out three fingers.

He didn't even pause, just three fingers in a row, hitting his strongest three strikes.

With the help of the phoenix phantom, his power at the moment is comparable to a middle five spirit beast, and the three-finger cut is naturally extraordinary.

The first pointed out that a crack was suddenly opened above the beast's claws.

Some spiritual power spread out uncontrollably, and the power of the beast claw suddenly dropped by about 10%.


The owner of the beast claw let out a surprised sound.

At the same time, Di Gao and the mysterious strong man also turned their eyes and looked over.

boom! Cut the second finger, followed closely, and hit the beast claw.

A bigger crack appeared on the beast claw again.

boom! Cut the third finger, wrapped it with greater strength, and blasted on the beast claw.

After three consecutive fingers, the power of the beast's claws has dropped by at least 40%.

Such a change stunned everyone, including the master of the beast claw, Di Gao and the mysterious powerhouse, as well as Ouyang Hao, the warrior of Erwei City.

"In Brother Ling, what potential is there, and how many miracles will happen?"

Chen Liang whispered, eyes full of surprise.

Lexus repeatedly gave them all surprises. In Lexus, one miracle after another, like no money, was thrown out.

In this physical condition, a teenager under twenty years old has repeatedly exceeded all expectations.

Let them give birth to an unreasonable self-confidence that no matter what happens, as long as Lexus is still there, they will definitely be able to solve it.

Leng Yan looked at Ling Zhi intently, muttering with a voice that he could only hear,

"Perhaps, he is really qualified to possess the breath of a real dragon?"

boom! While everyone was stunned, Ling Zhi did not relax a trace of vigilance. He directly took out a large number of spirit pills into the entrance and quickly recovered his power.

The body of the true dragon originally made his recovery power terrifying, with the bonus of the phoenix shadow, and it was even more shocking. With the help of the fourth-grade spirit pill, it was just a few breaths, and he had it again. Power to shoot.

But the beast claw was almost in front of him, and it was too late to hit three fingers. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fist and rushed directly.

Instead of standing there waiting for the beast claws to hit, but taking the initiative to attack again and again, this is Lexus, this is the way of the strong in Lexus's heart! If you are strong, you will be strong, and never shrink back from fear! Ling Zhi hit the beast claw with a fist, making the beast claw tremble, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the beast claw.

The power gap between the two is really too big.

This solid beast claw, the degree of stability, far exceeds the attack condensed by the general artistic conception.

"Master Ling!"

Di Gao roared and wanted to come to help Lexus.

But the mysterious strong man on the boundless sea, at this moment, got up at the same time, and also shot, using all his strength, just to stop Di Gao.

With his obstruction, Di Gao couldn't get away for a while, he could only watch it! But Lexus didn’t care about it, just blasted towards the beast claws with one punch, never giving up.

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