God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1022: You go, i stay

When he shouted these words to Ling Zhi, he tilted his head and lost his breath of life.

This person was covered in blood, and his breath was extremely weak.

It was completely relying on the last breath in his heart to hold on to the cluster.

When the words were brought, the breath was relieved and he died on the spot.

Based on Lexus's disposition, Rao was in a daze and couldn't react.

He turned his face and looked carefully, and he saw that it was one of the group of artistic conception warriors who came here to visit him that day.

Obviously, this strong man should have broken through and asked for help after Sanwei City was attacked by sea beasts and found that the power of Sanwei City could not be resisted at all.

Ling Zhi could feel the hope and exhaustion when he shouted the last words.

He heard this sentence, and Ouyang Hao and others naturally heard it.

At this moment, Ouyang Hao separated from the Water Divide Beast and confronted each other. Chen Liang and the others also stopped attacking, and both stopped.

It's just that the looks of the two sides are completely opposite.

"Hey, Ouyang Hao, what if you can withstand me? After a while, you will see the corpse of Mando! What should you do as the owner of the second island?"

The water beast laughed wildly.

"Where is the Mishima Lord?"

Chen Liang wondered,

"Isn't the Three Island Lord in charge of Sanwei City, and isn't there still the Great Island Lord Digo who sits in the main city and controls the entire island? Isn't it true that I just ignore it!"

The matter was urgent, and Chen Liang couldn't worry about awe.

How many people can there be in a city? Yanwei Island is so huge, there are only five cities in total, except for the main city, which one has fewer than a million people? If the walls of Sanwei City were broken and the warriors were cleansed and killed by sea beasts, wouldn't it be that there were corpses all over the field, and the number of people killed and injured would amount to millions? Millions, it doesn't seem to be much, and it's very light, but if you really want to stand together, it's a scary crowd at all.

No matter who it is, no one can withstand such a blow, such a weight-bearing injury.

"Are you thank you for repairing?"

The Diverter laughed,

"If he himself stays in the main city and stays with Digo, it will be better. If he really goes to other cities to help defend our marine clan's attacks, don't kill the enemy. Whether he can come back alive himself is a problem! "

boom! Thunderbolt.

Although the spirit beasts have their wisdom, they are far from the conspiracy calculations of human beings. Therefore, in general, the water dividers are so many that they will really find such a situation, rather than a deeper level of wanting to psychologically disrupt Ouyang Hao their fighting spirit.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Liang and Huang Qiu were shocked and shocked when they looked at each other.

What kind of power is it that makes Fenshui Beast courageously speak such words.

With the life of the Three Island Master Xie Xiu left behind, could it be another Grade 5 spirit beast? Isn't it true that there is one or several more powerful spirit beasts that persecute the big island owner Digo can't make a move? This time the sea beast attacked the island. Not only did the time advance, the sea beasts also came out and dispatched so many powerful spirit beasts. What happened? They are puzzled, they are puzzled.

"Xie Xiu, Lord of the Three Islands, must have gone to Siwei City first and was stopped by a powerful enemy!"

Huang Qiu said solemnly.

Zhongrutou, they all want to understand this.

Before, I just didn't think that there would be a second spirit beast as strong as the water divider.

Compared with everyone else, Ouyang Hao's expression was all struggling.

In front of him was a middle-grade 5 spirit beast that he was not sure about to deal with safely, but urgent news came from behind.

It was to stay to deal with the water divider, and watch the death of millions of warriors and Fanrao in Sanwei City.

Still left to save Sanwei City, but left the warriors like Erwei City alone to deal with the powerful Water Divide Beast, even when he came back, Erwei City was destroyed and slaughtered by the Water Divide Beast?

"Haha, Ouyang Hao, aren't you the most free and easy, the most casual, this time, how do you choose, which city do you want to save?"

The water trap sneered,

"No matter which city you save, the other will die. Those millions of civilians will definitely resent you!"

Ouyang Hao trembled and fell into a dilemma.


There was a buzz, accompanied by the sword light.

The sword light pierced straight to the front of the water divider, and cut several fine holes in its tentacles.

"What's to be entangled with, you are higher than me, with the help of soul power, you fly with all strength, and the speed is much faster than mine. You rush to Sanwei City, destroy the chaotic spirit beast, and protect Sanwei City hundred Thousands of people are safe."

Ling Zhi said calmly.


Ouyang Hao looked at the Water Divide Beast, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, he was gone, the Water Divide Beast, who would deal with it! Roar! Unexpectedly, the water-separating beast was injured by Lexus, a human who looked like an ant in its eyes, and suddenly became angry.

The tentacles flung to Lexus.

The air drawn by the strength of the tentacles seemed to be torn apart, bursts of noise, and the power was amazing.

Before Ouyang Hao had to use all his soul power, and he could barely block it by manipulating his soul power.

From the point of view of the water-seating beast, Ling Zhi, a warrior who has not yet reached the physical state, just this attack is enough to make him muddy, so that the warriors standing in the distance can know that it is not good for the water-seating beast. Annoyed, so that no one would dare to provoke it without knowing it.

Snapped! However, what resounded throughout the audience was not the sound of Lexus breaking the surface of the water and smashing Lexus into the ground, but the sound of Lexus's hands touching the tentacles of the water dividing beast.

The water divider has a huge body and its tentacles are also very thick. Even if Lexus opens his arms, he cannot hug the upper part of the tentacles.

But this time, Lexus held the smashed tentacles in this way and abruptly prevented the water divider from attacking.

He held the tentacles, his arms were like iron tongs, exerting force to confine the tentacles here.

Even if the water divider roared again and again, it was unable to retract the tentacles, causing the tentacles to move again.

"Brother Ouyang, have you seen it? I am here. What else do you have to fear? Go to Sanwei City and save people first!"

Ling Zhi hugged the tentacles of the water trap and smiled.

"If you really want to worry about me, just come back early and help me!"

Divided by rank, the beast, the spirit beast, the wild beast, the best and the upper, middle and lower three ranks.

True dragons are divine beasts, which are one level higher than spirit beasts. Water-distributing beasts are only the spirit beasts of the middle fifth rank. In the rank classification, that is, among the middle rank spirit beasts, it is ninth higher than true dragons. The level of Ziyuewei was much lower, and compared with real dragons, it was even more incomparable.

For Lexus who has a true dragon body, he may not be afraid of it! Who is strong and who is weak, you will know after playing!

"Don't hesitate anymore,"

Lexus yelled,

"You go, I stay!"

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