God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1014: Shame

What is the body of a true dragon? Libi is one of the real dragons, and the physical resistance to attack, that is, the defensive ability, is comparable to real dragons.

Resilience, compared to real dragons, is the third.

In other words, the current Lexus is a real dragon transformed into a human form! What is a real dragon? That is a divine beast, a supreme existence that is even higher than a spirit beast! It is the existence of a few kinds of beasts that can be compared in this world.

It is the existence that runs through the long river of history, the past, the present, and the future! Ling Zhi and Ouyang Hao had almost the same strength, and then they collided with each other.

With a fist intersecting, Ouyang Hao's arm shook, and he shook his arm quickly, before he blasted out again.

But when he raised his head, Ling Zhi's fist was already in front of him.

Ouyang Hao hurriedly raised his hand to defend, and Ling Zhizhen retreated several steps in a row.

"You don't have to charge up!"

Ouyang Hao frowned.


Ling Zhi laughed a few times, his fist was only retracted halfway, and the next blow had already been delivered.

His attack speed quickly doubled.

Every time he fisted with Ouyang Hao, he seemed to be not holding his arm. After a hundred strokes without pain, Ouyang Hao's breath was slightly disturbed.

After 300 strokes, Ouyang Hao floated under his feet and his face flushed.

After five hundred moves, Ouyang Hao pulled away and retreated sharply.

Ouyang Hao waved his hand, panting,

"Stop it!"

Lexus had a meal,

"Why, give up?"


Seeing Ling Zhi looking okay, Ouyang Hao spoke with difficulty.

"You are not a puppet, are you not tired?"

After these five hundred moves, each of them is a full blow. The ordinary martial artist uses this style of play, I am afraid that if there are less than a hundred moves, they will get tired.

But the two of them were close in strength and had extremely strong physical recovery capabilities. The two of them recognized that the other party would not use magic skills, nor would they use them. They were pure physical combat.

After 500 moves, Ouyang Hao only felt that no part of his body was not sore and numb, just like an ordinary mortal's excessive use of power, causing muscle aches throughout his body.

With his character, this state has not been encountered for many years.


Ling Zhi touched his nose,

"What are you tired of playing so cool?"

Lexus was extremely happy to have such an opponent with similar strength to fight against. At the time of two hundred moves, he felt that his control over his strength was gradually rising.

Until now, he wanted to play the previous attack strength, at least it can save 10% of the strength.

He couldn't wait to fight Ouyang Hao with five hundred moves to completely control the power of the true dragon body at once.


Lexus stepped on his feet and said boldly,

"Brother Ouyang, come here, let's continue!"

Ouyang Hao was taken aback, his eyes lighted up and he smiled inexplicably.

"Well, since you want to fight, then I will accompany you to fight, and my heart is up, I want to use my skills!"

It could be seen that his attitude towards Lexus was also rapidly improving as Zheng Ouyang Hao's foot movements suddenly changed, and his body was like a goshawk, spreading his wings.

A sharp feeling radiated from him abruptly, and Ling Zhi suddenly felt a sense of crisis as he was stared at by a pair of sharp eyes, and the hairs on his body stood up.

"Mysterious level high-grade magic skills, how?"

Ouyang Hao smiled, but there was no pause in his movements.

Like a swooping straight line, straight to Lexus.

In this forward charge, his power began to condense into a line from the whole body, all condensed into one point, and then rushed towards Lexus head on.

Lexus didn't master many magic skills, one had eight steps, a mysterious high-grade body technique, and one truncated three-finger, so it was very difficult.

After hesitating for a while, Ling Zhi posed under his feet, which was Yan Babu.

Two feet apart, they rushed towards each other at the same time.

Ouyang Hao rushed forward, and Lexus stepped forward.

In the middle, the two hit each other.

This time the impact was not just a few more bombardments, it was just under the feet of Liang Rao. With them as the center, the ground within a radius of one hundred meters all slammed and cracked.

This area of ​​courtyard was shaken apart almost instantly.

Dust and mud, cracks and rubble all over the floor.

Only the place where Ling Zhi and Ouyang Hao stood was on a flat ground about three feet in radius, and the two of them were also standing on top.

Fists and fingers intersected, both of them flushed a little.

"Are you evenly matched again?"

Everyone exclaimed.

The look at Lexus was very complicated.

What kind of young man is it? At this age, Ouwei is the first in alchemy, and his physical strength is comparable to Ouyang Hao, the owner of the two islands. How could there be such a pervert...

"Should it be a spirit beast?"

A bold speculation and suspicion appeared in these people's hearts, and they were immediately scattered away.

Desolate beasts and spirit beasts generally rarely can make alchemy, almost all of them swallow elixir directly, and most of the professions of alchemist and craftsman exist only in human beings.

"That was just the first move, Lexus, you really forced me, so I can't spare the slightest effort!"

Ouyang Hao hummed.


Ling Zhi touched his nose,

"It turns out that it wasn't your ultimate strength just now? That's good, I still have no use after tricks."

Hearing the words, Ouyang Hao rolled his eyes without saying a word.

At this moment, where is the battle between the two, it is simply a pure competition of physical cultivation.

Ouyang Hao retreated, his moves changed, his strength suddenly increased by 10% again.

When the power reaches this level, 10% is already a terrifying order of magnitude.

Ling Zhi's expression gradually became serious, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more obvious.

He likes, he looks forward to, such a hearty battle! boom! At this moment, Ouyang Hao was like suddenly unlocking a seal on his body, his whole body strength suddenly increased by as much as 30%.

He is not weaker than Zhou Xuanqing at the beginning.

The aura that radiated from it made everyone standing a hundred meters away feel depressed.

Ouyang Hao smiled triumphantly,

"How is it, are you scared?"

Ling Zhi's men trembled slightly, the smile at the corner of his mouth could not be hidden, but he grinned completely.

The curve of his arm stroke changed slightly, the angle changed very slightly, and there was no fluctuation in it.

On his side, there was deathly silence.

Ouyang Hao was as sharp as a sword.

The two are diametrically opposed.

The two looked at each other, smiled at each other, Ouyang Hao accelerated and rushed over.

This time Lexus didn't move, but just stood there and drew a finger lightly.

With a finger drawn, there is no slight difference.

However, after half a breath of effort, Ouyang Hao suddenly retreated, his soul power mobilized his spiritual power, and he rushed towards the air behind him.

"Damn, you're shameless!"

Lexus shouts

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