As for the Qiankun Palm Sword, although there is only Spirit Treasure, which is the quality of the Spirit Rank magic weapon, in the near future, not to mention the Earth Grade, even if it is the Heavenly Grade magic weapon, it is absolutely nothing difficult.

Du~du~du!! !

Five days have passed. On the afternoon of the sixth day, Litian No.1 finally arrived at the docking bay outside Tian City.

“Brother Huo, how should we go out?” When he got here, Sikong Xingxing was completely panicked.

Because of their disguise appearance, they offended Yuchifeng in the Sixth Ring Island, Yuchi Villa.

As for their original appearance, they offended the Korean Won crowd of Huntianmen. That is to say, no matter what, if they go out this time, they will offend one party.

“How to get out?” Huo Tianci thought for a while, then grinned and said with a smile: “Just go out like this!”

Although Huo Tianci’s Body-Transformation Technique, You can change into another person’s appearance, and finally escape, but escape is not what Huo Tianci wanted.

As for what Huo Tianci wants, that of course is to kill all these enemies, otherwise, the danger will always be there, and for the enemy, Huo Tianci will never be soft.

“First, solve that Wei Chifeng, and then talk about it.”

On the other hand, Sikong, who heard this, looked confused: “Huo Ge, that Wei Chifeng, But a half-sect realm expert, let’s kill him, the little Xuan Wang? Are you sure?”

Sikong Zhanxing thought, you are taking me to die.

“Profound Sect, I almost killed it, half a lot, hum.” Huo Tianci just wanted to say, this is not enough for his teeth, apart from this, Huo Tianci’s body, there is another Pieces, restrain the treasure of the cultivation method of Yuchi Villa.

In the end, Huo Tianci and Sikong picked up the stars and walked out of this Litian No.1 with a disguised appearance.

Sure enough, on the shore at this time, there are two people and horses who are checking the martial artists who come out of the ship one by one.

One party is Korean won, and the other party is Na Wei Chi Feng.

When Huo Tianci and Sikong Picking the Stars appeared, the corner of Yu Chifeng’s mouth immediately showed a touch of killing, because the grandfather and grandson, but at the exchange of treasures. Go on, make him embarrassed repeatedly.

“Dare to make me Yu Chifeng embarrassed! Then I will let you die!” Yu Chifeng is also very ruthless, but this guy is not stupid, not at all, just work on this port, and It was to endure the anger in the heart first, and surreptitiously followed behind Huo Tianci and Sikong Zhaixing.

“Haha, I walked into the grove!” Just followed one hour. After seeing the two walk into the woods, Yu Chifeng laughed wildly, because it was not just for him to destroy the corpse and evidence.

In fact, Huo Tianci thinks so.

“What about people?” Just as Yu Chifeng walked into the small woods excitedly, he was surprised to find that Huo Tianci and Sikong Picking Stars who had just walked in were completely gone.

“Is it possible that you have already escaped?” Yu Chifeng frowned, but after thinking about it, this is impossible again.

Finally, Yu Chifeng turned on his supernatural powers, and immediately noticed that there were two faint auras behind a big tree in front of him.

Comparing the aura of the grandfather and grandson, I saw that Yu Chifeng frowned just now, his expression instantly relieved.

“It turned out to be using some kind of treasure to hide myself. It seems that the old bastard has a lot of treasures on him.” After thinking about it, Yu Chifeng pretended not to find Huo Tianci and continued. Go forward.

Just when he first stepped out of the Fifth Step, he saw the ground under his feet, which instantly crumbled into dregs. At the same time, a series of Huo Tianci jumped out of it and slaughtered them. .

Super big jade spiral pill! ! !

Huo Tianci’s Shadow Clone was just under the ground, so Yu Chifeng didn’t notice it.

But now, Yu Chifeng only feels as if he is on the verge of an enemy, because these blue light balls in Huo Tianci’s hands actually contain extremely large rotating power.

Furious killing punch! ! !

Then I saw Yu Chifeng hit the ground with a punch, and hundreds of fists hit Huo Tianci in all directions.

This move, Huo Tianci has seen it before. At the beginning, Yue Heavenly Fire was killed by this and was seriously injured. As for him, he was almost killed by this move.

But now, Huo Tianci is not afraid at all.

Just as Yuchifeng’s angry killing fist wind was about to blast on Huo Tianci, who was all around, suddenly, his scattered fist wind, most likely, was twisted. , In the end, it was completely empty.

“What is going on!” Seeing this, Yu Chifeng was shocked.

The main body Huo Tianci walked out from behind the big tree, and then said like this: “Because I can automatically avoid your attack now!”

As for why I can automatically avoid , That’s because Huo Tianci’s body has the equipment inscribed with advanced rune avoidance.

So not to mention, Huo Tianci’s blood wheel eyes can also see through all the opponent’s starting hands. In the end, as long as you see through, then easily dodge it, then it is definitely not a problem.

“If I’m not wrong, you guys in Yuchi Villa should be the martial cultivator, and I am now, hmph hmph hmph, I will focus on you martial cultivator!”

Boom~Swing! !

In the end, only three shots of super-large jade spiral pill were seen, which were completely bombarded on Yu Chifeng’s body.

Of course, Yuchifeng also not to be trifled with. After all, the powerhouse of the Banzong realm, regardless of its own strength, even if it is the high-level magic weapon in his hand, it is definitely countless. Sure enough, the super-large jade spiral Marugang Blasting on him, I saw the treasure armor on his body, and the light flashed instantly. Then, layers of protection of the golden light completely enveloped him, forming a defense force.

“Break me!!!”

Finally, Yu Chifeng waved his arms and displayed coercive supernatural powers, shaking away the Shadow who was using the super-large jade spiral pill to attack him. Clone Huo Tianci.

The supernatural power of coercion is not an ordinary attack, so as soon as Shadow Clone Huo Tianci touches it, it instantly turns into white smoke and disappears.

“Little Xuanwang, dare you to boast shamelessly with me! Do you think I will believe your nonsense!”

Seeing his supernatural powers, he cracked it After Huo Tianci’s moves, the confidence that Yu Chifeng had just lost had already returned instantly.

But in the next second, Huo Tianci completely defeated the confidence he had just recovered.

“Since you don’t believe me, why did you use coercive supernatural powers to resist? With ability, you can use your anger to kill punch!” Huo Tianci thought, if you are afraid, you are afraid. Don’t ask Lao Tzu for a reason.

Looking at being pierced, Yu Chifeng’s face was a bit unbearable, because he was indeed a little jealous just now, so he didn’t use the anger to kill fist again.

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