God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1001: Going to break through?

One was injured, two soul powers were severely injured.

Such two artistic conception martial artists, for the Lingzhi and Leng Yan who were not weaker than them, no longer had the power to block them.

After the two joined hands, they only took a few moves to send the long sword into their chests.

Until the sword entered the body, their eyes widened, and some of them couldn't react.

I don't understand, the two of me came here, just came over to suppress the battle, just stood by Ren Hai, and gave him the opportunity.

Even if they face the strong artistic conception of the entire Erwei City alone, they will not be afraid.

They were still thinking about getting some soul-recovering pills from Ren Hai, and then continue to consolidate the first position of Yiwei City.

They thought a lot, but they didn't.

The two of them would die in the eyes of the two perfectionists, the physical realm martial artist Zheng Qi was completely defeated.

They died, but Ling Zhi and Leng Yan had almost no injuries except for expending a lot of spiritual power and strength.

They are not reconciled, but life is fast passing by, letting them cry up and cry, they can't hide from death.

As for the people off the court, their eyes and mouths were already wide open, and they were speechless.

"Good! Master Ling is good!"

Someone raised their arms and shouted, obviously they must be from Yiweicheng.

Ling Zhi glanced at the audience and walked towards Ren Hai.

Ren Hai shook his body. He just hid to the edge of the high platform early, looking forward to these people taking Lexus down. Even if he couldn't kill Lexus on the spot, he could take it back and control it in his own hands. Zheng if he could What kind of scene would it be to control a fourth-level alchemy master? He felt excited even thinking about it.

However, Lexus's speed in condensing liquid, the apparently extremely high grade he played when harvesting alchemy, and the incomparably fanciful method of harvesting alchemy were all taken by him as his own.

If he could get these, would he become a fifth-level alchemist in one fell swoop? Ren Hai had anticipated his future outlook.

But the situation changed suddenly, and the victory on his side was suddenly destroyed.

The strong men he invited to write a letter were all dead.

But Lexus, who should have been taken down, stood in front of him alive, looking at him with indifference.

"It's not easy to be a human being for your sake."

Ling Zhi looked at him sadly.

"Look for yourself. Below, how many people feel sympathy for what you are doing now?"

Lexus spoke,

"Do you think that if you can find some helpers, you can be fearless?"

"Powerful, if it is itself after all, do you understand?"

After Ling Zhi finished speaking, he went up happily and slapped Ren Hai again.

This slap is loud and crisp.

A few of Ren Hai's teeth that had already fallen out were abruptly knocked out.

"For so many years, you, as the only fourth-level alchemist on Yanwei Island, if you can put away your gaze, no one will take precautions, even if you leave a way for others to survive, and a little bit of affection, today and today , There will be countless strong people coming for you, for protecting you, and for supporting you."

Ling Zhi said.

The connections of the alchemist have always been terrifying, because during the alchemy, he would save a situation like Chen Liang's, many strong people's lives, and many strong people's lives.

So they will be concerned about many, many favors.

Activating an alchemist is often more troublesome than activating a family or a sect, and it is even more difficult, and it is even more daunting.

However, in such an excellent situation, Ren Hai has developed to the point where all the people betrayed their relatives. This can only show that there are too many problems with his life and character.

Those who win the hearts of the people win, those who lose the hearts of the people lose their relatives.

"Hu, I am the owner of the Big Island Lord Digo. If you dare to move my finger again, the Island Lord will definitely not let you go!"

It seemed that Ren Hai suddenly remembered that there was a Di Gao standing behind him, and instantly straightened his waist with phosphorous gas.

Ling Zhi shrugged.

"Lord of the Great Island, Digo? Then I ask you, why does the Lord of the Great Island attach so much importance to you, support you so much, and let you do anything wrong?"

Ren Hai was stunned, but he didn't expect Ling Zhihui to ask him that suddenly.

"It's nothing more than your alchemy power overwhelming the entire Yanwei Island. It's nothing more than that you can refine a fourth-grade spirit pill that is useful to him. It's nothing more than your ability, which is useful to him, and on Yanwei Island. Unique."

Ling Zhi sneered.

"The next boom is all for profit, and the next bustle is all for profit."

Ling Zhi glanced at Ren Hai pityingly.

"Look, mine is right?"

"No matter what the reason is, as long as there is a big island owner, if you dare to move me, you are offending the big island owner, whoever offends the big island owner, on Yuanwei Island, there will never be a good end!"

Ren Hai was stern, clutching the life-saving straw of Big Island Lord Di Gao.

Ling Zhi suddenly laughed. He stepped out abruptly, only less than three inches away from Ren Hai.

"I found out that at your age, you really lived as a dog over the years!"

"Why don't you understand me? Talking to you like this is really tiring."

Ling Zhi hummed,

"The reason why the main island master takes care of you is just because of your alchemy, because you are useful to him."

"But... now I have defeated you, the number one person in the alchemy on Yanwei Island is me, it is me, do you understand? That being the case, why did Oshima Master offend me because of you? Why didn't he Can you abandon you and choose me?"

Ling Zhi underestimated all this analysis to Ren Hai, but Ren Hai's expression could not be relaxed anymore.

Yes, Digo has no relatives with him for no reason. Why do you favor him so much all these years? Isn't it because he is the only alchemy master? But he hasn't improved for so many years. As Di Gao's strength grows, his alchemy ability is about to meet Bu Lie Gao's needs.

In this case, the appearance of a younger and more powerful alchemy master would not just take his place, making Di Gao happy? Ren Hai's body trembled, and he suddenly realized that he had been relying on for so many years, at the moment he lost the three alchemy competitions, he had also lost it.

Ling Zhi glanced at Ren Hai indifferently, without wanting to say more, turned around and walked off the platform, leaving Ren Hai with a dull expression.

And the people who were in deep thought in the audience.

As their expressions changed, the gazes they looked at Lexus had completely changed.

They suddenly discovered that in this short period of time, the island of Yanwei was about to change.

On the contrary, after Lexus stepped off the platform, he kept rushing towards Bai Jingyu's courtyard.

The pace was even a little hurried, and there was a slight urgency until he returned to the room and sat cross-legged, Ling Zhi frowned and said intently.

"Is this feeling about to break through?"

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