God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1020: Spirit beast

Ling Zhi paused, and on the next battlefield he was about to rush to, a figure appeared there in advance.

It was Ouyang Hao surprisingly.

Facing these countless enemies, facing the divided battlefield of hundreds of thousands, Lexus can only make the warriors of Erwei City die less with his own power, but it is impossible to stop them with his own power. All.

With the addition of Ouyang Hao, even if Ouyang Hao did not use his soul power, his strength was similar to that of Lexus. With the two of them joining hands, the battlefield was divided into two halves, and one person only needed to be responsible for half.

Ling Zhi suddenly felt that the pressure had been reduced a lot, and he had more time and extra energy to help these warriors.

Before, he just wanted to walk through the entire battlefield, it took a long, long time, even impossible.

More screams of sea beasts, accompanied by blood, began to throw.

With the help of Ling Zhi and Ouyang Hao, the scene even began to tilt towards the side of the warrior.

Ouyang Hao, a talented martial artist in the fifth level of artistic conception, can fight against the sixth level of artistic conception.

Lexus, the physical strength is not weak, Ouyang Hao, even worse.

Such two people rushed into the battlefield and could resist a thousand troops! In front of them, the Ninth-Rank Sea Beast was as crisp as sand and could be destroyed easily.

After half a stick of incense, Ling Zhi only felt hot behind him, and a fiery red long sword crossed his side, straight into the body of a sea beast in front of him.

And it penetrated through its body, and even the sea beasts behind it were pierced.

Seeing this long sword clearly, the corners of Ling Zhi's mouth were more smiling.

The strength can reach this level, and the red long sword is still used. Don't think about it, you know that there is only one person with cold face.

"I thought you would not help me."

Ling Zhi smiled.


Leng Yan took a sip,

"Who is going to help you, I am here to help them."

The flaming red sword flew back and fell accurately into Leng Yan's hands. Leng Yan turned around and rushed into other battlefields. Zheng Lengyan's strength was equal to Lexus at first, although it is not as good as the current practice of Long Lian. He was at the third level of Dafa, but he was not as powerful as Chen Liang.

Dealing with these sea animals is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

Roar! Facing Ling Zhi, Ouyang Hao, and Leng Yan Sanrao joined, the warriors on the side of Erwei City were extremely motivated and looked at Sanrao with admiration, respect, and harmony.

The sea beasts seemed to be aware of this, and the more powerful sea beasts behind began to rush forward, trying to kill the Lexus trio.

More and more Ninth-Rank sea beasts rushed over just like they didn't need money.

"I'll go, this is too exaggerated."

Ling Zhi, Ouyang Hao and Leng Yan joined them, and the three stood back to back, exclaiming.

At this moment, the three of them had already killed themselves and rushed into the sea beast group. At this moment, there was almost no sea beast below the 9th rank. Such a number was terrifying.

And such a quantity, even for them, is quite troublesome.

No one knows when the spirit beast will appear. The sooner the battle is resolved, the sooner it can recover its strength and face a stronger opponent.


Just when Lexus was struggling as to whether to use his three fingers, a cold drink sounded from his side.

The sound is clear and nice, slightly cold, but it is accompanied by a heat wave.

A fiery red phantom lingered on the long sword in Leng Yan's hand, extremely agile.

There was a vague tweet, accompanied by a touch of majesty.


Ling Zhi and Ouyang Hao were surprised to find that in front of them, the sea beasts who were fearless and fearless suddenly took a step back as if they had encountered something frightening! This is still the sea animal group, from the beginning of the attack to the present, the first time to retreat.

Even when the three of them lashed out at these sea beasts before, they had never seen them retreat half a step.

Those sea beasts trembled and stared straight at the long sword in Leng Yan's hand. To be precise, it was the fiery red phantom.

"Leng Yan, what exactly is the phantom on your long sword?"

Ling Zhi said curiously.

"Cut, don't tell you, tell no one without telling you."

Leng Yan hummed.

Ouyang Hao hit the snake with the stick, rubbing his hands,

"Then tell me."

Things that can scare away sea beasts are naturally very curious.


Leng Yan gave him a white look.

"Okay, help me teach Lexus. In the end, it's useless to see you, and he was hurt by him!"


This was the first time Ouyang Hao had been like this by a girl, and he was immediately hit hard.

Ling Zhi patted him on the shoulder, showing a pitiful look in his eyes.

Isn’t he, he didn’t even respond with a personality like Leng Yan... Leng Yan held a long sword, and moved forward. The sea beasts’ bodies were shaking more and more severely. If it weren’t because of the presence of sea water, Ling Zhizhen would have doubts. Are these sea beasts sweating?

He glanced at the fiery red phantom again suspiciously, but found that he still couldn't see through.

This phenomenon is very similar to the reaction of the wild beasts of the Fallen Leaf Sect when they saw Gulu.

Seeing Gulu, Bai Yu Nei Feng Ma gave himself a whip with his pony tail. The scene of flying away in the dust, I am afraid that Ling Zhi will never forget it in his life.

"Is it the spirit of some high-level barren beast like Gollum?"

Ling Zhi thought.

Just when he was puzzled, the sea animal group suddenly stopped retreating. It seemed that a baffle suddenly appeared behind them, preventing them from retreating.

Ling Zhi could see that the sea beasts standing in the front were still trembling, but they did not dare to move back.

"It's a spirit beast!"

Ouyang Hao gave a low voice.

His spirit power perception range is much wider than that of Lexus, so he will naturally find out in advance.

A sea beast with a height of several tens of meters, came out from a distance, and rushed towards this side at a fast speed.

The beast hadn't arrived yet, the eyes bigger than people, like a lantern, pierced the cold light, and the warriors who were injected by this light trembled, as if they were greatly frightened.

About when they were about to reach Lexus and the others, suddenly there were eight tentacles rushing up from around the sea beast, carrying a huge wave, and smashing into the sky.

The eight tentacles, like eight pillars in the sky, are extremely huge. Every time they fall, they hit the water surface, causing sea water to rush to both sides, creating a vacuum and exposing the land.

In some places where the water is shallow, the sea beast's tentacles will be told to rush forward and quickly approach Lexus and the others.

"Medium Level 5 Spirit Beast, Water Beast?"

There was a sound of surprise, sounded from Ling Zhi's side.

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