God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1010: Soul pill for crystal

The price of a complete Ocean Crystal is at least ten million Lingshi, which is worth the price of a few low-grade Horcruxes.

Thousands of Lingshi, look at this entire Yuanwei Island, look at this full of artistic conception powerhouses, they may be the entire family, sect, worth ten million, but if they let them take it out, they can't take it out at all! These families, excluding fixed assets and flowing water, are at most a few million.

And this is only the price, the true and complete crystal of the ocean, and even more than this price.

Because it has a price and no market, because it is scarce, because no one knows how to obtain such things.

Only by waiting for chance.

Oshima Lord Digo's handwriting this time is amazing.

Even Lexus looked at this man a few times, but he was actually looking at the big island owner behind him.

This is not a million spiritual stones, just forget it if the flesh hurts, this is a stroke of distress, liver pain! Just to get his favor, he paid such a price. Should the owner of the big island be too bold, or should he be too self-confident, knowing that Lexus will definitely do something for him? Ling Zhi frowned. To tell the truth, he really wanted this crystal of the ocean.

He is now at the top of the tenth level of the physical realm. As long as the opportunity arrives and the breakthrough is felt, he will definitely break into the artistic realm without hesitation.

The soul body enters the main divine court acupoint, controls his soul body, and makes a qualitative leap in his strength.

He was still wondering whether he could absorb the nine drops of colorful soul-raising lotus juice after he entered the mood and was able to control his soul power.

Now his soul body is not weaker than any one of the three-layer artistic conception strong. If he can absorb the nine drops of juice, how strong will the soul body be? He felt a wave of excitement just thinking about it.

That is the desire to become stronger.

Although Lexus can’t use the crystal of the ocean to condense his soul, he can swallow the crystal of the ocean when he breaks through the artistic conception, and superimpose his soul power with the freezing effect, which is also a big killer, which will strengthen him in a straight line. Strength.

This crystal of the ocean, for him now, came just in time and just right.

"Master Ling don't have to be embarrassed. Since I have delivered the crystal of the ocean to you for the island owner, I will never bring it back, otherwise the island owner will definitely not spare me.

The island owner only hopes to be able to make good friends with you. "

The man said with a smile.

Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, he took Ocean Crystal from Gulu's hand, and after looking at it for a while, he suddenly chuckled. When did he hesitate and entangle so much, not decisive? What is delivered to your door, can directly enhance your own strength, why not? Lexus turned his hands and put the crystal of the ocean into his ring. With this ice box wrapped, the crystal of the ocean can be put into the ring, which is really peculiar.

Ling Zhi clearly remembered that the crystal of the ocean in Haixiu Gate was placed in the treasure chest. Because of the particularity of the crystal of the ocean, it could not be placed in Zheng of the ring, but Di Gao sent it up. This ice box , It is much more convenient to store the crystal of the ocean in it and put it in the ring.

Seeing Lexus put away the crystals of the ocean, the man suddenly showed joy.

He is not afraid of Lexus accepting it, but he is afraid that Lexus will not accept it. In his opinion, as long as Lexus accepts it, it will be easier to do next.

Cannibals have short mouths, be soft-handed, and mention a few non-excessive conditions. Is it okay? However, just when he was about to speak, Ling Zhi suddenly took the lead.

"Island Lord Digo is so enthusiastic. If I, the alchemist, get angry, I won't be able to pass it. Going out will make people laugh."

"Master Ling doesn't need..."

The man noticed something was wrong, and he hurried to speak.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but waved his hand to stop him with a smile, and then gently swept across in front of him, rows of neatly arranged jade bottles were sitting on the floor of this hall.

Hundreds of jade bottles are stacked together, which is really amazing.

Because everyone knows that there must be a spiritual pill in it.

As for Lexus's shots, naturally it must be a fourth-grade spirit pill! Regardless of the man’s sudden change of expression, Lexus said,

"The soul-recovering pills on Yuanwei Island are more precious. About one bottle is in the form of six to seven thousand spirit stones. Here is one hundred and fifty bottles of soul-recovering pills, and the value is sure to be in the ten thousand spirit stones."

"Should it be worth the value of this ocean crystal, right?"

Ling Zhi smiled.

Although the soul-returning pills are not as precious as the crystals of the ocean and are not so scarce, the soul-returning pills on Yanwei Island have always been few, or even rare.

These one hundred and fifty bottles of soul-returning pills, even Lexus, now under the premise of controlling the soul power to control the tempering of the elixir, it takes more than one hundred hours, four or five days without sleep.

This is because he doesn't have to worry about the consumption of soul power, and the soul body is solid and the soul power is strong.

If you let Ren Hai refining, you don't even think about it for a year or two.

This man with a full house of artistic conceptions, all over his body, has accumulated these years, and together, there may not be so many soul-recovering pills.

So to some extent, these hundred and fifty bottles of Soul Recovering Pill, and a complete crystal of the ocean, if these artistic conception powers choose, they may prefer to choose Soul Recovering Pill.

Because no matter how strong the soul power is, without the support of the spirit pill, it will soon be exhausted. What's the use? Especially the soul power attack with freezing effect, the soul power consumed is a geometric multiple increase.

But in this full house, there was only one person who looked at the soul-returning pills all over the floor, not with eyes hot, but with a bitter face.

It was the man sent by Oshima Lord Digo.

What Di Gao fancy was the potential of Lexus, the potential to become a fifth-level alchemist, not the hundred and ten bottles of soul-recovering pills! Having controlled Ren Hai for so many years, the last thing he lacks is the soul-recovering pill! These two things, in Digo's view, are obviously not equal.

But Ling Zhi generously accepted the Ocean Crystal he had sent up. Could he not accept it at this moment?

"Why, don't my friends look down on these soul-recovering pills that I personally refine?"

Lexus specifically emphasized the words personally.

The man's body trembled, and even Dao did not dare, but he did not dare to put away the soul-returning pills.

For the first time since he became an artistic conception warrior, he felt that Huihun Dan was so hot! It wasn't until this time that he realized that he looked at the young boy who was still slightly immature in his face.

He must accept these soul-recovering pills now, but once he accepts it, it means that he has made such a deal with Ocean Crystal and Lexus, and the nature is completely different.

How could there be such a perversion? Didn't Ren Hai start a furnace of pill at the beginning? Whoever is okay will refine soul pill every time, and there are six per furnace? The man wailed in his heart.

Pop, pop, pop.

Three applause, at this moment, sounded from outside the hall, and passed into the hall Zheng

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