But in the next second, an embarrassing place came. The seemingly invisible threshold was completely blocked by a transparent Formation.

Finally, Huo Tianci, who was about to enter the Cave Mansion, hit the Formation sturdily. It felt like hitting a glass door. At the same time, the most painful Embarrassed and blushed.

“Brother Huo, this, you have to lift the Formation taboo first.” Shi thought relieved, otherwise I would go in early to clean the Cave Mansion.

Apart from this, Shi Kuan also explained other precautions in Cave Mansion to Huo Tianci.

“so that’s how it is.” After hearing this, Huo Tianci immediately urged the jade token, and lightly tapped the defensive Formation.

Because he banged his head just now, Huo Tianci probed first with his hands this time. After discovering that the glass-like array taboo disappeared, Huo Tianci boldly walked in.

“This is really safe.” Huo Tianci said awkwardly as he walked.

Walking into it, the first place Huo Tianci saw was a wasteland similar to Medicine Garden. On the far right, there was a small pool connected to the bottom of the mountain, as if there were endless The living water flows out, but the living water just can’t overflow the pool.

“It should have been set up with some kind of Formation.” Huo Tianci thought like this.

Look up at the sky, ten thousand li is cloudless, that is to say, this small courtyard is an open-air small courtyard, as for the Cave Mansion, you have to go inside.

Finally, through a weed, Huo Tianci found the entrance of a cave. The cave was dug from the Litian Peak and walked into it. There were large and small with seven rooms.

“Pill room, refining room, talisman making room, cultivation room…” Each room has a corresponding logo, not only that, but some simple tools, such as the refining room The boilers are all equipped in it. I have to say that this 10,000 middle grade Spirit Stone is worth the cost.

Unfortunately, Huo Tianci doesn’t need it at all, because an Eight Trigrams Furnace is enough to handle all of this.

As for safety, Huo Tianci himself had already experienced deeply before, apart from this, this cave was also covered by a Concealment Array, that is to say, nearby Cave Mansion The martial artist here cannot see the situation in other Cave Mansion.

It feels like the Cave Mansion in Xianxia novels, mysterious and unpredictable, Huo Tianci, who finally checked everything, looked excited, and returned to the courtyard outside the original Cave Mansion. in.

At this time, Kuan was cleaning the courtyard. Seeing Huo Tianci walking out, Shi Kuan hurriedly asked: “Sir, no, Brother Huo, do I need to clean up the Cave Mansion?”

Huo Tianci waved his hand: “It’s pretty clean inside. By the way, Xiaokuan, can you get me some silt over here?”

“Mud?” Shi Kuan scratched his head, because The silt needs to be salvaged at the bottom of the river. Of course, there is a small pool in the courtyard of Cave Mansion, but if this requires a draw from the bottom of the tank, the water in the pool will inevitably become muddy. By then, drinking water may become a problem, and more importantly, The water in this small pool is still stained with a trace of Spiritual Qi, which is the spirit stream, so digging out the silt from here is simply impractical.

And this is exactly the reason why Huo Tianci asked Shikuan, because this small pool cannot be moved at all.

At the end, I felt relieved that I could only do something outside.

However, there are also many kinds of silt. Ordinary silt can be salvaged from the bottom of the river, and the precious silt needs to be purchased from shops. Among them, there are as many as tens of thousands of low grade Spirit Stone. And there are hundreds of bad ones.

“Brother Huo, if you are planting spiritual grass spiritual medicine, green silt is the best. For refining, purple sand silt is better, and red sand silt is sometimes used for talisman making.” Shi Kuan said like this.

On the other hand, Huo Tianci was stunned, because he didn’t know these little knowledge, or he could say so, he simply didn’t know that there were so many kinds of silt. Even can go to refining amulet.

“Boy, it’s okay.” Huo Tianci thought, who said that cheap goods are not good, no, the things they send are rubbish.

Being so complimented, Shi Kuan felt a bit sorry, and then the boy scratched his head, and said a little embarrassingly: “This is actually the knowledge in the books, there is no Huo brother you said. That’s amazing.”

“I said you can do it.” Huo Tianci threw a Heaven and Earth Bag to Shikuan, and then continued: “I put 100 middle grade in it. Spirit Stone, what kind of mud do you bring to me, apart from this, if there are spiritual medicine seeds, you also buy some for me, and finally, buy me some books to see, just what you see Book.”

Huo Tianci is ready to fill up his brain.

“100 middle grade Spirit Stone!” Shi thought relieved, those things Huo Tianci wanted, it seems that you don’t even need ten dollars, because the silt mud, one middle grade Spirit Stone, can buy ten cars. And spiritual medicine seeds are not too expensive. After all, they are just seeds. As for the final book, if you buy all the previous items, you can ask the shop boss to send you directly.

“Okay, Brother Huo, then in an hour, I will send you the things.” As he said, Shi Kuan left with a look of excitement.

As for Huo Tianci, he opened up the courtyard outside the cave.

“Here, plant Yan Yang Fruit, and build a silt pond here, and then bury the seeds of the black jade Blood Lotus flower. As for this side, plant the three Jasper Spirit Tree.” Huo Tianci planned, and then started to open the road.

Finally, with the help of Shadow Clone, Huo Tianci did everything before Shi Kuan came back.

“Brother Huo, I think the Spirit Stone is quite adequate, so I bought some middle grade green silt and spiritual grass seeds. If you only buy some spiritual grass seeds, you can only buy them. As for books, you can buy them. I bought them all for you, Huo Ge. In the end, there is this, the remaining Spirit Stone.” Shi Kuan is still honest, not at all privately.

Huo Tianci saw this, nodded with satisfaction, then he stretched out his hand and only collected the green silt, spiritual grass seeds, and the books. As for the remaining Spirit Stones, Huo Tianci directly All rewards were given to Kuan at that time, as errands.

“Thank you Brother Huo.” Shi Kuan was excited, because the last remaining middle grade Spirit Stone was seventeen-eighteen pieces. If it was replaced with a low grade Spirit Stone, it would be just one piece. Over a thousand yuan, to be honest, this errand fee is a sky-high price.

“If something is wrong, I will call you again. If it’s okay, go for your own cultivation.” Huo Tianci ordered the Expulsion Order because he didn’t want others to see something.

And Shi Kuan is also intrigued: “Okay, Brother Huo, if you have something, you can push the jade token to find me.” As he said, Shi Kuan, holding the Spirit Stone in his hand, left with excitement. Here, because compared with the previous guest, Huo Tianci’s shots, but the arrogance is not good, and for this class of high-profile guests, their family children treat more than 30% courtesy.

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