The beautiful and alluring young woman was also clever when she heard this, because what Wei Chifeng said was really reasonable.

After all, she exchanged these treasures to use them for adventure. If they are used in a critical moment and fail to work, isn’t she just empty of money and wealth.

For this, Huo Tianci still understands it. After all, his huge power talisman, but as for the fairy-xia novels on the earth, it is not in this World, which is normal.

So, Huo Tianci said again and again like this: “Since you don’t believe me, then I can test on the spot.”

Speaking, Huo Tianci will take eight low grade giant charms. They took them out of the Heaven and Earth Bag, and then handed them to the other eight people present in front of them. As for that Wei Chifeng, he certainly wouldn’t give it.

After all, this matter, but this sibling head is just the so-called, don’t you believe it, then don’t use it.

In the end, I saw this Wei Chifeng, who could only blow his beard and stare, looked at Huo Tianci angrily, and muttered harsh words: “old bastard, I will definitely make you look good Yes! You wait for Lao Tzu!”

Because Huo Tianci is clearly on purpose, just now, and before.

On the other hand, Huo Tianci directly revealed a look-I just like the way you look at me upset, and I can’t kill me, just mad at you.

“This low grade Juli Talisman can only increase one thousand catties of huge power. You can try it. If it doesn’t increase to one thousand catties, or if there are side effects in the end, then I’m here to take care of you. Otherwise, I’ll apologize to me, because his question just now is an insult to me, the master of the rune formation!”

Huo Tianci at the end, he also added One knife.

When everyone heard what Huo Tianci said, they were all surprised, because Huo Tianci actually said to them that he was a master of talisman formation.

“The Old Mister, is it possible that this giant talisman was created by yourself?” The beautiful and alluring young woman asked Huo Tianci like this.

Huo Tianci nodded: “Exactly.”

As for Yu Chifeng, he still looks unbelieving, because how is this possible.

But then, when he saw the satisfaction of other people, he also panicked.

“It can really increase the strength of 1000 Jin, and the duration is not short.” Everyone only felt that it was wonderful.

One of them, let’s calculate the duration.

“There is a half-burning time! As for the side effects, I can’t feel it anyway.” After this person felt it, he looked at someone else.

The Refiner Master old man is also nodded. After that, he looked at Huo Tianci and said like this: “This gentleman’s talisman is really amazing. There are no side effects, not to mention, the duration is also compared to The Devil Tiger Shadan is even longer. I feel that compared with this gentleman’s talisman, the Devil Tiger Shadan is nothing but rubbish.”

In the end, the old man asked, Huo Tianci. Do you still have that Juli Talisman, because he wants to buy one and use it as a self-protection.

Immediately afterwards, other people also wanted to express their intention to buy, because this Juli Talisman is really amazing. The point is that there are no side effects, which is a big highlight.

At the end of this, that Wei Chifeng was completely confused.

At this moment, Huo Tianci looked at him angrily and said: “You kid, dare you say that my talisman is false?” Huo Tianci is now an old fogey, so I call this Wei Chifeng Children, it’s normal.

Yu Chifeng was afraid to say a word, but the anger in his heart became more and more prosperous. Because of this old fogey, he dared to scold him in public. The most terrible thing is that he still Can’t refute anything.

“old bastard, after getting off the ship, I definitely want you to live better than to die!” Yu Chifeng is going to ask Huo Tianci to look good, and it is still the kind of life that is worse than dead.

“Old Mister, what is the iron bump between your right hand?” Talisman is so magical, everyone thought, the iron bump between Huo Tianci right hand is that The grenade is definitely out of the ordinary.

Huo Tianci took the grenade in his hand, then smiled and said: “My baby, it’s not called an iron bump, but a grenade. Although the surface is made of ordinary iron, but inside, I can use the Spirit Rank material, Fire Flame Crystal, as a hidden weapon. If I pull down the tab, then this baby will bang and explode. Finally, the Flame Crystal shrapnel inside, That is, the hidden weapon will shoot out in an instant, attacking the target enemy.”

Huo Tianci has a superbly introduced expression on his face. On the other hand, all the people present are stunned. For a moment.

Seeing how everyone looked like this, Huo Tianci couldn’t smile. After all, this thing, this World, didn’t exist, so everyone was so surprised, it’s normal.

“In other words, sir, your grenade baby, has the same effect as my thunder bomb?” The Refiner Master old man asked Huo Tianci in this way.

Huo Tianci nodded: “Almost, as for the formidable power, if it hits, the half can’t resist it.” Because on the flames of flames, Huo Tianci also engraved armor penetration rune.

In the end I saw Huo Tianci, staring at the beautiful and alluring young woman in front of me, and said like this: “I want to use this high grade giant talisman, plus these three grenade, in exchange for your top madam. Grade silver meteorite, would you still be willing?”

The beautiful and alluring young woman heard this, and the little head was crazy, because she would make a lot of money if she changed it like this.

“Of course your servant is willing, then I would like to thank Mr.”.

It is precisely because of this that the good thing about Yu Chifeng was ruined by Huo Tianci.

Of course, Huo Tianci cannot be blamed deliberately. After all, this business is your wish. If you want to blame, you can only blame your treasure, which is too weak.

After that, it was the same, anyway, as long as it was something that Yu Chifeng wanted to change, Huo Tianci would have robbed him halfway.

Being five times three times, Yu Chifeng was so angry that he didn’t wait for the end of the small gathering. Then, Yu Chifeng flung his sleeves, got up and left here.

Because Huo Tianci is clearly embarrassing him and making him unable to change things. If he stays any longer, this embarrassment will only increase. Instead of this, it is better to just leave. As well.

Seeing that Yuchi left in anger, the beautiful and alluring young woman immediately reminded Huo Tianci kindly: “Sir, that person just now seems to be the martial artist on the Sixth Ring Island, Yuchi Villa, just now You held up with him like that, he will definitely seek revenge for the slightest grievance after the incident, you must be careful.”

Huo Tianci nodded, and thanked this beautiful and alluring young woman Kindness: “Many thanks Madam kindly reminded me, but I am not afraid of old man.” Huo Tianci thought, even if you don’t come to me, then I will come to you.

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