However, comparing the Boycott Chamber of Commerce and Yuchi Chamber of Commerce, everyone should be more concerned about Huo Tianci’s hands, whether there is still that too fictitious Spiritual Pill sold.

For this, Huo Tianci bluntly said: “There is one last one.”

As for the real situation, it is indeed the last one.

Because refining the material of the Spiritual Pill is too subtle, it will take another week to cultivate it with the Heaven Wielding Bottle, and then Huo Tianci can refining it.

“Master, if there is one, please hurry up and auction it.”

“Yes, we can’t wait.”

Finally Under the expectation of everyone, Huo Tianci took out his second too imaginary Spiritual Pill from the space ring.

Then Huo Tianci picked up the auction hammer, knocked it and said: “Starting price, 10,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone!”

“What, 10,000,000! Wasn’t it 1,000,000 before? .”

“Master, don’t you start the price for sitting on the floor.”

As soon as the price of 10,000,000 yuan came out, all the customers at the bottom could not sit still, because of this price, this starting price , But ten times the previous at first.

For this, Huo Tianci explained on the spot: “That first too imaginary Spiritual Pill, I really plan to start shooting from 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, but no one believes it. If you don’t say that, some people even say that my medicine pill can eat people. In the end, I can’t help it. I can only give out one on the spot, and let everyone see the true and false of my medicine pill. Finally, everyone believes that they have also seen it. Its medicine efficacy is indeed correct as I said. As for the price of sitting on the ground, there is no such thing. Because the price of Spiritual Pill is too fictitious, it can definitely reach more than ten million, so in order to waste time unnecessary, I just I started shooting directly from ten million.”

Actually, Huo Tianci has said so much, and there is only one central meaning, that is-I originally wanted to sell it cheaply, but don’t you buy it? Is this to blame me?

This explanation also convinced everyone, because it was true that Huo Tianci said it was correct, because they didn’t buy it themselves and couldn’t blame others at all.

As for the price of sitting ground, it is even more illusory, because now everyone sees the effect of the too subtle Spiritual Pill, let alone 10,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, even if it doubles again, doubles, or even triples Fan, it is estimated that some people will want it, after all, this is, as long as you eat it, it can increase the strength of a realm.

No, as soon as Huo Tianci finished explaining, there was a Profound Sect expert who immediately made an offer, and the extent of the offer was not small.

“I pay 13 million pieces of middle grade Spirit Stone!”

“I will pay 15,000,000 pieces!”

“20 million! Who dares to compete with me! “

In ten seconds, I saw the price of the Spiritual Pill, which was too fictitious, and it had directly doubled. Seeing this, the martial artists who just murmured Huo Tianci sitting on the floor and raised the price, instantly I stopped talking, because good things don’t need explanation.

What’s more, Huo Tianci just gave out this treasure worth 20 million middle grade Spirit Stone. You heard it right, and gave out one.

This kind of courage, this kind of conscience, do not bluff or black, and millions of years are rarely seen. It is precisely because of this that everyone’s respect for Huo Tianci is even higher.

“I’ll give out 25 million!”

At this time, the martial artists in the audience are still wrestling with each other for the too imaginary Spiritual Pill. Not to mention, the price increase, It’s getting bigger and bigger.

In this way, another ten seconds passed, and the price of 25 million was directly broken by 30 million.

“I pay three thousand and one!”

“I pay three thousand and five!”

“Damn it, I pay five thousand directly, see who Dare to grab it with me!”

This person wants to use a high price to directly scare others away. Don’t even say it. Some people directly add 15,000,000 to this guy, and they won’t compete in an instant. .

But Huo Tianci knows that people who really want this too imaginary Spiritual Pill have not actually shot it yet.

Looking at the top of the Auction House, those scattered VIP rooms, Huo Tianci thought, these big hands are the main force in the competition for this too subtle Spiritual Pill. As for the others, they are just the hot spots. that’s all.

“hahaha, no one is arguing with me now!”

As soon as the middle grade Spirit Stone of 50,000,000 yuan came out, I saw the people in the Auction House who had been bidding more than before. Time has become absolute silence, because the price is beyond the minds of most normal people.

“Eh~, if it wasn’t for the lack of Spirit Stone, I would definitely add it, but this is a bit helpless.”

“Me too, I used to sell iron and save it. More than 30 million, I thought it could be photographed, but now, it’s now 50 million. To be honest, if the first Huo master was auctioned just now, my 30 million middle grade Spirit Stone would definitely be You can get it.”

“You are right. After all, the first one must be tested by someone. Now that the test is over, everyone knows it. Can it not cost soaring.”

“We also blamed ourselves for the death and didn’t believe in Master Huo, but Master Huo was also outrageous. He even gave it to all of us directly. And the lottery event is also very fun. Anyway, I After buying things, I will look for Huo master.”

“Me too, I will look for Huo master.”

People are still talking about it.

However, when everyone thought that the price of the Spiritual Pill was too imaginary, it would be fixed on top of the 50,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, only to see a VIP room above, an old and immortal The voice slowly came from within.

“The old man bid, 60 Million middle grade Spirit Stone!”

This old and immortal voice, some guests seem to have heard it somewhere, and finally remembered carefully, this is not What about Sword Sect Taoist-Niu Hai’s voice?

“It’s Niu Hai, I remember him, he seems to be stuck in the Profound Sect 8th layer, it’s been nearly 1,300 years, it’s estimated that life essence is coming, and I want to use this spiritual pill. Give it a try.”

“The life essence is coming? Then he is going to bankrupt his family and buy this spiritual Pill, which is too imaginary.”

“That is natural, after all, fate It’s all gone, what do you want Spirit Stone to do, forget it, I won’t fight with him.”

But some people still increase the price.

“I am out of six thousand 5,000,000 yuan.”

Not far from the side, another voice came.

And everyone is very familiar with this voice.

“It’s the Great Elder of Yuchi Villa, Yuchimiao!”

“What? People of Yuchi Villa! This Yuchi Chamber of Commerce, Yuchi Villa, was not still slandering Master Huo just now , Said Huo master medicine pill can eat the dead? Why now, in the blink of an eye, he has actually increased the price.”

“It’s really disgusting, sending someone over to discredit Master Huo, and at the same time it’s tMD. I want to buy it myself, anyway, Lao Tzu is now in the dark for this Yuchi Villa!”

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