God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1005: Ten levels of physical form!

It's just that only he himself can know the meaning of the words that Ling Zhi shouted.

Because at this moment, he is a snow-white skeleton with only important parts such as a heart and a brain.

So the opening and closing of his mouth is actually the opening and closing of the upper and lower jaws. There is only a popping sound, not even the vocal cords, so how can there be complete and clear words coming out.

Ling Zhi seemed to be aware of this, but he didn't care, and even laughed unscrupulously.

Because he can really feel his own strength.

When he finished the sixth pose, the remaining thunder and lightning power on his body surface was not enough to harm him, instead it became the nourishment of his body.

In this case, the flesh and blood of his body recovered.

It made him look the same as usual, nothing else.

But only he himself knew how much stronger he was at this moment than before. That was an increase in strength that he couldn't even imagine.

What Nine-Rank Desolate Beast could be crushed with just one finger.

Now if he fights against Chen Liang with pure physical power, he is confident and directly uses his strength to defeat Chen Liang.

No skills are required.


The power of the word monument was completely dissipated, and this robbery was finally released completely and freedom was restored.

Amidst the ferociousness, he pounced on Lexus.

All the power blasted Lexus in the most direct way.

Until then, in the eyes of the outside world, this power of thunder and lightning did not move.

"Moved, moved, moved again!"

They exclaimed.

This power of thunder and lightning is different from the lightning and thunder during the day. Not only is there no dark cloud, but it is so close to yourself.

And that powerful power and sense of destruction are completely different.

This feeling made all the warriors who looked at the power of thunder and lightning come from the soul and felt trembling.

For those with strong artistic conception, the soul body has been condensed into the main Shenting acupoint.

Those martial artists in the physical realm can't even look directly at them. They don't dare to cast their eyes on this thunder and lightning for a long time.

Even if there is only one calamity, it is only the weakest one! When the thunder and lightning blasted him, Ling Zhi not only did not resist, but directly opened his mind to welcome the disaster.

It's just that his movements didn't stop at all, always hitting the third level of Long Lian Dafa to the neighbor nine styles.

This time, Raiden not only couldn't hurt his body, but completely became his body nutrient to become stronger, and was swallowed directly by his body.

It was as if thunder and lightning had completely smashed into a black hole, and entered Ling Zhi's body.

At this moment, a dragon-shaped phantom faintly emerged from the surface of Lexus, exuding the power of an overlord.

Everyone in the outside world just felt that a kind of soul suppression was fleeting, except for a woman.

Cold face.

Her body trembled fiercely, and she looked into the room suspiciously.

"This kind of breath is dragon? But how can the breath of dragon appear in such a place?"

"Is it something that a real dragon has used, or is it something like dragon scales?"

The cold face was more serious than ever, she guessed.

And just on Leng Yan’s arm, the fiery red long sword hidden in her flesh and blood was stimulated, and it buzzed spontaneously, rushing out of Leng Yan’s body, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the place where Ling Zhi was. The room flies directly in the air, buzzing constantly.

"You can feel it too, red!"

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to hold the hilt, fumbled the blade, and asked.

The fiery red long sword was like a sage at this moment, and it was shaking, as if nodding in default.

"Damn it, how can the breath of a real dragon appear on such annoying people? Isn't it not recognized by the real dragon, even if you get the real dragon item, it can't stimulate the real dragon above it?"

Cold Yan stomped his feet, gritted his teeth.

She didn't know that this kind of breath was not any real dragon item, but directly radiated from Ling Zhi.

Because the strength of Ling Zhi's body at this moment is exactly the same as when the real dragon was in this state.

When he played the Long Lian Dafa, the ninth form of the third level, he had the power of a physical body comparable to a real dragon.

This robbery, in


Under the control of the word tablet and Lexus's strong willpower, it has become a nutrient for him to become stronger.

The changes caused by thunder and lightning gradually subsided.

Ling Zhi stood there quietly. After a while, he suddenly made a fist and blasted his fist in front of him.

The air bursts, if it bursts.

"This realm is what I pursue, the tenth level of the physical realm!"

Ling Zhi affirmed that at this moment, he suddenly realized the breakthrough requirement of the tenth level of the physical state, that the warrior has all the prerequisites for becoming a warrior of the mood, but he is unwilling to break through and continue to struggle and polish.

As long as the potential is unlimited, the capital is sufficient, and there is sufficient opportunity, it will continue to grow stronger until it reaches a critical point.

At this time, it will begin to break through to the ten layers of the body, forming a vortex between the nine aura particles, condensing the nine aura particles into one body.

Twist the whole body's strength into one, and exert a more powerful force.

In the past, every time Lexus used his spiritual energy in his body, he would extract them from nine aura particles and then converge. Not only was there a time delay, but also a lot of spiritual energy was wasted in this process.

In addition, when the power of the nine aura particles converge, some will not be cohesive enough, some will be scattered, and they will not be able to exert their full strength.

But now it's different. When Lexus mobilizes spiritual power again, it directly mobilizes spiritual power from the whirlpool.

It is directly a concentrated force, coming out through the body.

At least more powerful than ever! And the hardest thing to break through to the tenth level of the physical realm is not those premises, but the calamity before the breakthrough.

Nine is the extreme of the number, the supreme number among the numbers. The nine levels of the physical realm are tolerable for the movement of Tao, while the tenth realm cannot be tolerated by the Tao.

Therefore, even the warriors must be prevented from breaking through, lowering the robbery, and directly destroying the warriors to prevent this behavior from happening.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless talents who can break through the ten levels of physical realm, peerless evildoers, based on the huge human and beast foundation.

But there are nine people who are all down in this robbery and fall! Those who don't have bad chances can't get through it.

Even with Lexus's body, it is only in contact with the power of the Jie Wai scattered, it is **** and bloody, and when he is about to come into the body, he will directly explode and the bones explode. One can imagine the power of Jie.

Holding his fist, feeling his unprecedented strength, Ling Zhi laughed.

He laughed because his choice was right.

He laughed, because of his strength, he was one step closer to saving his father Ling.

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