Feng Nine Heavens was crazy and nodded, and then he said these four words of course, because three in one, that is also a very high success rate, I am afraid that I will all fail, but Huo Tianci just now Having said that, a guaranteed one, that is to say, even if all of them fail, then his Feng Nine Heavens will also have a five-dragon tanner.

“Master, Liu Wujiang, let me talk about it. As for the Ling Family, I think master, you can put them aside for the time being, because the Ling Family group, The mouth is very unreliable.” When Huo Tianci was so sincere, Feng Nine Heavens was also prepared to be more sincere.

“Then I will trouble you, Master Feng.”

“What’s the trouble with this, master and you are just helping each other that’s all.”

“Yes, then I wish us a happy cooperation.”

“Happy cooperation.”

As Huo Tianci was about to leave, suddenly, Huo Tianci thought of something After that, Huo Tianci turned to Feng Nine Heavens and said: “By the way, Master Feng, there will be a Danby later, or else, you should go and see it too?”

“Danby? Where? Danby? And, who is this to compare with?” Feng Nine Heavens thought, this is rare.

“Eastern Sea’s Clear Sky City.” Huo Tianci said truthfully.

However, when these words came out, Feng Nine Heavens was instantly confused, because here, but the North Sea, and it takes at least five days to go from the North Sea to the Eastern Sea.

What’s more, Danbi will compare later, how do you go about this?

For this, Huo Tianci smiled and took out a city return charm: “I use my talisman. By then, you will be able to reach the Eastern Sea Clear Sky City in just minutes. “

If you return to the city, Huo Tianci hasn’t sold it in Beihai yet, so few people know about it. Because the Huntian Gate had been making trouble in the previous period, it was delayed.

“With this symbol, you can go to Eastern Sea every second?” How could Feng Nine Heavens believe it.

On the other hand, Niu Hai and Gu Sandao on the sidelines, they couldn’t laugh, because the appearance of Feng Nine Heavens is exactly similar to what they used to be. They all simply don’t believe it, but after using them up Well, that guy is just about prostrate oneself in admiration facing Huo Tianci.

“Master Feng, Master Huo’s magic is absolutely impossible for you to imagine.”

“Don’t say anything else, kill the entire Huntianmen with a single move, that guy, It just made me wait and wonder.” Niu Hai also admired the most, because Huo Tianci was really too powerful.

After listening to the words of these two people, Feng Nine Heavens slowly nodded, and then he dubiously took the back to the city talisman in his hand, learned Huo Tianci and the others, and sent his Spiritual Qi On top of the return to the city symbol.

In the end, after only feeling a dazzling formation eye, he once again saw the scene in front of him, and he came to another strange place.

“This is the residence of the Clear Sky City Hao Family, in my guest room.” Huo Tianci said to the three of them like this.

Feng Nine Heavens hurriedly asked: “Master Huo, how do we get back?”

Feng Nine Heavens thought, it’s not going to be a five-day spaceship, right? .

“I still use this city charm, but the end of this city charm becomes the Li Tian City of Beihai, when the time comes, Master Feng, you, return from Li Tian City to the Sixth Ring Island Pegasus Mountain Village is enough, it won’t delay you, too much time.” Huo Tianci let him not worry too much.

“no no no, I don’t mean that, I just want to ask, how come back that’s all.” Feng Nine Heavens thought, this fuck is amazing too.

After that, without waiting for Huo Tianci sound transmission, Hao Shuai had already flown a sound transmission talisman over.

Sound transmission talisman wrote: “Master Huo, where are you now? One hour later, but it’s Danby’s deadline. If you have nothing to do, come here as soon as possible.”

Seeing this, Huo Tianci immediately returned a picture and went back: “I am in your mansion now.”

In a short while, I saw Hao Shuai non-stop Rushed over.

“Are these few people?” Open the door and saw that in addition to Huo Tianci, there are three other people. Among them, Gu Sandao and Niu Hai, Hao Shuai is a little bit impressed, because at the beginning he I have seen it on auction, but he doesn’t know the name. As for Feng Nine Heavens, that’s even more.

“These are my friends, they came here to take a look with Danbi, Hao Shao, there should be no problem, right?” Huo Tianci asked politely.

On the other hand, Hao Shuai immediately shook his head: “Of course it’s okay, the master’s friend, that is my Hao Shuai’s friend.”

After that, Huo Tianci talked to each other Get to know them.

After learning about Hao Shuai’s background, Feng Nine Heavens and Niu Hai were shocked.

“It turned out to be Hao Shao, really disrespectful.” Clear Sky City Hao Family’s First Young Master, this is no ordinary person, while shocked, Feng Nine Heavens and the others are all surprised, Huo Tianci Even the Haojia of Clear Sky City had a thorough experience.

At the same time, this also made everyone think of another point, that is, if Huo Tianci is in trouble, wouldn’t this Clear Sky City’s Hao Family also help.

When the time comes, Haojia and Lijia joined forces and added Huo Tianci, the Alchemist, the refining master, and the talisman master, the Trinity Secondary Profession master.

Everyone just wanted to say, what is that Yuchi Villa?

“Villa Feng is the owner of Pegasus Mountain Village on the Sixth Ring Island. The six-winged steeds cultivated in it, but the Earth Grade Spirit Beast, is said to be as fast as the Profound Sect Peak martial artist. Also, if Hao Shao is interested in the flying beast Liangju under the seat of our martial artist, we can go and take a look at it another day.” Not to mention, Huo Tianci also helped Feng Nine Heavens to make another business. Advertised.

“Pegasus Spirit Beast! This thing is amazing. I remember half a year ago there was a four-winged guy, that guy, but it attracted martial artists from all over the city to watch, and finally my father spent it. The middle grade Spirit Stone worth 3,000,000 yuan was taken down, and then given to my ten-year-old younger brother to be a mount.” At the same time, Hao Shuai also talked freely.

Seeing this, Feng Nine Heavens immediately went to talk to him: “Hao Shao, if you guessed it correctly, that four-winged steed came from my Pegasus Mountain village, and Four Wings It can only be regarded as a medium, six-wing, that is the top grade, and this Spirit Beast, good at humanity, easy to tame, is definitely your Eldest Young Master, a must-have good horse.”

“Villa Feng, then afterwards, I will come to your place to have a look. I guess if I buy it, all of my friends will have red eyes, and then I will buy them.”

“Okay, OK, then it’s settled, when the time comes, I will definitely give you a big discount.”

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