“It turned out to be like this. It’s no wonder that several Huntian shops on East Street suddenly closed this morning. It turned out that there was a major event.”

“Right, this is Who did it?”

“According to the description of’pull up by the roots’, I think it must be a Xuanzun at least.”

“Xuan Venerable? Isn’t this done by the Star Luo Zong.” Because in the entire Longshan Sea Territory, there is only the Xuanzun expert in the Star Luo Zong.

“It should not be Xingluo Zong, because if Xingluo Zong wanted to destroy the Huntian Gate, it would have been destroyed long ago. According to the gossip, someone reported that this seems to be the boss behind the satisfaction building. That is what Master Nahuo did. Of course, it’s no wonder that Master Huo is so vicious and merciless. After all, this is all the goddess. I am asking for trouble. I used the Poison Pill to frame the Satisfaction Building before and was found out. Later, Master Huo didn’t bother him. As a result, Huntianmen thought that Master Huo was scared, and went to the satisfaction building to make trouble. One last time, he even threatened to smash the shop and would Everyone was killed, I guess, because of this, Master Huo was completely angry, so he used the Heaven Defying Divine Ability to completely destroy the Heaven Defying Gate. I have to say, don’t die, then I won’t die.”

“Poison Pill made trouble, and smashed the shop to kill people. I was on the scene. At that time, the Huntianmen gang’s mouth, tsk tsk tsk, was so arrogant. Master Huo is extinct in this way, so I can only blame them for being dead.”

For a time, there was much discussion within Tian City, but everyone was more toward Huo Tianci. After all, Huo Tianci at first, but being overwhelmed by the Huntianmen, in the end, it was out of helplessness that he moved his hand.

However, this is just everyone’s guess that’s all. As for true or false, no one knows.

When they left home, they also learned the news. At the same time, they sent someone to investigate. As the rumors said, Huntianmen was completely disappeared.

After that, the second master who left home left the meteorite and went to the satisfaction building to find Huo Tianci.

“Where is Master Huo?” At this time, there were only three people in the satisfied building, Gu Sandao, Niu Hai, and a young man.

When Li Yu saw this, he asked Niu Hai, Master Huo.

In the end, Niu Hai pointed to that Xiaonian lightly said with a smile and said: “This is Master Huo.”

“What? He…Yes, Master Huo!” For a while, I was completely stunned, because Master Huo’s appearance is not the old man, how come he has become a young man today?

Moreover, it is only 16-17 years old, are you sure?

For a while, Li Mi stared at the restored Huo Tianci, and was stunned.

After an explanation, Li Yu also suddenly realized that Huo Tianci had a feast with that Huntian Gate before.

“No wonder the master chose to work with us away from home, it turned out to be like this.” Li Yu is also fortunate. Fortunately, they left home before, not at all offending Huo Tianci, otherwise, the goddess. The result is that they left home.

Of course, compared to these, Li Yu is even more surprised, Huo Tianci has completely destroyed the Huntian Gate.

“Master, you are it possible that, is an expert at the level of Xuanzun?” Directly destroy a sect, such a thunderous method, it is estimated that only Xuanzun can Can do it.

Niu Hai had asked this question before, but they all guessed wrong.

“Actually I am just a profound king that’s all.” Huo Tianci speak frankly.

As for the method used, Li Yu is not at all to ask, because it must be a big secret.

But what Li Mi knows is that following Huo Tianci, then it must not be wrong.

“Now Huntianmen is gone, away from Tian City, those Huntianmen’s properties are naturally returned to Leaving Home.” Huo Tianci does not plan to ask for these things, because Satisfaction Building and Taobao Chamber of Commerce is the core of everything.

When Li Yu heard this, he immediately thanked Huo Tianci, and at the same time, he also respected Huo Tianci a hundred times more.

Because they took back the entire Tian City, but their lifelong desire to leave their families in this generation, and it is precisely because of this that the current Patriarch of Leaving, Lifeng, has only tried to break through the realm of Xuanzun again and again. Unfortunately, every time it ends in failure.

But now, Huo Tianci has helped them, can you not be so excited when you say that Li Yu.

“Master, this is my big brother. Let me give you the Fire Essence Date. Actually, the big brother wanted to give it in person, but it was just because of a failure in the breakthrough state not long ago, which led to a strength great The injury needs to be adjusted, so I didn’t come in person.” Li Yu sent the Fire Essence Date and said like this.

Huo Tianci is also a courtesy exchange: “This is a nine-flower jade dew pill. I hope that it can help the lord of the family and restore vitality as soon as possible. When the time comes, we will attack Yuchi Villa together and help the lord of the family. , Take back the entire Tian City!”

In addition to the courtesy exchanges, Huo Tianci also wanted to get the support of leaving home, because the mysterious king realm borrowed the opportunity of Divine Fire of Six Ding, which he had already used.

In other words, if you want to get rid of Yuchi Villa, Huo Tianci must get the support of Lijia, otherwise, all this will be empty talk.

Because of Yuchi Villa and the Sixth Ring Island as its support, Huo Tianci has only asked Gu Sandao and the Niuhai about the water in it. It is said to be very deep, so Huo Tianci , Must be drawn to leave home desperately for him.

Of course, Li Yu agreed on the spot, because Huo Tianci just said that this is to help them leave home and take back Tian City.

In other words, after Yuchi Villa is destroyed, all sites in Yuchi Villa within Tian City will also be taken over by leaving home.

That is, Huo Tianci takes revenge and retakes the entire Li Tian City from home. This is a great opportunity. If you say Li Yu, can you agree to it on the spot?

As for the water on the Sixth Ring Island, why is it so deep? That’s because on the Sixth Ring Island, besides Yuchi Villa, there are large and small, and five other villas exist.

And the so-called Six Ring Island is called the Six Ring Island, because its inner island is made up of six pieces, and it is also closely linked with one another, so it finally got its name. Sixth Ring Island.

And on each island, there is a mountain villa. If these six mountain villas are the same enemy, even if it is Rank Four Sect, it will definitely be inferior to him.

Because of this, Huo Tianci didn’t dare to do it directly.

But Huo Tianci knows that there will never be any power alliance, and it will always be that iron plate.

After just asking, Huo Tianci found the breakthrough.

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