Of course, Huo Tianci will not directly price, but replied like this: “My sound transmission talisman has just been researched. Now, it has only succeeded more than a dozen copies. As for the failures, say Really, I don’t know the numbers anymore.”

Finally, Huo Tianci still pretended to be sighed, as if his sound transmission talisman was extremely difficult to draw, but the truth is, Huo Tianci draws one in three seconds.

As for why Huo Tianci said so, it is because things are rare.

“What? Just a dozen? Then I wasn’t just now!”

When he heard this, He Baishan only felt that his heart was bleeding, and the others were also pointing fingers , Said that this fellow is reckless waste of natural resources.

And Huo Tianci is smiled and said: “If I have the material, I can draw it again. What’s more, I draw this sound transmission talisman now, and it is three in ten.”

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly asked Huo Tianci: “Fellow Daoist Huo, what materials do you need to draw this sound transmission talisman?”

“This, I don’t It’s easy to answer.” Of course, this is not that Huo Tianci does not want to say, but that he can’t make up anymore, because the drawing of sound transmission talisman is very simple and the required materials are also.

The man seemed to know that he had crossed the line, and he stopped his mouth in an instant, because this is someone’s secret, how could he tell you.

“Xiaoyou Huo, what do you need, just tell us, when the time comes, we can exchange the sound transmission talisman with you.” The other person understood.

“I need some rare medicines above Earth Grade, no matter the year, even the seeds. As for what I have, in addition to this sound transmission talisman, I also have the divine talisman, Talk to Asking Heart Talisman.” As he said, Huo Tianci took out two other talisman.

But after everyone listened, it turned out that they didn’t believe it at all.

“If you stick to the body, you can regain strength, eliminate tiredness, and clear your mind, Fellow Daoist Huo, don’t lie to us, you are talisman, not the medicine pill.”

A Profound Sect powerhouse, simply doesn’t believe in the magical effect of divine talisman.

“I also think it is. After all, this is a talisman. If this effect is true, then we martial artists don’t need to rest.”

” , How can there be such a divine thing.”

For this, Huo Tianci only said one sentence: “You can say nothing, you will know it after a try.”

After that, Huo Tianci Handed a divine talisman to He Baishan and asked him to try it. As a result, a Profound Sect immediately jumped out and said no.

“Wait a minute, you are with He Laosan, and you are not allowed to have ghosts in private, you let me try.”

Huo Tianci shrugged, which means who will try It doesn’t matter.

“This is Asking Heart Talisman, you can judge the martial artist, what is true or false, or else, try it together?” Huo Tianci said again.

The Profound Sect powerhouse nodded: “Together together, I don’t believe it anyway.”

In the end, I saw this Profound Sect powerhouse just like that zombie, one on the left side of the forehead On the right, Huo Tianci posted the wake divine talisman and Asking Heart Talisman respectively.

After a few seconds have passed, Huo Tianci asked like this: “I ask you, my divine talisman effect, true or false?”

“False, It’s useless at all.” The Profound Sect said bluntly.

As soon as these words were uttered, the others present immediately pointed to Huo Tianci.

“Let me just say, how could there be such a powerful talisman here, but also clear-headed, if it is really clear-headed, wouldn’t it be possible to restore even the spirit strength! And restore spirit strength medicine? Pill, at least thousands of low grade Spirit Stone, let alone other functions.”

However, there is a saying that is very good, that is, face beating, always in the next second.

Just after this person finished complaining, I saw the Asking Heart Talisman on the left forehead of Profound Sect, which suddenly flickered.

And Asking Heart Talisman flashes, it means that the person is false.

“I’m really a god!” At last I saw the Profound Sect, and my mouth was dumbfounded, and even the whole person was 30% dumbfounded and froze in place.

As for what he said just now was useless, it was actually a lie, because he wanted to try, then Asking Heart Talisman didn’t care about that’s all, as a result, it turned out to be exactly the same as Huo Tianci.

Wake up divine talisman can restore physical strength, eliminate tiredness, and clear the mind. As for the Asking Heart Talisman, you can judge whether a person is lying.

Suck! ! !

In the end, I saw everyone present, all of them sucked in a cold breath, because this is really amazing my brother.

As for the Profound Sect powerhouse who complained about Huo Tianci just now, he immediately apologized to Huo Tianci, because this TM is really powerful, and it’s not that your mouth can blow.

For this, Huo Tianci also expressed his understanding, because his precious things were not in this World, and finally made others so surprised, which is actually normal, and even more, he has already been surprised. No wonder.

Apart from this, Huo Tianci also took out several Yan Yang Fruit with a higher age. As for the spiritual medicine water, Huo Tianci not at all take it out again, because he is now exposed There’s enough baby, if the baby like spiritual medicine water reappears, then it is very likely that he will get into a killing disaster. After all, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Looking at the experts in the Profound Sect realm before him, Huo Tianci still feels that he should be more careful.

“There are thirteen sound transmission talisman. If you wake up divine talisman, there are six. As for the Asking Heart Talisman, as much as you want, I have.” Huo Tianci said in the end.

“Earth Grade quality rare medicine, Fellow Daoist Huo, your appetite is really not small.”

There is a Profound Sect powerhouse, so said.

However, in the next second, He Baishan immediately clarified for Huo Tianci: “Fellow Daoist Huo does not want your finished Earth Grade medicines. It just has this quality. Others have said that even seeds are okay.”

“Does seeds do?” Some people didn’t seem to hear clearly before. Now when they hear the seeds, the surname Chang The Profound Sect powerhouse immediately touched his space ring, and then took out a black one with a seed the size of a fingernail.

After that, he introduced like this: “This seed of mine has a great origin. This is the Earth Grade top grade rare medicine, the seed of the Black Jade Blood Lotus flower.”

After the introduction, the Profound Sect powerhouse surnamed Chang, still facing Huo Tianci with a look of regret, said again: “I want to exchange Fellow Daoist Huo for your two sound transmission talisman and one divine talisman, Plus ten Asking Heart Talisman.”

It turned out that the asking price was too high, sorry.

“I rely on the old man, you are too dark! Even if your kind is the seed of the black jade Blood Lotus flower, is it possible that you really think, this Fellow Daoist Huo, it can be planted.”

“Yes, it will take at least 5000 years for it to bloom and bear fruit, and thus bear the black jade Blood Lotus, and the black jade Blood Lotus, and Every 3,000 years, one more section will grow. Seriously, you are a broken seed. I don’t want to send it to me. Now I want to change so many things from Fellow Daoist Huo. You are so embarrassed.”

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