Now that you have money, you can buy life. Do you think this is still expensive?

The answer, of course, is that it is impossible to find expensive.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is excited, but at the same time, everyone is also wary, because this is so fascinating that the Spiritual Pill’s role is now owned by Huo Tianci What if his words are false? Or is it really the Poison Pill?

When they buy it back, what should they do?

After all, no one has eaten it, and no one has tried it. Everyone is still on the sidelines.

However, some people boldly participated in the auction, but it is a bit embarrassing that the increase in price is too small.

“I pay one hundred and one hundred thousand!”

“I pay one hundred and fifteen!”

“I pay one hundred and two!”

For this, Huo Tianci just wants to say, these prices are not all required, because today this medicine pill, this spiritual pill is too fictitious, he is going to give it directly to all the martial artists present here.

“The reserve price of this too fictitious Spiritual Pill is what I just said, 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. However, I am not going to bid, instead, I am going to give it to you for free. Everyone! This can be considered, I’ll give you a great benefit. At the same time, I’d like to show everyone here who wants to buy whether the effectiveness of my medicine pill is the same as what I just said. For the martial artist who left and exited, I can only express my apologies here, because you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of millions of middle grade Spirit Stones. Now, let’s just start the lottery. Let’s be lucky today.”

At the end of the conversation, I saw two maids dressed in hot and gorgeous faces carrying a big turntable.

This large turntable was made temporarily, and it is relatively concise. There are only some numbers on it that’s all.

As for how to draw, it is very simple. Huo Tianci turns the dial, and then numbers appear. Finally, based on these numbers, Huo Tianci draws out today’s lucky person.

For example, if Huo Tianci turns to 9, then it is the ninth row, and then if it turns to 5, it is the fifth person in the ninth row.

“I rely on it, it was delivered directly!”

“I have to say, Master Huo is very conscientious.”

“That is natural, Master Huo The character of, but it has been madly spread in the ears of us casual martial artists. As for credibility, it is also a leverage.”

“This 1,000,000 is actually given away if you say it, I have to say, Shino master style, if this is changed to someone else, tsk tsk tsk, I guess, even if you put a knife on their neck, then they will not send it so directly!”

When Huo Tianci turned the turntable, everyone underneath was discussing it.

But there are some sprays, and they are still reluctant.

“How about giving it away, but it still cannot be changed. This is a fact of a Poison Pill. I want to see who dares to try it. When the time comes, if it really kills people , I want to see you, how to end it!”

“That is, whoever eats will die, if you have the ability to eat, when the time comes, you die, don’t talk about paying you Spirit Stone, I It is estimated that none of your corpses will be cleaned up by you!”

I have to say that these sprays are quite dark, and I have been holding the boo head of “Eating the Dead” to intimidate other martial artists. , And then tell them not to buy.

For this, some of Huo Tianci’s “real fans” immediately responded.

“Master Huo, this person who has been splashing your dirty water, I know, is a shopkeeper in the Chamber of Commerce that Huntian, I guess that Huntian is jealous. Your business is too hot, so Deliberately send someone to make trouble.”

“I guess so. As for eating dead, really, I don’t believe it at all.”

“By the way, since you have been talking about eating If someone is dead, then you can tell our big guy, who died?”

“That’s right, this is obviously no brainer, after all, this kind of Divine Pill, but the first Appeared again.”

“Master, hurry up and lottery, I am willing to die!”

“I am willing, after all, it is worth 1,000,000 yuan middle grade Spirit As for Stone, even if I die under this Divine Pill in the end, then I have earned it!”

“Master, your medicine pill seems to be expert in the Profound Sect environment. Then we What about these Xuanhuangxuanwang?”

“Well…” Huo Tianci thought for a while, and then said like this: “If you get a martial artist who is not in the Profound Sect realm, then I Take the Golden Core used by Xuanwang breakthrough, or the Spirit Stabilizing Pill used by Xuanwang breakthrough, and I’ll give it to you. It’s a small benefit for everyone.”

, The audience instantly boiled, because of this fuck, it’s so embarrassing.

“Master, then you quickly smoke!”

“Yes, I can’t wait anymore.”


“Well, well, I will smoke now, I will smoke now.”

As the Auction House away from home, there are a total of fifty rows, so Huo Tianci temporarily made two rotations. On this first turntable, there are only six numbers, namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

And the second turntable is full, which is 0-9.

Finally, Huo Tianci twisted it casually, and saw the first turntable, which immediately revolved. When the last turntable stopped slowly, a three-word appeared on it. As for the second turntable , The word 9 appears.

That is the thirty-ninth row.

There are a hundred people in each row.

After that, I saw Huo Tianci, only turning the second turntable, the first time, it turned to nine, and the second time, it turned to one.

In other words, this lucky guy can get this lucky guy worth at least one million middle grade Spirit Stone medicine pill.

It’s the ninety-first person on the thirty-ninth row.

Huo Tianci has already said before, counting from left to right.

In the end, I saw everyone in Auction House, all of them turned their eyes to the 39th row, the 91st seat.

However, as a result, there were no guests in that seat.

“Master Huo, this person seems to have left Auction House just now!”

“This idiot, I think Huo master medicine pill is false, so he left. As a result I didn’t expect, a million middle grade Spirit Stone, passed him directly.”

“hahaha, I guess he will regret it when he knows it.”

“Master, this person is not here. Why don’t you try again.” At this time, someone suggested like this.

Huo Tianci was not immediately nodded, because this guest, maybe it is convenient to go out, anyway, he can’t agree directly.

“Why not? When the hourglass is over, if the person does not show up, then we will re-draw.” Huo Tianci put an hourglass on the auction stage.

In the end, everyone’s eyes were staring straight on the hourglass. After all, it was about them, whether they could win the prize next.

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