“What about the breakthrough half-medicine pill! is it possible that you can still think that as long as there is a five dragon pill, then the breakthrough can be guaranteed to be successful? But Master Huo’s too subtle Spiritual Pill is different If there is, then the breakthrough will be successful. So in my opinion, Master Huo’s Spiritual Pill should be too fictitious. It should be more powerful.”

“I also think so, after all, as long as If you eat your stomach, then the breakthrough can be successful, and the Five Dragon Pill can only increase the probability of the Peak martial artist of the Profound Sect 9th layer and the breakthrough to the semi-senior. If this fails? Doesn’t it mean that you didn’t eat it? , But Master Huo’s Spiritual Pill is too fictitious, but it can increase your strength after eating it, and it is still a lot of weight, so I also think that it is too fictitious Spiritual Pill, it should be more powerful.”

Seeing someone blowing Huo Tianci like this, Ge Bufan’s “fans” began to jump out.

“How about the increase, how about the direct breakthrough, even if the Spiritual Pill is too fictitious, no matter how powerful it is, it can only be used in the Profound Sect realm, and Master Ge’s Five Dragon Pill is a breakthrough The most semi-precious medicine pill, do you know the semi-precious? In the entire Eastern Sea, there are not twenty.”

“Well, if your Ge master is awesome, you have to wait for him. Let’s talk about the successful refining of the Five Dragon Pill, don’t make it when the time comes, hahaha, that’s fun.”

“I seem to have heard that Ge Bufan until now, He only succeeded in refining the Five Dragon Pill once, and it was that time that he got the Alchemist badge such as Seven-Star Silver. Don’t blame me for speaking badly, he just just, go Had a good luck with shit once that’s all, otherwise, hum, I don’t think he is even qualified to lift shoes for Master Huo.”

“Is not qualified to lift shoes? I think you are I’m talking about your masters, because as far as I know, your masters don’t even have Alchemist Badge. Such people, to be honest, are not qualified to compete with our Ge master. Now we Ge master Compared with him, to be honest, that’s because he is worthy of consideration.”

“Ouch, according to what you said, isn’t Ge Bufan extremely powerful? Then why, he lost to Danby in the first two games. What about Master Huo?”

As soon as these words came out, I saw that Ge Bufan’s fan stammered in embarrassment instantly, because this was indeed the case. Ge Bufan lost Huo Tianci in the first two games.

“This…this, this is because there was no real value in the first two rounds, and it was just a competition. Knowing medicine and refining the Golden Core that’s all, this simply has no comparability, because The grades are too low, they are just basic skills.”

“hmph, hmph, just say it if you can’t afford to lose, don’t find a reason for it! There is no real value, my TM has no copper content yet!”

For a while, Huo Tianci’s “fans” and Ge Bufan’s “fans” quarreled with each other, but looking at the situation, it seems that the supporters of Huo Tianci should be more, after all, Huo Tianci In the first two games, he defeated Na Ge Bufan.

What’s more, today’s auction of Spiritual Pill is too subtle, which shocked everyone, and it is normal that a group of guests’ hearts were finally attracted.

Just after the auction of Taixu Spiritual Pill, I saw some lithe and graceful waitresses, one by one they handed out a small card to the guests who came to Auction House today. Of course Yes, this small card is not a pa pa pa in a hotel, but a discount card plus a “philatelic card”.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci on the auction stage, saying: “With this card, everyone can enjoy a 20% off discount for ten times in the satisfied building. At the same time, if everyone If the total price of the purchase is above the hundred thousand middle grade Spirit Stone, you can get a stamp once. If you collect 20 stamps at the end, you will get a chance to get a big lottery, and the highest reward for a big lottery, presumably Everyone has already seen it just now, yes, it is that too fictitious Spiritual Pill!”

Huo Tianci has another promotion, and this move, when you drink milk tea, you may often You will meet, that is, buy a cup of milk tea, the clerk will stamp you with a stamp, and if you cover five, you will get a free cup.

Huo Tianci also came with one according to this promotion. However, the final reward became lottery, and the highest reward of lottery is that too imaginary Spiritual Pill.

Everyone can get a magical Spiritual Pill for free. It’s crazy, after all, it’s worth 130 million.

In order to be able to get this lottery opportunity, I saw that in Auction House, those guests who had just got the card all swarmed towards the satisfaction building of Huo Tianci and rushed over.

Since only one stamp can be stamped at a time, I saw some guests in the end. They had queued 20 times in a row, just for the big lottery. At the same time, they also spent money. A middle grade Spirit Stone of more than 2,000,000 pieces.

Although he didn’t get that too imaginary Spiritual Pill in the end, the top grade was too Golden Core, which made him too happy, because a top grade was too expensive for the Golden Core, but it was 600,000 middle grade Spirit Around Stone, now I am giving you 600,000 for no reason, do you think he can be upset?

What’s more, you can also enjoy a 20% discount for the first ten purchases and sales.

It is precisely because of this that the discount philatelic card issued by Huo Tianci, overnight, was worth as much as 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone in the black market. Later, there was a big lottery, and unexpectedly drew Yuanlong Pill worth four 5,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.

For this, Huo Tianci just wants to say that I am going to give a good cut for free on 2nd day. As for the first day, Huo Tianci just wanted to try the water, and then wanted to see this event, everyone Do you like that’s all? As a result, this night, no matter what else, the price of the small card alone has reached a full 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.

Seriously, Huo Tianci, who learned of this, was also shocked.

“Master, you are really amazing. Also, there was news from the black market just now that the highest price of the small card you issued has already broken 700,000 yuan middle grade. The Spirit Stone is gone. It seems that everyone wants to get your card and finally draw the prize.” Hao Shuai said tirelessly.

“That’s natural. After all, the highest one can be drawn. That is a imaginary Spiritual Pill worth 130,000,000 pieces of middle grade Spirit Stone.” It’s just that the degree of popularity has exceeded Huo Tianci. Imagination.

“It seems we have to get a VIPMembership Card system.”

As for how to get this VIPMembership Card, it’s very simple. It’s exactly the same as the one on the earth. If you spend a certain amount, you can Obtained by automatic upgrade.

On earth, VIPMembership Card is generally divided into ordinary card, silver card, gold card, platinum card, supreme card, and black card.

Each card can enjoy different discounts or preferential activities. The higher the level, the more discount activities, and vice versa, the less.

Of course, Membership Card on the earth needs to be verified by machine, that is, swiping the card, and here, in the foreign world, there is no such thing as swiping the card.

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