“The strength of this kid has increased!” Yuchi was panicked, and at the same time, he was still amazed at what kind of existence he had caused.

In the sky, when he saw that Yuchi could still move in the world, Huo Tianci immediately hit his second punch with the second-speed Xixiang.

However, the price brought by Xixiang is extremely heavy.

No, Huo Tianci’s shin bones have already shattered just as soon as they moved.

But at the same time, the Huo’s super regenerative ability immediately helped Huo Tianci to heal the pain of shattered shin bone.

“Healed!” When Huo Tianci discovered this, he was shocked. In other words, as long as he had the healing ability of the Hulk, he opened the Eight Sects of the Eight Sects Dunjia. , There is almost no harm, because the life on your left is passing, and on the right, the Hulk’s super healing ability will help you heal. In the end, this increase and decrease will offset each other.

“Since I won’t die, then Lao Tzu will directly attack Ye Kai to level you!”

While the Hulk character Kawei Energy is still there, Huo Tianci also experienced it One hand, King Kai’s Ye Kai big move.

Then I saw Huo Tianci, crouching for a step, holding his hands on the ground, and making a starting position. At the same time, the red steam on Huo Tianci, in this brief moment, turned into a Comes like a powerful red dragon-like energy.

Then, Huo Tianci bounced off the ground with his right foot, like a drawn arrow, collapsed with a sound, The earth shook and the mountain quivered off the ground, and rushed out. The speed is so fast, if there is no red dragon around, Huo Tianci can guarantee that almost no one can see clearly.

During the period, all the places the red dragon looted were turned into fragments and dust. Finally, Huo Tianci gathered all his strength in his right foot, fiercely’s moved towards the chest of Na Wei Chi Tianxia, ​​kicked out.

Yekai! ! ! ! !

This blow can be called destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

When Yuchi Tianxia saw this, he immediately wanted to retreat and flash away, but he had just been hit by Xixiang, but he had not completely healed at this time, and finally dragged his heavy body, Yuchi Tianxia moved from the space ring Among them, immediately took out a scarlet talisman glowing.

This talisman, Huo Tianci has seen before, is the blood escape talisman, once used, it can take the user with him, and instantly escape hundreds of miles away, but the side effects after use are also great Yes, the lighter suffers most of the blood energy loss, and the severer suffers from direct and serious injury.

However, when Yuchi’s world urged his blood escape talisman, something shocked him.

“Why is this, it will be useless!” Yuchi’s face is full of look of shock, because his Spiritual Qi has been completely in line with this blood escape talisman. It is reasonable to say , He should have escaped in blood by now, so why is he still in place.

After that, Yuchi lifts the head trembling with fear and looked at Huo Tianci who kicked in front of him.

“What! This is impossible!”

This look made him fully understand everything, and at the same time, it was completely shocked to him. It turned out to be Huo Tianci. this move Ye Kai, the formidable power is already so big, it completely distorts the space of this area.

Now even the space is distorted, you said you still want to urge the Fu to leave?

Huo Tianci just want to say, the beauty you want! ! !

In the last night, Kai’s move was completely kicked on the chest of Yuchi Tianxia.

No, I just kicked it through. From a distance, the whole chest of this guy looked like a sharp blade, directly dividing the world of Yuchi into two parts.

At the same time, the entire Yuchi Villa, also in this brief moment, was completely kicked by Huo Tianci.

From then on, Yuchi Villa is gone! ! !

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for killing the powerhouse of the half-sovereign state-Yuchi World.

“ding” congratulations on the host for getting the kill reward-a cultivation base pill (purple), and an extraordinary lottery coin.

“Ding” Yuchi Villa was destroyed. Congratulations to the host for completing the realm breakthrough task-destroying Huntianmen and Yuchi Villa.

The “ding” task is completed. Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through to the Profound Emperor Realm.

“ding” congratulations to the host for obtaining the realm breakthrough reward-an extraordinary lottery coin and a special lottery coin fragment.

The “ding” diamond lottery machine is turned off.

After kicking Weichi to death and destroying the entire Yuchi Villa, a series of system hints immediately exploded in Huo Tianci’s mind.

At the same time, the realm of Huo Tianci finally reached the breakthrough to Xuanhuang.

When the “ding” EXP is full, the Xuanhuang first-level breakthrough mission is opened, and the host needs to refine the life essence pill to complete this breakthrough mission.

After that, the breakthrough task of the Profound Emperor Realm was also started.

As for Huo Tianci, as it has been upgraded to Level 1, the side effects of opening Eight Sects just now have completely disappeared. Or, the Huo Tianci’s healing ability helped Huo Tianci, right? .

Anyway, this time opened Eight Sects, Huo Tianci has nothing to do, but even if something happens, Huo Tianci doesn’t panic, because there is still a resurrection in his hand. If the coin is there, when the time comes, it will be resurrected directly.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci dared to directly open the Death Gate and release Ye Kai’s arrival, otherwise, it would definitely be a brain cramp.

On the other side, in the sky, those powerhouses who followed Huo Tianci and prepared to help Huo Tianci were completely stunned.

They originally thought that Huo Tianci would rely on them to wipe out the entire Yuchi Villa. As a result, Huo Tianci kicked out a world.

“Master Huo’s kick just now seems to have distorted the space…”

“It seems, indeed.” This person said. Immediately, he swallowed a deep sip of water, because this is too exaggerated.

As for some people who don’t know, they are even more surprised when they hear this.

“What? Distorting the space! is it possible that Master Huo, is the powerhouse of the Xuanzun Peak realm?”

To distort the space, at least there must be Xuanzun Peak. Strength, and being able to shatter space requires the power of half saint, as for being able to directly shift the space and completely control it, it requires the power of Saint.

At the beginning, Ouyangzi directly used the power of this spatial displacement, and then instantly came to Huo Tianci and the others.

Now Huo Tianci can distort space with one foot. This is not Xuanzun Peak, what else could it be.

However, when everyone saw that Huo Tianci had just broken through, it was only at the time of Emperor Xuan, and everyone was confused again.

“This Huo master, what is the origin? This is too exaggerated.”

When I got here, everyone was curious about Huo Tianci’s identity and background. Come.

However, let alone the background of their identity, even if it is Huo Tianci’s current realm of strength, they are still stunned until now.

Because the moves Huo Tianci used, it simply doesn’t match the realm he is in now.

Xuanwang, no, Xuanwang used the twisted Space Power, which…

Anyway, they are completely confused.

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