This is definitely a fatal blow to other Alchemist, because the material is not old enough, the pill success rate will be extremely low, and even sometimes, there is simply no way to refine it.

But for Huo Tianci now, it’s just a matter of waiting a few more days that’s all, because the magical green liquid in the Heaven Wielding Bottle can ripen the medicine ingredients without restriction, thereby Make it increase the age of medicine.

Of course, this also has a price, that is, it has to be exchanged with EXP. After all, it is automatically bred, and Heaven Wielding Bottle can only produce a drop of magical green liquid that’s all a day.

“Since refining is not too imaginary Spiritual Pill now, please prepare other medicine pill first, and then talk about the reputation of this small shop first.”

Finally, after this night of crazy refining, Huo Tianci has refined enough for each martial artist and basic medicine pill needed for him.

“If you entrust the window, don’t open it yet.” Huo Tianci said like this.

He Er nodded, and then asked Huo Tianci: “Huo Ye, then what is the name of our shop?”

He Er has prepared the plaque, It’s just that this name needs Huo Tianci to decide.

Huo Tianci thought for a while, then took out a Spirit Sword, and on the blank plaque, wrote and engraved the three characters—Satisfaction Building.

The name is very concise and concise, which is to satisfy customers. As for why Taobao Chamber of Commerce is not used, it is because Huo Tianci does not want to use it.

“Has the discount flyers been printed?” After hanging up the plaque, Huo Tianci asked He Er.

He Er nodded: “It’s all right, just wait for you to say to send it.”

Speaking, He Er also handed Huo Tianci a piece, Huo Tianci After reading it, it was extremely satisfying.

In the end, He Er took some people to several prosperous areas, and distributed all the first 500 flyers.

At first, most of the people were curious about this, because they all saw the flyer for the first time, so some people just took one to look at it.

“little brother, what did you post about this?”

Apart from this, someone else asked him on the spot.

He Er is also very direct: “This big brother, this is a good thing, because with this flyer, go to our satisfaction building, you can get some treasures for free. I heard from our boss, the top ten You can get the healing medicine-Yuludan, and the sound transmission talisman. Have you ever heard of it? If you have the top 50, you can also get one for free. As for the specifics, please refer to this leaflet. , But it’s all written, right here, as for these coupons, there are also sayings on them, anyway, all kinds of discounts, all kinds of discounts.”

“What? There is sound transmission talisman! Really fake “Some people who have heard of the sound transmission talisman’s powerful sound transmission talisman immediately surrounded them, because this thing is said to be the treasure used by those Profound Sect Peak Level and other powerhouses, and now this fuck is sent directly, invisibly , A kind of tall and compelling, instantly poured into their hearts.

Because of the things used by Profound Sect, they can also use the Profound King Xuanhuang now. This is considered to be taken out to pretend to be forced. It is also a boo. The most important thing is that this free.

“little brother, give me one soon!”

“I want too, by the way, where is your satisfaction building?”

“In the innermost part of the backstreet, everyone went there and you can tell by looking at the name of the shop.”

“Damn, I can get things for free! Why didn’t you tell me earlier!” A passerby who kneaded it into a ball and threw it away was regretting to die now. Just when he was about to pick up the flyer, he saw another person who had already picked up the flyer.

“Damn, return my flyer!”

Huo Tianci gave a total of five kinds of things, among which the best is the healing medicine Yuludan, followed by sound transmission talisman, Then back to spiritual medicine water, wake up divine talisman and Juli Fu.

That is, apart from Yuludan, the other treasures sent are Huo Tianci’s own things.

One of these is to attract attention, after all, is it free? The second is to promote these treasures.

Apart from this, as long as the guests who enter the store purchase something, they can also get a lottery opportunity.

As for the rewards, of course they are all the treasures made by Huo Tianci himself, that is, Fasting Pill, Chengfeng Pill,Countenance Halt Pill, Asking Heart Talisman and grenade.

On the first day, it didn’t cause any sensation. It was also on the 2nd day, but by the 3rd day, I saw a long line in front of the gate of the original satisfaction building.

“Damn, when can you wait for us? If it’s noon, my 20% off coupon will be useless.”

” Dude, what are you going to buy?” Because of waiting for boring, simply, some customers in line, they chatted with each other.

“It goes without saying. Of course, it was the spiritual medicine water. What about you brother?”


The two people are the same. After a glance, hehe laughed.

Because after these three days of fermentation and trials with many martial artists, everyone has almost all known that the peculiar effect of spiritual medicine water is now available, that is, it can be taken without restriction.

Apart from this, the sound transmission talisman was so powerful, it was also spread out. In the end, it was precisely because of this that the satisfaction tower became thoroughly famous.

“This guest, our newly launched Xuanhuang wild family bucket has now added three bottles of spiritual medicine water in it. Now only 5888 middle grade Spirit Stone is sold. You want to order one Is it?”

When the Xuanhuang customer heard this, he was immediately nodded, because he returned to the spiritual medicine water bill for 888 yuan a bottle of middle grade Spirit Stone.

Not to mention, in this versatile family bucket, there are also three sound transmission talisman, three Asking Heart Talisman, a divine talisman, and a 2000 years copy of Yan Yang. Fruit is out.

As soon as Xuanhuang ordered it, the clerk who heard the news in the background immediately started to match the baby in the Xuanhuang family bucket. The appearance was the same as when KFC paired the family bucket. These things are packed in a box, and then the customer pays for the delivery.

Of course, it’s okay to buy it alone. It’s just that it’s not cost-effective to buy it alone, so customers who enter the store usually choose to buy the family bucket directly, or some kind of preferential gift package. .

“Huo Ye, can you guess how much our sales have reached today?” At nine o’clock in the evening, the gate of the satisfaction building was closed, that is, open from nine in the morning to nine in the evening , Outdated.

He Eryi then counted the sales, and the corners of his mouth were full of laughter.

Huo Tianci saw this, so he boldly guessed: “Is there fifty thousand?” Of course, this fifty thousand refers to the middle grade Spirit Stone.

He Er waved his hands again and again, because Huo Tianci’s guessed number did not even reach half of the half: “Huo Ye, today, we sold a total of 230,000 middle grade Spirit Stone!”

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